Part 2: Inspire    

Editor's Note - Sharon Rennhack:  This is Part 2 of our 3-part special edition  called "Aphasia: What's that?Part 2 is INSPIRE.

I read an article  the other day that discussed "How telling your story inspires others and you"

When I had my stroke and aphasia close to six years ago, I didn't know anything about aphasia.  My neurologist and SLP at that time gave me no hope and basically said that I would not get any better.

Then, I found Bill Connors and aphasiatoolbox.  I worked with Bill and  his staff for 1 1/2 years to get my speech, my writing and my  identity back.

I say "identity" because who I was as a person was wrapped up in the work that I did.  One day I'm working as a writer and researcher, and then, I wasn't.

When I started working with Bill, he asked me to join his conversational cafe.  By doing that, I realized that I wasn't alone in my recovery.  I didn't say alot in those early  sessions, but I watched and listened to the other people in the group; some people were able to say short sentences; some said much more, and some had one-word replies. 

One of the people that I met early on in my recovery was  Paul Berger and his wife Stephanie Mensh,  from Stroke   Paul Berger had an AVM close to 25 years ago.  He had a long and hard road to his recovery, but - he worked on it every day and STILL works on  his recovery every day!  I didn't know how my recovery would turn out, but I knew that I wanted to work aggressively  - just like Paul.

For our next edition - in honor of  National Aphasia Awareness Month,  please tell us:

Who inspires you on your road to recovery?

We'll select  the best 3 emails and include your story in our June 2016 edition - Part 3:  EMPOWER.   Send your emails/stories to [email protected] . 
Aphasiatoolbox®: Where Real Aphasia Recovery Happens Everyday.   

To learn learn more about maximizing recovery from aphasiaschedule a free consultation.
Articles on Stroke/Aphasia and Inspiration

1. There Are No Accidents  
Mark and Brenda believe everything has a purpose: To help each of us fulfill our reason for being here.

2.  Developing Resilience: A Mother's Perspective
"Your child has had a stroke." Those words are hard to fathom - and just the beginning of a long road to recovery.  It requires entire families to adjust to many challenges - and not just those faced by their child.

3. 1000 to One: The Cory Weissman Story    
What's the difference between one and a thousand? For Cory Weissman,it's a whole new life.

4. Reinventing Myself   
Strokes are devastating because they take so many things from us, but they do not have to rob us of our essence.

5.  50 Ways to Find Inspiration
If you've been feeling stuck or uninspired, look at some of these ideas in this article.

Video:  "Who inspired you during your recovery?"

I n this  video,  Bill Connors interviews clients - Laura, Gil and  Sharon - Newsletter editor and Coach;  the topic is:  "Who inspired you during your recovery?"


In this  video,  each participant states his or her personal motto for recovery.

Laura:  "Never give up." 
Gil:    "Don't quit." 
Sharon: " Aphasia Recovery is a journey, not a destination." 

Time:  04:46 Edited

For information on how Sharon - a previous client,  and  how our current clients are recovering,  contact us.

Aphasia News and Events

1. Is Aphasia bad?
YES!  I know; I have it.  LinkedIn, By Gordon Viggiano

2.  Major global study identifies a safer treatment of acute stroke
A new study has aimed to improve survival rates of stroke victims. It is hoped the findings from the trial of  more than 3,000 patients in 100 hospitals worldwide could change the way the most common form of stroke is treated globally.

3. Courage To Come Back: Physical Rehabilitation recipient speaks for those who can't speak for themselves
"It took everything away from me," remembers Christy Campbell.

4.  How the 'Moth Radio Hour' helped scientists map out meaning in the brain
By tracking the blood flow in people's brains as they listened to a storytelling radio show, scientists at UC Berkeley have mapped out where the meanings associated with basic words are encoded in the cortex, creating the first semantic atlas of the brain.

5.  Scientists 3D-print a 'brain' to learn the secret behind its folds
By 3D-printing a fake gel brain and watching it "grow," scientists at Harvard University have discovered how the human cortex develops its creepy, classic folds.  The discovery, published in the journal Nature Physics, may solve a longstanding mystery about the structure of our gray matter and could even help shed light on certain disorders that may be linked to underfolding or overfolding of the brain.

6.  Study suggests that we experience symbolic objects as social entities
A new study from IMC researchers Kristian Tylén, Riccardo Fusaroli, and Andreas Roepstorff, published in the scientific journal NeuroImage, used LEGO bricks to investigate the neurocognitive underpinnings of our engagements with symbolic objects. The study suggests that we experience symbolic objects as social entities.

7.  Telehealth Sees Success in Therapy
Physical and cognitive therapy programs are using telehealth to connect with patients at home - and demonstrating positive results.

8.  Stroke hospitalizations drop, but increase for young adults, African-Americans
Fewer people are being hospitalized for strokes - except among young adults and African-Americans, according to new observational research in the open access Journal of the American Heart Association.

To fully exploit your inspiration, talk with our staff. 

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