On Sale:
Daisy Turner's
On Sale:
The Circle
On Sale:
Fredericksburg Memories
Can you help identify this photo?
Central Rappahannock Heritage Center
A place that loses its history loses its soul
Message From The Chairman
The Heritage Center's annual membership meeting on September 17 was attended by approximately 60 members and guests. William K. Suter, who served as the 19th Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court from 1991-2013, spoke to us about the Court and its recent history. His interesting remarks were well received.
Prior to Gen. Suter's talk, a short business meeting focused on The Center's activities during the past year; members voted to approve nominees to serve a 3-year term on our Board. We welcome new directors Florence Barnick and Jonathan Gerlach!
CRHC members and volunteers will soon receive a copy of our new 5-year Strategic Plan. The Board seeks members' ideas about effective ways to achieve the goals and objectives identified in the Plan.
Please join us for Throwback Thursday
on November 7 at Kybecca's. It is sure to be an enjoyable evening with good food, music, and a special raffle. We invite you to participate in this fundraiser for the Center. Details about the event and buying your tickets appear elsewhere in this newsletter.
Barbara Barrett, Chairman
The Heritage Center
To Benefit the Central Rappahannock Heritage Center
Music ~ Food ~ Cocktails ~ Raffle
Featuring local singer-songwriter Karen Jonas
Tickets $65 per person
November 7, 2019
402 William St., Fredericksburg
Tickets go on sale October 7
Available on our website or at The Center,
Tuesday through Thursday,
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To help offset the cost of this fundraiser, the following sponsorship opportunities are available:
If you are interested in becoming a
Throwback Thursday
Bill Vakos Jr.
Jon and Meredith Beckett
Lucy and Wayne Harman
Kitty Farley and Vic Ramoneda
The Cohen Family
The Greene Family
To become a Heritage Center Sponsor, please visit our website. If you have any questions, please contact The Heritage Center at (540) 373-3704.
Become A Member Today
Heritage Center memberships support the important work done by The Center.
The Central Rappahannock Heritage Center is a non-profit, all-volunteer archives whose mission is to preserve historically valuable material of the region and make it available to the public for research.
Please join us as part of the Heritage Center's preservation team. As a member, you will be helping to preserve our priceless local history.
Click here to become a member today!
Thank you for your support,
The Heritage Center
The Heritage Center Volunteers
The important preservation work of The Heritage Center would not be possible without our dedicated volunteers.
The Center currently has a staff of over 45 volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at The Center, please
email Meredith Beckett.
So Much History
October makes us think of Halloween, of hauntings, ghosts and even cemetery tours. We who love history, especially genealogy, don't wait for Halloween to visit cemeteries and grave yards. Grave markers provide birth and death dates. They may also show the names of spouses. Sometimes parents' and children's names are included, as well as places of birth and death. Or, as in the case of James William Redwood, aka "Willie," just enough information to tantalize (see CRHC Newsletter December 2018).
In the past, families and friends gathered and sometimes picnicked. This was not disrespectful; it was spending time with departed loved ones. Victorian times brought elaborate memorials like obelisks, statues and miniature temples. There is a whole language of symbols - lambs for children and babies, anchors for steadfastness and faith, lilies for resurrection, Celtic crosses for eternity, angels for spirituality, broken pillars for lives cut short, military and fraternal order insignia, flags- the list is extensive. A stroll through a cemetery reveals a lot about individuals and the entire community.
Mild fall weather is the perfect time for visiting cemeteries. Fredericksburg has several - the National Cemetery (1865), the Fredericksburg City Cemetery (1844) and the adjoining Confederate Cemetery (1866), the Masonic Cemetery (1784), Shiloh Baptist Cemetery (1882), and St. George's Episcopal Burial Ground (1732). Visit small grave yards, like the Gordons of Kenmore on Washington Avenue and the Thornton, Forbes and Washington Cemetery off Hunter Street. The Heritage Center occupies the land once used for the City's Potters' Field (1816).
The Center holds the Confederate Cemetery and Ladies Memorial Association records. It also has obituaries, biographies and funeral programs. Obituaries are great sources. Some have family details that provide helpful links. They may also contain school and church affiliations, memberships in organizations, work history and the home address. Wills and chancery suits shed light on lives and relationships of the departed.
Come by and explore the many resources of the Central Rappahannock Heritage Center.
Beth Daly
Volunteer, The Heritage Center
Collections Report
No new collections were acquired in September.
John Reifenberg
Collections Manager, The Heritage Center
Can you identify this photo?
Click on picture to enlarge |
On September 19, 1965 the Sgt. Richard Kirkland Monument was dedicated. Sculptor Felix Weihs De Weldon, created the larger than life bronze sculpture.
This photo is from the Johnson collection.
On the right is Mrs. Richard Lanier ( Elizabeth or Bess). She was the wife of Dr. Richard Lanier who led the effort to create the Richard Kirkland memorial. The other two ladies are possibly Mrs. Lanier's daughters, Sue Lanier Kesler and Catherine Lanier Margileth.
Thank you Florence Ridderhof for this information.
Click on picture to enlarge |
Can you help identify these gentlemen who protected the city streets and school hallways?
Please contact Sharon Null at snull@crhcarchives.org with any information concerning this picture.
The Heritage Center gladly provides research services. Please contact The Center for rates.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturdays by appointment
Please call to schedule during weekday business hours
900 Barton Street #111
Fredericksburg, VA
(540) 373-3704
Click here to join the CRHC mailing list and stay up to date with what is happening at The Center!
The Circle Unbroken: Civil War Letters of the Knox Family of Fredericksburg
On sale now at The Heritage Center
$29.70 for members
$33.00 for non-members
Daisy Turner's Kin
An African American Family Saga
Jane C. Beck
On sale now at The Heritage Center
Fredericksburg Memories
A Pictorial History of the 1800s through the 1930s
On sale now at The Heritage Center
Central Rappahannock Heritage Center | contact@crhcarchives.org 540.373.3704 | crhcarchives.org
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