May 21, 2019
Edmonton property owners can expect to see their 2019 property tax notices in mailboxes shortly, as notices were mailed out today. The payment deadline is June 30, 2019.
“Edmonton property owners have a range of ways to pay,” said Rod Risling, Assessment and Taxation Branch Manager. “Payment can be made at most financial institutions, by telephone or online banking, by mail and in person.”
For in-person payments, property owners may visit Edmonton Service Centre, located on the 2nd floor of the Edmonton Tower. For those who prefer not to pay all at once, the City offers a
Monthly Payment Plan
Property owners who do not receive their property tax notice by June 1 should contact 311 or request a notice reprint
Property owners cannot file a formal complaint against property tax notices.
Notices will be sent to approximately 400,000 properties. This year $2.16 billion in property taxes will be collected by the City, $512 million of which is collected on behalf of the Government of Alberta to fund provincial education.
A typical single-family home, assessed at $399,500, will pay $3,628 in property taxes this year. Seventy-one per cent or $2,586 per year will help pay for municipal programs and services and 29 per cent or $1,042 will go to Alberta’s education fund.
“Municipal property taxes help provide the everyday programs and services that Edmontonians depend on and take part in,” said Risling. “Municipal property taxes support essential services such as police, fire rescue, roadway maintenance and public transit. Funds are also used for amenities such as City parks, libraries and recreation centres.”
When making a payment, property owners can review their balance at
This secure site for property owners has had over 36,000 property owners sign up since its launch last year. Users can access account balances, view their notice online, request a monthly payment plan application and confirm payment has been received. New users can use the access code found on their latest notice to sign up.