2020 has started out with a bang! Classes began last week, once again filling the school with inspired activity. Beyond the classrooms, we are planning a a number of symposiums and speaker programs, along with our endowed lectures, which will
take place in the next four months.
Many of these events begin our celebration of the 50th anniversary of our pioneering environmental law program (1970 - 2020), a celebration that will continue next fall. Other events hosted by our new Center for Business Law and Innovation invite you to explore our Business Law program and we look forward to a fantastic PILP auction to support our students in public interest internships.
I hope you can join us on campus this spring – a quick click on any of the “Upcoming Events’ list on the right will show you more details and provide registration details.
Warm regards,
Student Makes Oral Argument to the Oregon Court of Appeals
Bruce Myers, 3L, argued a post-conviction relief (PCR) appeal in front of the Oregon Court of Appeals on August 1, 2019 as part of his externship.“The experience was incredible,” Myers stated. “Being up at the podium, looking at the panel, and answering their questions was surreal.” Read more...
Students Help Immigrants; ABA Magazine Showcases Their Work
The ABA Student Lawyer magazine, November/December 2019 issue, featured three 2L students for their work at the Dilley Pro Bono Project at the South Texas Family Residential Center in Dilley, Texas. Read more...
Criminal Justice Reform Clinic (CJRC) Successful in Two Cases the Same Day
On Tuesday, December 17, 2019, Nick McGuffin was able to walk out of prison as a free man after nine years thanks in part to the work of CJRC students who worked to have McGuffin’s case overturned due to exculpatory DNA testing. Read More...
The same day, December 17, Governor Kate Brown commuted the sentence of CJRC Client, Johnathan Baker, who was a minor when he was convicted.
GEI Authors Petition for Oregon Diesel Emissions Regulation
The Green Energy Institute at Lewis & Clark Law School and the Northwest Environmental Defense Center, co-authored a petition to Oregon policymakers to establish a cap on toxic diesel emissions from non-road sources such as construction sites, distribution centers and railyards. Read more...
Animal Law Litigation Clinic Files Lawsuit Against USDA
The Animal Law Litigation Clinic (the nation's first ever clinic focused on the plight of farm animals) filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) challenging its decision to reduce oversight at pig slaughterhouses and eliminate limits on the slaughter speeds. Read more...
Adjunct Professor Teaches Seminar at MacLaren Correctional Facility
The first law school class to teach both “inside” and “outside” students: Adjunct prof Joe O'Leary led a Juvenile Justice seminar class this fall at MacLaren Correctional Facility that included both Lewis and Clark Law School students and incarcerated individuals. Read more...
Paul Casey, Honorary Alumnus, Friend of the Law School, Passes Away
Dean Jennifer Johnson announced the death of long-time friend and benefactor Paul Casey on November 12, 2019. “It is with a very sad heart that I must tell you that our Honorary Alumnus Paul Casey passed away on Sunday at the age of 91. Read more...