On Sale:
Daisy Turner's Kin
On Sale:
The Circle
Newly Acquired Collections
Can you help identify this photo?
Central Rappahannock Heritage Center
A place that loses its history loses its soul
Message From The Chairman
The 2018 annual membership meeting was held on Tuesday, September 18, at the downtown branch of the Central Rappahannock Regional Library. Guest speaker Scott Walker, owner of Hallowed Ground Tours (www.hallowedgroundtours.com) gave a lively presentation called "Wild Hairs of History", composed of stories about people who have had an impact on this area's local history. Each compelling story "connected the dots" between people, little known facts and historic events. The stories made for a fascinating, and often hilarious evening and we are truly grateful to Scott for his enthusiasm and expertise in sharing these stories with us.
The annual report included the following highlights:
- Treasurer Dan Bender reported that The Heritage Center's finances were in good shape, with a slight increase in income over 2017
- The Center continues to increase its collections through donations and gifts
- Social media "followers, Constant Contact addresses and traffic on the website continue to grow
- Outreach efforts through the newsletter, The Center's participation in community events, and Outreach Coordinator Beth Daly's lectures to various groups, are helping to raise awareness in the community about The Center, but there is always work to do
- There are currently 42 active volunteers and we are seeking new volunteers. From October, 2017 to September, 2018, these dedicated volunteers logged 3,942.50 hours
- Membership elected one new director and 4 additional directors agreed to serve a second three year term. Officers will be elected by the directors at the November board meeting and announced in the December newsletter
The 8th annual Rappahannock Repast will be held on Sunday, October 7, from 4-7pm on the grounds of historic Braehead Manor. There are still a few tickets available. To purchase, please go to crhcarchives.org.
We are pleased to announce that Lewis Insurance Associates is a proud corporate sponsor of the Repast. Thank you to owner John Atkins for his support!
Meredith Beckett
Chairman, The Heritage Center
Welcome New Members
Lynn Nickell |
Robin Nimmo |
Joyce Childress |
Heritage Center memberships support the important work done by The Center.
The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center is a non-profit, all volunteer archives whose mission is to preserve historically valuable material of the region and make it available to the public for research.
Please join us as part of the Heritage Center's preservation team. As a member, you will be helping to preserve our priceless local history.
Click here to become a member today!
Thank you for your support,
The Heritage Center
The Heritage Center Outreach
Beth Daly, The Center's Outreach Committee Chair, recently spoke to the Fredericksburg Rotary Club at their August meeting about The Center's extensive regional archives. Beth enjoys making presentations to community groups about the historic and genealogical resources available at The Center. If you belong to a group that would like to learn more about us, please email The Center
or call 540-373-3704 to arrange for a presentation or a tour of our facility.
The Heritage Center Volunteers
The important preservation work of The Heritage Center would not be possible without our dedicated volunteers.
The Center currently has a staff of 53 volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at The Center, please
email Donna McCague.
8th Annual Rappahannock Repast
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Historic Braehead Manor
123 Lee Dr., Fredericksburg, VA
4:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.
Delicious Food | Local Seafood | Open Bar | Music | Silent Auction
$80 per person
$130 per couple
$500 event sponsor (includes 2 tickets)
Silent Auction Will Include:
- UNC vs VT Football Game - 2 box seat tickets and 1 night stay at the Sienna Hotel in Chapel Hill
- Pet Portrait - 8.5"x11" pencil portrait of your favorite pet by local artist Ellen Worthy Stokes
- University of Maryland Basketball Game - 2 center court tickets, 15 rows from the floor at College Park (winner may choose the Nebraska, Indiana or Wisconsin game)
- New Orleans Dinner Party for 10
Tickets are available online or at The Heritage Center.
Don't miss this great event to support The Heritage Center
Space is limited to the first 150 people so buy your tickets today!
Dog Mart
The Fredericksburg Dog Mart celebrated its 320th anniversary on September 29. Said to be the oldest dog-centered event in
the United States, it has been sponsored for many years by the Fredericksburg-Rappahannock Izaak Walton League.
The Mart was originally a festival where Colonists traded dogs with local Native Americans in return for furs and produce. It was probably held in Spotsylvania. From 1927 until World War II, the Dog Curb Mart was held at Hurkamp Park. After the war, the Mart was started up again and held in October, to coincide with the first day of hunting season. The Dog Mart was held at Maury Field, the James Monroe High School athletic field, from 1947 until the mid-1970s. There were all sorts of events and contests, including a dog parade down Caroline Street, a dog show, dog washing and grooming, dog obedience, Indian crafts and auctions. The Center has many photographs of dogs, their handlers and the crowds of people. It seemed that everyone in Fredericksburg attended the Dog Mart. Crowds were estimated at 2,500 to 3,000. Many families have fond memories of coming home from the Dog Mart with a new pet. Dog Mart photos provide an interesting record of the kinds of dogs that were most popular over the years - collies, Irish setters, English spaniels, Dalmatians and various types of hunting hounds. The dog parade through town included an assortment of breeds mixtures, sizes and colors, all accompanied their proud owners.
Photos also show how fashions changed as well. In the photograph below, taken in 1938, the officials are quite formal - top hat, suits and vests. The 1951 photo, Stacy Raines as auctioneer, is wearing a cowboy hat and the unidentified man behind him, possibly and Izaak Walton League official is wearing a pith helmet. Other clues to the years of the photos are the women's hair styles.
1951 - Auctioneer Stacey Raines |
Click on photos to enlarge
To see more photos and Dog Mart memorabilia, come visit The Heritage Center.
Beth Daly
Volunteer, The Heritage Center
Newly Acquired Collections
Acquired collections for the month include:
- An 1811 plat showing the William A. Knox property along the Stafford-King George County line; numerous structural drawings by a Falmouth architect
- 1957 photograph of the Maury 7th grade graduating class
- The book Caroline County Virginia; History, Facts, and More
Collections Manager, The Heritage Center
Can you identify this photo?
click on picture to enlarge |
James Monroe High School JV football team,
The Hicks Family Collection
Please contact Sharon Null at snull@crhcarchives.org
The Heritage Center gladly provides research services. Please contact the center for rates.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturdays by appointment
Please call to schedule during weekday business hours
900 Barton Street #111
Fredericksburg, VA
(540) 373-3704
Click here to join the CRHC mailing list and stay up to date with what is happening at the Center!
The Circle Unbroken: Civil War Letters of the Knox Family of Fredericksburg
On sale now at the Heritage Center
$29.70 for members
$33.00 for non-members
Daisy Turner's Kin
An African American Family Saga
Jane C. Beck
On sale now at the Heritage Center
Central Rappahannock Heritage Center | contact@crhcarchives.org 540.373.3704 | crhcarchives.org
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