Jan. 3, 2024


Sunday, Jan. 7, 2024

8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I, in the Chapel

9 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with choir, in the Nave 

10:15 a.m. Christian Formation classes

11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with choir, in the Nave 

Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024

5:30 p.m. Stillpoint, a 30-minute Eucharist, All Saints Chapel

5:30 - 7 p.m. Wednesday Night Supper, Haywood Duke Room. Sign up here.


Bulletin and Announcements

You can find the bulletin here and the announcements here.

Heads Up!

This Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m., we will begin using a new bulletin format that is designed to make worship as accessible as possible for newcomers. We have researched best practices in bulletins from far and wide. The new format should also end up saving paper and staff time during the week. Early worshippers at 8 a.m. will use The Book of Common Prayer without a bulletin. The presider will announce page numbers as we go.  


We Pray for the Souls Of

Nancy Kenderdine, aunt of Charlotte Janke, who died on Dec. 26, 2023, and Susan Curtis, sister, of Ruth Curtis.


Service of Light and Epiphany Feast is Saturday, Jan. 6

Epiphany is Saturday, Jan. 6. Join us for a Service of Light at 5:30 p.m. in the Nave followed by dinner in Haywood Duke from 6 to 8 p.m. The cost for dinner is $20, or $23 including wine. The Grimsley Madrigals will provide entertainment and High School EYC will be serving dinner.

Please consider bringing cash tips, which will go toward their Glory Ridge Mission Trip coming up in July.

Sign up for dinner here. 

First Sunday Name Tags

Wear a name tag this Sunday. It’s a great way to welcome people new to Holy Trinity and to get to know your pew neighbor and make a new friend. Name tags will be available as you enter All Saint’s Chapel for the 8 a.m. service and in front of the church for the 9 and 11:15 a.m. services.

Men's Fellowship Dinner is Jan. 8

The next Men’s Fellowship Dinner is coming up at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 8 in the Haywood Duke Room. The speaker will be John Thompson, Chief of Greensboro Police. Dinner is $15 or $18 w/2 drinks. Invite a guest! Sign up here. You can prepay here or pay at the door.

Our First Wednesday Night Supper of 2024!

Please sign up by Monday, Jan. 8 for the Jan. 10 Wednesday Night Supper, held in Haywood Duke Room, 5:30-7 p.m. This week features a taco bar with black beans, Mexican rice and all the fixings. For kids - kids taco and waffle fries; dessert for all. The cost is $10/adult, $6/child, $25/family cap.


See more details and sign up here.

Faith And Grief Group to Meet Jan. 11

The pain of grief can be intense and lingering, calling for ongoing support. Join Holy Trinity’s Faith and Grief gathering on Thursday, Jan. 11 from noon to 1 p.m. in Broome Hall to share fellowship and personal stories. Register and order lunch here.

Annual Pilgrimage Reunion is Jan. 18

The Annual Pilgrimage Reunion is at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 18 in Haywood Duke. Participants from any of the Holy Trinity Pilgrimages, from those in Greensboro to those abroad, are invited. Bring a dish to share based on the first letter of your last name: A-L – side dish, M-R – Entrée, S-Z – dessert or appetizer. Please RSVP by Jan. 10 by contacting Ninevah Murray at speechprof@gmail.com or (336)-574-0714. Indicate the food item you plan to bring when you RSVP.

Calling All Preschoolers!

Holy Trinity Day School’s registration for the 2024-25 school year opens Jan. 24. Schedule a tour today to learn more about the preschool’s passion for nurturing the whole child--cognitively, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. The school’s commitment to fostering each child’s relationship with God sets the program apart from other area preschools.

If you like what you and your child experience on Sundays at church, your family will love the preschool. Holy Trinity Day School is a half-day preschool that serves young children ages 3 months through 5 years. Contact Julie Buie, Director, at 336-275-7726 or julie@holy-trinity.com for more information.


Greensboro Urban Ministry Needs You for “Episcopal Tuesday”

If St. Andrews, St. Francis, Holy Spirit, and Redeemer can do it, so can we!

We are looking for volunteers to serve on Tuesday mornings at Greensboro Urban Ministry. If we get 30-40 people to serve, everyone will only need to volunteer once or twice a year.

  • To cook breakfast: 5:30 a.m.
  • To set up, serve, and clean up: 6 a.m. - 8 a.m.

To get involved, contact Maggie Triplette at mtriplette@gmail.com.


He, She, We, and God Coming up Feb. 2-3

He, She, We, and God is a sexuality program for fifth and sixth graders, Feb. 2-3, 2024. This is a unique opportunity to place the gift of sexuality within our Christian faith. The program is offered every other year. It is facilitated by Jenny Beaumont, Missioner for Adult and Life-long Formation in our diocese. The cost is $125 per child with a family cap of $200. Confidential scholarships are available. We need a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 15 youth to participate. First come, first served. Register here.


Register Today for Bishops' Ball, Coming Up Jan. 19-21

We're in the last weeks to register for our much loved Bishops’ Ball! Please note that it’s early this year - just a few weeks away! Our theme is "Growing in grace and knowledge" from 2 Peter 3:18. Come learn more about expanding your faith during the weekend with games, music, energizers, small groups, workshops, time with the bishops and, of course, our fun, fancy dance.

Registration closes at noon on Jan. 11. Bishop's Ball is open to sixth through 12th grades. Holy Trinity is renting a van and Jenny Campbell and Melody Young are adult chaperones. Register here.

Youth Confirmation Meeting this Sunday

There will be a youth confirmation meeting for youth and parents this Sunday, Jan. 7 from 10:15-11 a.m. in the Robert Payne Youth House. Youth confirmation is suggested to anyone in grade 9 and above—but always reach out if you’re interested, regardless of age! Youth confirmation consists of four classes and one required weekend retreat. Classes meet in the RP youth house from 10:15-11 a.m. on Feb. 4, 11, 18, and March 3. Our retreat is March 8-10. If you know you cannot make a class but want to be confirmed, please still reach out to Jenny at Jenny@Holy-trinity.com.

Join us this Sunday!

Sunday School resumes at our regular time, 10:15 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the Robert Payne Youth House. Join us for a catch-up!

EYC this Week

This Sunday, Jan. 7, there is only Middle School EYC from 4:30 until 6 p.m. High schoolers, please come help at the Epiphany Dinner this Saturday! Wear black bottoms and a white top to help serve.


Where Do My Children Go On Sunday Mornings?

  • Nursery Care for birth through 4-year Pre-K returns to 8:45-11:15 a.m. (during the 9 a.m. service and the Sunday school hour) in Room 105. During Sunday school, children will sing and listen to a Bible story.
  • Children’s Chapel offered at the 9 a.m. service for four-year Pre-K through 3rd grade in Room 211. Please send children with money for the offering, which is collected each Sunday and added to the offering in the church. Children will join their parents in the church at the Peace.
  • Children’s Sunday School for kindergarten through 5th grade: Gather at 10:15 a.m. in Room 211 to sing with Mr. Riley before moving to their individual classes: kindergarten through 2nd grade in Room 209, and 3rd through 5th in Room 211.
  • Youth Sunday School meets in the Robert Payne Youth House from 10:15-11 a.m. All youth in grades 6th-12th are invited to join for donuts, activities, and scripture-based lessons. Unpack what you heard in church in a fun and engaging way!


Try An Adult Formation Class Sunday Morning

  • Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation: Made in the Image of God 10:15 – 11 a.m., Haywood Duke. A series of professionals will offer definitions and insights into the wider issues that are either misinforming or informing the popular understanding of these two prevalent and often controversial issues. We will work to understand the real, spiritual humans working out their self-understanding. This Sunday, Erica Saunders will present "Transgenderism in a Christian Context." Erica is an openly trans Baptist minister based in Charlotte. She has written and presented extensively about her views on transgenderism.
  • The Parenting Class will not meet in Broome Hall on Jan. 7, 21 or 28. Rather, the class will join the Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation: Made in the Image of God series in Haywood Duke.


In the Footsteps of Jesus: Holy Land Pilgrimage

Oct. 13-24, 2024, 13 days

In light of the current situation, I know that it is difficult to imagine a pilgrimage in the Holy Land. As we pray for our Jewish, Muslim, and Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, we still need to get registration open for next October’s pilgrimage. 

What I am asking at this time is for you to sign up as if everything were safe and the trip were able to move ahead. I am delaying the requirement for non-refundable deposits until the point at which we know the trip is going to happen. I have been in close contact with my guide friends in Jerusalem over the last week. They had a group with them at the time that the violence broke out. They were able to complete the pilgrimage and are now working to get the last four pilgrims out of the country. Iyad Qumri and his son Rami are the gold standard for Anglican/Episcopal pilgrimage in the Holy Land and I trust them completely. They will not let us move forward unless they feel completely safe.

I anticipate limiting our group to 25 people, so please sign up quickly to assure yourself of a spot. 

Click here to sign up and click here to read a sample itinerary from the last time our group was there (September 2022). Please don’t hesitate to write me directly with questions: david@holy-trinity.com.

Art and Spirituality

Explore the connections between making art and spirituality with Holy Trinity artists and facilitators.

Finding My Soul’s Voice: An Introduction to SoulCollage® with Vicki Longhofer

Jan. 20, 2024, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

We hope you’ll join the Pilgrimage Community for the first of our Art and Spirituality series, in which visual images become our companion for an inner journey. SoulCollage® is a unique approach to collaging with found images, intuition, and imagination. Art-making experience is not required! In this workshop, you’ll be guided to create images that speak to your heart: a nurturing, fun experience of creating in community.

Learn more here and register here.

How Art Informs our Spirituality; a Journey into Reflective Thinking

Feb. 3, 2024, 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

A combination of visiting the local art galleries at the Cultural Center and working with our own HT Artists.


We’re looking for a few Visual Artists to share how making art has been informed by your spiritual lives or how the creative process has led you to unexpected dimensions of your beliefs. If you are interested, please contact Betsey Horth at betseyhorth@gmail.com or 336-254-5541.


The Beloved Community Commission, focusing on racial reconciliation and social justice, meets the first Wednesday of each month in Roe Library. All are welcome and you’re invited to bring your dinner to the meeting. 

Through education and self-reflection, the BCC works to raise awareness of the continuing presence of racism and to align ourselves with others in a wider community to combat it as well as all forms of oppression and bigotry.

For more information, feel free to contact co-chairs David Horth at david.m.horth@gmail.com or Marilyn Wolf at marilynwolf1953@gmail.com

Holy Trinity Vestry

Class of 2024: Katherine Skinner Cuda, Dodson Schenck, Daphne Shaw, Joe Weatherly

Class of 2025: Will Creekmuir, Tom Stukes, Freya Thomas, Connie Wojtek

Class of 2026: David B. Craft, Anne Crutchfield, Mary Currie, Robert Holt Edmunds, Jr.

Treasurer: Will DuBose

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