Grand Lodge AF & AM of Idaho  

"Our Grand Lodge" 


Newsletter 2013-26

June 26,  2013

What is In This Issue?
Subscriber to the Grand Lodge Newsletter
146th Annual Communication Memorial Service..
146th Annual Communcaiton
Trestleboards from around the state
Dates to Remember
Lodge of Excellence & Mason of the District
Golfer's Laments - Part 6
Idaho Masonic Child Identification Program Update
Oriental #60
Idaho Demolay.
Annual 8th District Steak Fry
Boise Lodge #2
PGM Mike Sutton's Travels.
Silver City Lodge #13
Demolay Fundraiser
Live Streaming of United Grand Lodge of Queensland Installation.
Meridian Gems Assembly #12 Installation of Officers.
Eagle Rock #19 Highway Cleanup.
Nezperce Lodge #10 Flag Pole Dedication
Thirds on the Mountain Top
Grand Lodge of Idaho Website-Links

*** Updated 
Subscribers status
Updated Subscriber Notice 

New Subscribers:      3
Unsubscribes:           0
All Subscribers:     615 
Click on this link to join our newsletter distribution list.

Grand Secretary

I had the distinct pleasure of going to the Grand Session for the Jobs Daughters of Idaho. It is very rewarding to see all the young ladies competing and showing the leadership and excitement of our youth.

Every Mason in Idaho should be asking themselves if there is something that I can do for our youth organizations? The youth groups need the Masons of Idaho, to work with the sons and daughters as well as our financial support.

The Grand Lodge Office will be closed several times this summer, I will be traveling to the following events: 
Grand Assembly for Rainbow for Girls,
Rocky Mountain Conference
and the Grand Lodge of Montana.

Please check the Grand Lodge Calendar for these and other events in your area.

Have a safe and enjoyable summer.
Monte Bollar, RWGS

Lodges and Misc Web - Links
***Note- The following websites are maintained by the individual lodges. If there are any problems please contact the lodge or Appendant organization
Idaho Lodges
Appendant Bodies

       Bethel #56 - Twin Falls, Idaho 

Demolay International

       Idaho OES Newsletter June 2013

Order of the Amaranth Grand Court of Idaho

El Korah Shrine

Calam Shrine 

York Rite


 If you want your lodge website linked to this newsletter, Please contact the Grand Lodge Office at (208) 343-4562
146th Annual Communication Memorial Service
Memorial Square & Compass
Lodges, Brothers and Guest of the 146th Annual Communication.

The Most Worshipful Grand Master Keith C. Brooks wishes to extend an invitation to the 146th Annual Communication Memorial Service. It will be on Friday Morning Sept. 20th, 2013 at 8:30am the location will be the Boise Hotel and Conference Center,330 S. Vista Ave. Boise, Idaho, everyone is welcome. 

Please read Most Worshipful Grand Masters letter (click here)

146th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M of Idaho

Summons To Attend the 146th Annual Communication


All Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Masters, Worshipful Masters, Wardens, Secretaries, and Past Masters of Constituent Lodges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Idaho, who are presently in good standing, are hereby summoned to attend the 146th Annual Communication to be held at the Boise Hotel and Conference Center in Boise, Idaho, on September 19, 20, and 21, 2013.   

Every Brother entitled to vote at the Annual Communication shall "due answer make" by attendance, with illness or other just reason which puts attendance beyond the length of his cable tow alone excusing him. Worshipful Masters and Wardens unable to attend will appoint qualified Proxies to attend and vote in their stead. All members must show their current 2013 Dues Card, and if attending as a Proxy they must present the signed proxy card. Each chartered and duly constituted lodge shall be represented in Grand Lodge. All Master Masons in good standing recognized Lodges are cordially invited to attend.


         Keith C. Brooks, Grand Master

Grand Lodge of Idaho Members Registration Packet.(Click Here)


Worshipful Masters and Wardens - Registration Packets have been sent to your lodge secretary. Please see your Lodge Secretary for more information and Proxies if required.


2013 Proposed Resolutions (Click Here)


2014 Proposed Budget (Click Here

Trestleboards from around the State

Click on the underlined link to read the newsletters


Idaho Newsletter    #1  
Idaho Lodge #1 Newsletter 2st Qtr 2013 

Silver City #13 Trestleboard  
Silver City #13 Newsletter March 4, 2013

Paradise #17 Trestleboard 
Paradise #17 2nd Quarter 2013 Trestleboard

Portneuf #18 Trestleboard 
Portneuf #18 2nd Quarter 2013 Trestleboard 

Eagle Rock #19 Trestleboard
Eagle Rock #19 April 2013 Trestleboard

Kootenai #24 Trestleboard
Kootenai #24 June 2013 Trestleboard

Ashlar #29 Trestleboard  
Ashlar #29 June 2013 Trestleboard

Twin Falls #45 Trestleboard
Twin Falls #45 Trestleboard June 2013

Meridian #47 Trestleboard  
Meridian #47 June 2013 Trestleboard 

St. Maries #63 Trestleboard  
North Idaho April 2013 Trestleboard


 *** Updated
Note: if your Trestleboard is outdated please send the updated Trestleboard to
 Thank you.  Trestleboards older than 3 months will be removed.

Dates to Remember

 See Lodge Trestleboards for upcoming events in your local Area

If you have something that you want everyone to know about contact Grand Lodge Office 208-343-4562 or email or


8th Masonic Dist. Annual Steak Fry & Bean Feed  6PM............................June 28, 2013
***Thirds On the Mountain Top  9AM............................................................June 29, 2013
Meridian Gems Assembly #12 Installation  2PM.......................................June 29, 2013

Placer #3 Founder's Day Dinner and Stated Communication......................
July 6, 2013
Nezperce Lodge #10 Flag Pole Dedication 6 PM.......................................
July 9, 2013

Silver City Lodge #13 Annual Meeting......................................................
July 13, 2013

Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference.............................................................................
July 18-20, 2013

Lincoln Lodge #59 Monument Dedications...............................................
July 27, 2013

Ionic Lodge #82 Lodge on the Lake..........................................................
Aug. 17, 2013

Degree on Baldy....................................................................................
Aug. 24, 2013

Challis Picnic........................................................................................
Aug. 25, 2013

146th Annual Communication - Boise......................................................
Sept. 19-21, 2013

7th Masonic District Practice............................................................................................
215 N. 10th Street, Boise, ID
Every Tuesday
7:00 PM


Check Grand Lodge Calendar (Click Here)


 Clickable links to documents
*** New additions


MWGM, Keith Brooks Tentative Schedule

As of September 2012


Function                                                  Date                                   Attending




Placerville LodgeJuly 6, 2013 Yes 
Silver CityJuly 13, 2013Yes
Planning Meeting and IMFAJuly 14, 2013Yes
Rocky Mountain Masonic ConferenceJuly 18-20, 2013Yes
Grand Lodge of WyomingAugust 11-13, 2013Yes
Murray Historical LodgeAugust 10, 2013Yes
Mt. Baldy DegreeAugust 24, 2013No
Challis Lodge PicnicAugust 25, 2013No
Scottish Rite Biennial SessionAugust 24-28Yes
Grand Lodge of IdahoSeptember 18-21, 2013Yes











 Dates are best available.  Schedule will change depending on what my work schedule does.    

Lodge of Excellence & Mason of the District
Lodges in Idaho,

Please remember that Lodge of Excellence program is still being offered this year and the Junior Grand Warden John E. Warner is in charge of it. Please send your forms to him. 
John Warner, 754 Ebony St. Pocatello, idaho, 83201-5609
 I expect that John will be sending the lodges a reminder email that the Lodge of Excellence and the recommendations for the Mason of the District are do to the District Deputy Grand Master of your district. 
Golfer's Laments - Part 7
The uglier a man's legs are, the better he plays golf. It's almost a law.  ~ H. G. Wells 
I never pray on a golf course. Actually, the Lord answers my prayers everywhere except on the course.  ~ Billy Graham    
Idaho Masonic Child Identification Program Update

Idaho Masonic Child Identification Program Update June 23, 2013


As a reminder Child ID kits are available through the Grand Lodge Office.  The Child Identification Packets cost approximately $0.25 each (materials and printing).  Grand Lodge has received a grant to assist with the purchase of materials for the kits.  Therefore the cost to the Lodges for the child ID kits is $12.50 for 100 kits.

The Grand Lodge Office has distributed over 4400 of the kits to 10 Idaho Lodges and an Eastern Star Chapter. 

Orders processed in June include: Oriental Lodge #60 1000 kits, Elmore Lodge 1200 kits, Arco lodge 400 kits, Kaniksu Lodge 225 kits, Kooskia Lodge 200 kits, Challis Lodge 100 kits and St Maries Lodge 500 kits.  These lodges are distributing the kits while participating in a variety of communitywide, school and hospital events.

I encourage Lodges to look at opportunities in their respective communities to provide this important public service.  It is an excellent opportunity to increase our visibility in a community.  We have received very favorable comments from parents and community leaders at the events were kits have been handed out.

Submit specific requests through either me or the Grand Lodge office.  When making a request please include info on the event and number of kits that are needed.  On orders of 500 or more kits the Grand Lodge staff will make a special printing of the forms which will include identify as the event sponsor.  On smaller orders I suggest that the Lodge attach their own label on the individual kits.

As a reminder we are in need of some event pictures.

One portable Idaho Masonic Child ID height chart has been purchased by the Grand Lodge.  The chart is available for checkout through the Grand Lodge office by Lodges for their events.  The height chart was purchased through the Idaho Correctional Program for approximately $275. 

If you would like additional information regarding the program or have questions, contact G Arthur Shoemaker, RWSGW at 208-880-7444 or



Oriental #60

From: Michelle Smith []
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 9:32 PM 





As you can see from the announcements below, we have a very busy summer ahead of us. 

Last Friday, June 21st, we did 3 FC Degrees.  
This Friday, June 28th, will be an EA Degree with dinner at 6:30 p.m. 
The following Friday, July 5th, will be DARK due to the 4th of July. 


The registration forms are now out for Grand Lodge to be held in Boise on September 19-21.  If you need one, go to the Grand Lodge Web Site.


Dues are due January 1 of each year.  If you do not have a 2013 dues card - and there are 23 of you who do not (5 still owing for 2012), please remit your $125.00 for 2013 or $250 for 2012-2013 to the address below.


Again, Dues can now be made with credit card.  Please contact the Secretary, David A Smith, at either the e-mail or phone listed below if you wish to pay by card.  There is a convenience fee of $3.75 per year for dues payments when using a credit card.


The following is the Trestleboard through September.




June 28, EA Degree with dinner at 6:30 p.m.


July 06, Placer Lodge #3 Homecoming at Placerville.

July 12, Stated Communication and FC Degree.  Degree at 4:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and Lodge at 7:30 p.m.

July 13, Silver City #13 Annual meeting at Silver City.

July 19, EA Degree with dinner at 6:30 p.m.

July 19-20, Rocky Mountain Conference at Helena, Montana.

July 26, MM Degree with dinner at 6:30 p.m.

July 27, Oriental #60 Annual BBQ.

Aug. 02, MM Degree with dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Aug. 09, Stated Communication with dinner at 6:30 p.m.  Lodge at 7:30 p.m.

Aug. 16, MM Degree with dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Aug. 23, MM Degree with Dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Aug. 24, MM Degree on top of Baldy Mountain.

Aug. 25, Annual Picnic at Challis.

Aug. 30, 5th Friday Fellowship Night.

Sept. 13, Stated Communication with dinner at 6:30 p.m.  Lodge at 7:30 p.m.

Sept. 19-21, Grand Lodge in Boise.

Sept. 21, Idaho Historic Lodge.

Sept. ?,   7th Masonic District Communication at Horseshoe Bend.

Oct. 25, York Rite Festival begins in Mountain Home.

Oct. 26, York Rite Festival continues in Boise.

Nov. 02, York Rite Festival finishes up in Boise.


Additional Degrees can be scheduled on other nights to fit with the candidates needs.


Every Tuesday is Study/Proficiency night in the Red Room for all Lodges in the area.




David A Smith, PM-Secretary

Oriental Lodge #60, AF & AM


Idaho Demolay

From: Greg Kimberling []
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 11:04 AM
Subject: Idaho DeMolay




We returned from the DeMolay International Session last week in Minneapolis with a great showing for Idaho DeMolay.


Derek Sprague, who is a Senior Member of Bonneville Chapter (Idaho Falls) and member of Eagle Rock Lodge was elected Grand Senior Councilor of DeMolay International and will be installed as the 83rd Grand Master of DI on June 21, 2014 in Kansas City, Missouri.  Derek has lived in Portland, Oregon for a number of years now and is a Past State Master Councilor of Idaho and former Executive Officer.


Steve Crane, a former advisor for Sandpoint Chapter and a member of Lakeside Lodge was elected Grand Junior Councilor of DI and will be installed as the 84th Grand Master of DI on June 20, 2015 in Orlando, Florida.  Steve served Idaho DeMolay in many capacities before being transferred to Topeka, Kansas a few years ago.  He did serve as Executive Officer of Kansas and President of the Board of Directors of the DeMolay International Foundation. His session in 2016 will be at a soon to be determined location.


It has been a custom at DI that the Grand Masters of the appropriate Grand Lodges have been present at the installation and sessions of the DeMolay Grand Masters.  I was very fortunate to have Richard Broemeling present at my installation in Denver, Colorado in 2004 and Harry Black at my session in Orlando, Florida in 2005.  I felt very honored that they were present for me to receive and recognize as a member of the Grand Lodge of Idaho.


I know at some point each of you will be getting the appropriate invitation for the session which would affect you during your year as Grand Master.  A unique situation will occur in Orlando when our Idaho Grand Master will be in a situation where he will be present at the session of one Idaho Mason and the successor installation of another Mason.  I would be surprised if that has ever occurred before.


I am very proud of the leadership which DeMolay International has recognized that has its roots in Idaho.  Our program has had a lot of effect over the years and under Jim Herndon's leadership it continues. I am especially proud of Derek and Steve who have taken our Masonic precepts and are working very hard to make a difference in the lives of so many young men.


If any of you have any questions please let me know.  I hope you will spread the word in our lodges about the election that took place and the election of both Derek and Steve.




Greg Kimberling 


Annual 8th District Steak Fry - Friday June 28th

-----Original Message-----

From: Steve Zimmerman []

Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:32 PM

Subject: Annual 8th District Steak Fry - Friday June 28th





Bob Nelson from Ashlar #29 is cooking the Tri-Tip again - Delicious!

Silver City #13 is bringing the beans.


All of our Masonic family is welcome from within and without the 8th District.

For those that can, please bring a salad or desert to share.  We will provide Steak, Beans, Baked Potatoes, Drinks, and Table Service.


The cost is by donation only.  If you're a little short, please come anyway.


after a good turnout, so please come and join in the good food and fellowship.


When:  Friday, June 28th, Starting at 6pm


Where: Sherm Burger's Home:  15359 Reminiscene Dr., Caldwell, ID 83607


RSVP: Steve Zimmerman @ 724-2747 or Sherm Burger @ 459-4891




Steve Zimmerman, DDGM - 8th Masonic District of ID




Boise Lodge #2

From: Jerry Parsons []
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 12:39 PM
Subject: Newsletter


BRETHREN:  Boise Lodge #2 will host a Master Mason Degree tomorrow night, June 25.  This degree will be performed in costume for PM Chad Brown's son, Keven.  What an honor it will be to witness Wor. Bro. Chad raising his son in our Lodge.  Plan to attend and welcome a new Master Mason.


The Lodge will be dark in July and August but we will confer degrees as needed.  There will be several opportunities this summer to visit other Lodges and see their work and make new friends within the Fraternity.


The 7th Masonic District Education Committee will continue to meet at the Boise Temple every Tuesday evening from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM to assist any candidate or Lodge Officer with their proficiency.  Our thanks go out to Brothers Ron Lowe, Ron Scott and Mark "Scotty" Scott for their commitment to educate the candidates and Officers in Idaho work.


We wish all Brother a very safe and enjoyable summer.


Lodge and visitation dates:


June 25          MM degree on Bro. Keven Brown

June 28          MM degree at Elmore Lodge #30, Mountain Home, ID.  6:00 PM dinner - 7:00 PM Lodge

July 13           Silver City #13 at the Historic building in Silver City, ID.  Lunch and MM degree

July 20           MM degree at Ashlar Lodge #29 in Nampa, ID.

July 27           Grand Lodge monument dedications in Gooding and Wendell, ID.  9:30 AM at Lincoln Lodge #59, Gooding, ID.

Aug. 17          Lodge on the Lake at Cascade, ID.  Ionic Lodge #82

Aug. 24          MM degree on Mount Baldy, Sun Valley, ID.  Hailey Lodge #16

Sept. 3          Stated Meeting of Boise Lodge #2.

Sept. 19-21    146th Grand Lodge Session, Boise, ID.

Sept. 21         Idaho Historic Lodge #1863 meeting in the historic Idaho City Masonic Lodge.  2:00 PM


There are other activities with the Shrine, Rite Bodies and Youth Groups.  Plan to attend them and enjoy your summer.



Jerry D. Parsons PM

Lodge Secretary


PGM Mike Sutton's Travels


Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 8:48 AM



Please distribute.

I can't remember where I left off last time, so I will start with Spokane.  We left Spokane with Hazel's brother holding his own.  We didn't know until two days before that Hazel's mother would be in Spokane for a test on her heart (all OK).  We drove back to the lakehouse at Sandpoint for several days with Keri, Ron, and the grandkids, then drove to the Kalispell, Mt, area to meet with an Army buddy from Whitefish, I hadn't seen for almost 50 years.  It was a good reunion for us and we had a great visit.  While in the area, Hazel called a relative on her Mother's side of the family whom she had  not met before, thinking only to call and say hello.  The cousin, several times removed, came to make contact, and now it looks like we will be seeing relatives across the country on our travels, the next one in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.

We stopped in Choteau, after we left the Kalispell area, to visit friends there for a couple of days, then to Ft. Benton, where we stayed the night and toured the fort and several museums.  Our next stop was at Havre to visit PGM of Mt., Jack Anderson and Barbara; we stayed for four days.  We had hoped to stop at the Fort Peck dam area yesterday but being Saturday, the campsites were filled up and we ended up staying in Wolf Point.  We will be heading for the Fort Union area near Williston, ND, to see the confluence of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers and the Interpretive Center there before heading for the International Peace Park.

Hope all is well and everyone is enjoying their summer so far.


Mike & Hazel


Silver City Lodge #13


Homedale, Idaho

June 24, 2013




6-28-13 Friday 6.00pm- District #8 steak fry and bean feed. Cost is by donation only.

Sherman Burger's home - 15359 Reminiscene Dr. Caldwell, ID 83607

RSVP to Steve Zimmerman 724-2747 or Sherm Burger 459-4891


7-6-13 Saturday - Founders Day at Placer Lodge #3, Placerville ID



Lunch will be served at noon (BBQ beef sandwiches, salads, iced tea, Idaho Spud bars)

Lodge meeting will convene at 1:00pm - MM degree will be conferred, followed by 2ND section by Grand Lodge Officers - followed by introductions and a short business meeting. A Dutch oven meal will be served following the meeting and everyone is invited to attend. Your donations for the meals will go to Silver City Lodge Youth group. (Job's Daughters)    




9-14-13 SATURDAY---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STATED MEETING AT 1:00PM





RICK HOLLOWAY  WM  PH 208-454-3697h - 208-412-9140c   


ROB TROXEL, SEC. PH 208-896-4279h  208-896-4168w


Demolay Fundraiser

Live Streaming of United Grand Lodge of Queensland Installation

From: Mervyn

Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 3:25 PM

Subject: Grand Installation Ceremony Filming


IMPORTANT message - Please read the below message.




Mervyn GRAY PJGW, J P (Qual)


Grand Officers Association Qld Inc

3824 8072

0414 510 316




Dear Brethren,

The Grand Installation Ceremony, to be held on Saturday 06 July 2013  is to live streamed worldwide. The ceremony will commence at 2pm.

Every member throughout the jurisdiction, unable to attend in person, is urged to view this wonderful spectacle on line.

It is suggested Lodges with Centres arrange a social afternoon/evening at their Centres to watch this very special live event in the company of their Lodge Brethren and with family and friends.


To access the live streaming you are directed to use the web address below:-


Relevant viewing information will be very easy to understand and use. Arrangements are in place to also link to the UGLQ website.


Meridian Gems Assembly #12 Installation of Officers




The members of Meridian Gems Assembly #12

International Order of the Rainbow for Girls

cordially invite you

to the Installation of Officers


Saturday, June 29, 2013



800 E. 2nd St.


Meridian, Idaho


Alexandra Koper         Sierra Bush

 Outgoing Worthy Advisor                    Worthy Advisor - elect



Eagle Rock #19 Highway Cleanup

Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 6:12 PM
Subject: Fw: Highway Cleanup



----- Original Message -----

From: keetmj

Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 11:55 AM

Subject: Highway Cleanup


Brother Kent,

Would you please send an email to remind the brothern that we are performing a highway cleanup this Saturday.   We will meet for breakfast at Obradys at 8:00 and proceed to the highway section by 10:00.  Everyone show up if you can many hands make light work!



Nezperce Lodge #10 Flag Pole Dedication

Subject:  Nezperce Lodge Flag Pole Dedication


Nezperce Lodge #10 will have a Flag Pole dedication on July 9, 2013 at 6:00 PM.  The Lewis-Clark Valley will be invited to the dedication with lunch and refreshments provided by the Lodge.  This dedication is in memory of Lynn Cannon PGM for his work in Masonry, specifically to Nezperce Lodge and their members.  We would like this put on the Grand Lodge calendar with any of the Grand Lodge officers that can to attend.  


Thirds on the Mountain Top
From: Paul Telebar [

Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:04 AM
Subject: Re: 3rd Degrees "On The Mountain Top"



Attached please note the Map to the, 3rd Degrees "On The Mountain Top".. The weather is going to be perfect and the candidates are all ready to go.. The only thing that will be missing are brethren who can't make it :o{   It's starts at 9:00 am until 12:00 Noon and then lunch will be served. At the conclusion, we will be serving BBQ Brats. Brethren, this is truly on the mountain top.. Dress is casual and every thing is in place but you.. Please come join us... Fraternally, Paul A.Telebar, w/m


From: Paul Telebar <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 10:19 PM
Subject: 3rd Degrees "On The Mountain Top"



Kootenai Lodge #24, Cataldo Lodge #34, St. Maries Lodge #63 are all joining together to put on multiple 3rd Degrees. This in not in an ordinary Masonic Lodge.. We will be stepping back in time and putting on these 3rd degrees in the open. Actually, "Thirds On The Mountain Top".  The date for this event will be Saturday the 29th of June, 2013, starting at 9:00 A.m.. Location is, 5730 French Gulch Road, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho..


Your presence is being honorable requested and if you would like to assist with these degrees, your help will be more than welcome !! Lunch will be served free of charge and provided by Kootenai Lodge #24 at 12:30 P.m.. After the 3rd degrees are over an open BBQ will be served and it will also be free of charge.


As far as we know, this has never been done before in this area, so it is hoped that you will not only attend this monumental historic event, but spread the word too all Maser Masons in your address book..


A detailed map of location will be provided at the first part of next week..Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me, Paul Telebar at, 208-765-0961 


Fraternally & Respectfully,


Paul A. Telebar, W/Master

Kootenai Lodge #24

"Your" Office Staff
Please submit all Comments and Articles to Monte Bollar at 

Deadline Monday 1:00 pm to be in Wednesday's Newsletter.


Monte Bollar,                                 219 N. 17th Street                           Cyndie Bollar

"Your" Grand Secretary                  Boise, Idaho, 83702                         Grand Clerk

email:                    Phone:    (208) 343-4562       

                                                    Toll Free: (866) 674-1867


Grand Lodge Hours of Operation

8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday - Friday
Except when traveling on Grand Lodge Business


The contents of this newsletter may be privileged and are intended for the use of the addressee only. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, copying or distribution of these documents is strictly forbidden or use of any addresses which may have been generated in members address books shall be prohibited for use in any business, political or other purposes.