Steve's 15 Year Celebration, Surprise!
Steve Arveschoug has been with our organization, Big Sky Economic Development for 15 years! Below are remarks made by Senior Director of Economic Development Programs, Patrick Klugman.

“I am honored to say a few words celebrating Steve and his 15-years of incredible commitment, passion, and leadership, to not only Billings, Yellowstone County and the State of Montana, but most importantly, to his Team at Big Sky Economic Development!

Steve, over your 15-years of dedication to this community, you have championed projects through revitalization, development, education, industrial, medical, co-working, manufacturing, parks, and so many others, your commitment to this community and Team leaves a legacy that provides for a better today and tomorrow for undoubtedly generations to come.

Your deep-rooted belief in collaboration and your Team sets a standard we all strive to meet and exceed because we watch your daily efforts and successes. Your leadership and advocacy to this Team is unwavering and enriched in us all. While it is easy to recognize Steve’s professional accomplishments, it is important to also express our heartfelt gratitude to countless hours spent in council meetings, trips to Helena, nights away from home, and late nights at the office. Your extraordinary efforts and commitment make this community and your Team better.

Steve, thank you. Thank you from your Team, inspiring all of us to be better and to perform at a level that benefits a vision and mission bigger than all of us, a stewardship you have instilled in all of us because of your values, empathy, and service. Congratulations to a remarkable milestone of 15-years, here is to the past, today, and promising future we build together walking with you. Congrats.”

Join us in congratulating and thanking Steve Arveschoug for his 15 years of dedicated service and leadership to our community!
The EPA visits Billings to see Brownfield Assessment Projects
In March the Big Sky Economic Development 
group announce they received two brownfield assessment grants totaling $1.5 
million to help renovate properties where re-development is put on hold because of possible environmental contaminants like lead, asbestos, and gas leaks. 

Many buildings in the East-end and Downtown areas of Billings were built before 1970, which means years of wear and tear that make re-storing those structures challenging and expensive. 
Mark your Calendars | BSED Annual Meeting, October 11th
In Case You Missed It!
Our Small Business Development Center, in partnership with Empress Brokers International (a Rock31 Member), hosted a training earlier this week - Global Sourcing & Supply Chain Understanding Costs of Procurement from Overseas & in the USA. Incase you and your team missed the in-person training, we recorded it! Access the full training below!