City Council appoints new members to the Edmonton Police Commission 

December 20, 2024 

City Council has appointed four new members of the Edmonton Police Commission for a two-year term ending December 31, 2026. 

“City Council supported an open recruitment process which attracted more than 180 qualified applicants,” said Mayor Amarjeet Sohi. “We are confident that Council has selected strong candidates with the professional expertise, volunteer experience, and community involvement needed to support the Commission in its important work.” 

The new members are Carola Cunningham, Zahro Hassan, Daniel Jones and Renée Vaugeois. 

Dr. Carola Cunningham has more than 50 years of experience in housing, education, justice, community wellness and addictions recovery. She has designed, developed and delivered programming specifically tailored to the needs of Indigenous communities, particularly those with high-risk lifestyles. Throughout her career, Carola has demonstrated a strong dedication to bridging cultural differences and creating understanding. Although retired from her role as CEO of Niginan Housing Ventures which builds, designs and develops housing initiatives primarily for Indigenous peoples, Carola continues to be a servant leader to her communities in providing support, engagement, direction and consultation nationally.

Zahro Hassan holds a PhD in Educational Policy Studies from the University of Alberta, specializing in young adult refugees and higher education. Currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta, Zahro has previously worked with the City of Edmonton, the Government of Alberta and Boyle Street Community Services. Since moving to Edmonton in 2014, she has served on several boards, including the Edmonton Social Planning Council and the Edmonton Youth Justice Committee Society. Zahro has contributed to key equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives, including the Alberta Government’s first Anti-Racism Advisory Council, the University of Alberta’s EDI Committee, and the Edmonton Public School Board’s Equity Advisory Committee. With more than 15 years of interdisciplinary experience across Alberta and Ontario, her work spans community development, mental health, homelessness, refugee integration, education access and trauma-informed care.

Dan Jones retired from the Edmonton Police Service after 25 years of service. He worked in General Patrol, Foot Patrol, Undercover Operations and Gang Unit as a constable, Professional Standards Branch and Homicide Section as a detective, General Patrol as a staff sergeant, as well as Investigative Support Branch, Downtown Division Patrol and Research as an inspector. He earned a master’s degree in Applied Criminology and Police Management from the University of Cambridge where his research focused on the victim/offender overlap and the impact that trauma has on the justice client. He is currently the chair of Justice Studies at NorQuest College.

Renée Vaugeois is the executive director of the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights. She has led initiatives addressing poverty, policing and youth aging out of care, and founded the Stride Advocacy program to support marginalized individuals navigating human rights systems. Renée also co-founded the Ainembabazi Children’s Project, focused on sustainable development in Uganda, and the Coalition for Justice and Human Rights in Alberta, a network of professionals working collectively to address human rights issues. Renée has provided training and human rights capacity building to various public sector agencies, including the Canadian Human Rights Commission, Alberta’s Office of the Child and Youth Advocate, Covenant Health and the City of Edmonton. Renée is sought after for her skills in facilitating brave conversations on difficult topics and has designed numerous community-based human rights models and assessments. 

The Police Commission includes two City Councillors, seven members appointed by City Council, and three members appointed by the Government of Alberta. 

For more information:

Media contact:

Nicola Doherty 

Acting Communications Director

Office of the Mayor


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