On Sale:
Daisy Turner's Kin
On Sale:
The Circle
Newly Acquired Collections
Can you help identify this photo?
Central Rappahannock Heritage Center
A place that loses its history loses its soul
Message From The Chairman
It is an honor to be elected again to the Heritage Center's Board of Directors and to serve a one-year term as Chairman. The Board consists of able, committed individuals intent on ensuring The Center's continued operations and outreach. The all-volunteer staff conducts the day-to-day activities that keep The Center functioning for researchers near and far. Together we look forward to a successful 2019.
This month we are introducing a new Heritage Center sponsorship program. All sponsorship levels will include an annual membership to The Center. Details will be forthcoming soon. Several recent donors each qualify as a Heritage Sponsor, our highest sponsorship level. Their generosity provides essential support for The Center. We encourage annual sponsorships at various levels to sustain the Center's work. Stay tuned for more information!
Warm daytime temperatures will usher in 2019. However, cold weather and snow are expected later. The Center observes the same schedule for closing as the Fredericksburg City Schools. Visit the Fredericksburg City Schools' website
if in doubt about whether the Center is open.
Day or night, in good weather or bad, you can access The Center's collections from the comfort of your home via our website
. Call us during our regular hours of operation if you need assistance to conduct your research using the website.
Best wishes for a healthy, prosperous new year!
Barbara Barrett, Chairman
The Heritage Center
Become a Member Today
Heritage Center memberships support the important work done by The Center.
The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center is a non-profit, all volunteer archives whose mission is to preserve historically valuable material of the region and make it available to the public for research.
Please join us as part of the Heritage Center's preservation team. As a member, you will be helping to preserve our priceless local history.
Click here to become a member today!
Thank you for your support,
The Heritage Center
The Heritage Center Volunteers
The important preservation work of The Heritage Center would not be possible without our dedicated volunteers.
The Center currently has a staff of 53 volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at The Center, please
email Donna McCague.
Finding our Roots - Genealogy
A mysterious grave marker for James William "Willie" Redwood (1846 - 1871) in last month's article produced several responses and more information. Maude, Willie's widow was living in New York City in 1876. Willie was staying at Albion Farm, across the Rappahannock, east of Fredericksburg when he died.
Family ties are so important and interesting. The Heritage Center has a vast collection of genealogical material. It ranges from a single page in a collection to an entire collection. In 2005, the Center inherited the Isabel Martin Wermeyer papers. Mrs. Wermeyer had Caroline County roots, but did not live there. Her husband had been an engineer who worked all over the world. Mrs. Wermeyer did her genealogy the old fashioned way; she visited and wrote to the places where her ancestors lived, using no computers. Knowing the Center has extensive Caroline County court records, she would contact The Center for information. Several volunteers at the Center are authorized to issue certified copies of documents and photographs that have an imprinted seal. When Mrs. Wermeyer died, The Center was the fortunate recipient of over 1,000 pounds of her genealogical research. It was all neatly organized, by family, in binders. All that was necessary was to put the files into archival folders and boxes, and build the database. Due to the size of the project, it took several years to enter Mrs. Wermeyer's research into PastPerfect, our database retrieval system. Visitors have used the Wermeyer files to substantiate eligibility for membership in a lineage organizations like the Daughters of the American Revolution.
A one-page family tree can even provide valuable information. Once, two visitors to The Center realized they were working on the same families. A moment like this is exciting not only for the people doing the research, but for the volunteers, who are always thrilled when visitors find valuable information.
If your family is from this area and you have done your genealogy, consider sharing it with The Center.
Beth Daly
Volunteer, The Heritage Center
Newly Acquired Collections
No new collections were reported
for the month
John Reifenberg
Collections Manager, The Heritage Center
Can you identify this photo?
click on picture to enlarge
Ceremony for transfer of Stafford County short link to RF&P Railroad;
December 17, 1964
The last 3 men, in front, on the right, are former Stafford County Supervisors Gordon Milton Byram, Ralph Metts, and Wallace Hansford Abel.
Thank you to Jerrilynn MacGregor for her help in identifying the people in this photograph.
click on picture to enlarge |
In 1920 this was an automobile agency. What is it today?
Please contact Sharon Null at snull@crhcarchives.org with information on this picture.
The Heritage Center gladly provides research services. Please contact the center for rates.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturdays by appointment
Please call to schedule during weekday business hours
900 Barton Street #111
Fredericksburg, VA
(540) 373-3704
Click here to join the CRHC mailing list and stay up to date with what is happening at the Center!
The Circle Unbroken: Civil War Letters of the Knox Family of Fredericksburg
On sale now at the Heritage Center
$29.70 for members
$33.00 for non-members
Daisy Turner's Kin
An African American Family Saga
Jane C. Beck
On sale now at the Heritage Center
Central Rappahannock Heritage Center | contact@crhcarchives.org 540.373.3704 | crhcarchives.org
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