In This Issue
Mary Potter awarded the Civic Leadership Award
Blue Springs Chamber of Commerce Mayoral Forum
'Mayor's Strikers' Bowling Team
Blue Springs Fall Fun Festival Karaoke Contest
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Excessive Heat


Veterans Way Memorial Raise the Flag

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Rotary Park at Railroad Lake


Sunday, August 5, 6:30-8:30 p.m. 

Vantage Point (Top 40)


Sunday, August 12, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Johnny Rampage (Classic Rock)

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City of Blue SpringsNews Happenings
Around Town
A bi-weekly message from your Blue Springs Mayor and City Council
Hello and welcome to News Happenings Around Town, your one-stop source for City information and news updates, including those items most important to you.


Even thought we have had a few sprinkles of rain, the temperature is still very hot here in Blue Springs.  As a result of the extreme temperatures and dry conditions, we are still under a burn ban.  This ban applies to all outside or open fires, except residential barbecuing.  Please, be careful when barbecuing as decks and landscapes are very dry and even a tiny spark could ignite a fire.


Just a reminder that if you or someone you know needs relief from the heat, we have opened Vesper Hall is a Cooling Center. Please be sure to pay special attention to senior citizens, young children, those with health or breathing problems and outdoor pets. 


Tuesday, August 7 is election day here in Blue Springs.  To see what is on the ballot, click here.  If you need help finding your voting location, click here and fill out the from on the right. 


Traditionally, we have celebrated National Night Out in August but due to the extreme heat, this event will be held on Tuesday, October 2 from 6-8 p.m.  This decision was made last year after that National Night Out event was cancelled for extreme heat as well.  For more information about our National Night Out event, click here.


Lastly, we will be having a budget work session on Thursday, August 16 beginning at 6 p.m. in the Howard L. Brown Public Safety Building.  Public comment will not be taken, but this is an open meeting and anyone can attend.  A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, September 5 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Howard L. Brown Public Safety Building and public comment will be taken at this meeting. 


As always, please continue sharing this timely publication and spreading the word about what's good and going on in the City of Blue Springs.
Mary Potter awarded the Civic Leadership Award


I am proud to announce that the 2012 Missouri Municipal League Westgate Division's recipient of the "Civic Leadership Award" is Blue Springs resident, Mary Potter.

The Civic Leadership Award celebrates the work of outstanding business and civic leaders and their contributions to the improvement of their communities. 


Mary was honored at the Missouri Municipal League's Civic Leadership Awards Dinner on Thursday, July 19, 2012 at the Adams Pointe Conference Center in Blue Springs, Missouri.


Mary has been an influence in Blue Springs for over thirty years. Elected to the Charter Commission in 1993, she worked diligently to help draft the current Home Rule Charter for the City of Blue Springs. Mary's civic duties continued as she served as a City Councilman from 2001-2007, functioning as Mayor Pro Tem for two terms.

Education has been a life-long mission for Mary who served in the education field for over forty years, of which thirty-nine years were in the Blue Springs School District. History has held a special place in Mary's life and she took her passion for history and teaching into her new role as president of the Blue Springs Historical Society in 2008.

Mary has brought tremendous success to the Historical Society bringing new programming such as the 1906 Educational Heritage Garden, Historical Record newsletter and the Save Our Depot Task Force. Potter currently chairs the passionate group working toward preserving and moving the historic train depot in Downtown Blue Springs. This depot will become a feature landmark and a downtown treasure.


I was honored to recognize Mary for her amazing commitment of service and the contributions she has made to the City of Blue Springs. It is with gratitude that I extend this honor for her dedication to Blue Springs and helping to make our City one of progress and promise.

Blue Springs Chamber of Commerce Mayoral Forum
From left to right:  Grandview Mayor Steve Dennis, Blue Springs Mayor Carson Ross, Lee's Summit Mayor Randy Rhoads, Raytown Mayor David Bower, and Independence Mayor Don Reimal.


On Thursday, July 19 I joined several of my fellow Eastern Jackson County mayors at the Blue Springs Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon.  


Here in Eastern Jackson County, there is a strong sense of regionalism and working together to better all of our communities.  Not only do we mayors work together for the betterment of our own cities, but we frequently come together as colleges to strengthen our region.  This partnership helps create a sense of cooperation throughout Eastern Jackson County


Special thanks to Carol Baker from KCP&L for acting as moderator for the panel.  During the luncheon, each mayor was given the opportunity to talk about what is happening in our city.  The floor was then opened to questions about how we work together on topics that effect all of our cities.


To read more about the luncheon,  click here to read The Examiner article.  

'Mayor's Strikers' Bowling Team
From left to right:  Joe Fanara, Justin Carstens, Paul Trussell, Chris Stowell and Michael Branscom


On July 17, the Mayor's Strikers team won the Blue Springs Economic Development Corporations Bowling Challenge night!  Special thanks to city employees, Joe Fanara, Justin Carstens, Paul Trussell, Chris Stowell and Michael Branscom for representing my team so well! 


Thank you to Lunar Bowl for hosting this fundraiser.  This event helps sponsor the Blue Springs School of Economics.  


For more information about the Blue Springs EDC, click here.

Blue Springs Fall Fun Festival Karaoke Contest


The Blue Springs Fall Fun Festival is just around the corner and the Blue Spring Chamber has announced a Karaoke Contest for this year's event!


Can you sing, or do you just think you can sing?  Either way, the contest is open to everyone!  Tryouts are every Wednesday night, 9 p.m. at Skylight Restaurant and Bar, 1867 SW State Route 7 until September 5.  


Tryout winners will be awarded $50 and given a slot in the finals on Friday, September 14 at the Blue Springs Fall Fun Festival.  Eight finalists will compete for cash prizes including $500 for first place, $250 for second and $100 for third place. 


For more information about the contest, contact the Blue Springs Chamber of Commerce at (816) 229-8558 or click here.

I hope you have found this issue of News Happenings Around Town to be both informative and timely for your City information needs. Is there anything we missed? Do you have questions about any of the articles from this issue? Share your thoughts with me and the City Council by calling City Hall at (816) 228-0110. Know that we truly value your time and support for our City and hope you join us for the next issue of News Happenings
 Ross sig
Carson Ross, Mayor
City of Blue Springs
The City of Blue Springs is a unique community where families, visitors and businesses share a special quality of life and an abundant spirit of community closeness and cooperation. 


Our number one goal is to ensure that our residents, visitors and patrons receive quality customer service and attention with every program and service the City provides. Just as you stand by a community that strives to meet your family's needs, we promise to do our best to meet these needs and anticipate what's best for you and our community, to the best of our ability.