City prepares to present Snow and Ice update to Council
April 14, 2022

On April 25, City Administration will present the Snow and Ice: Options to Increase Service Standards report to the Community and Public Services Committee. 

This report will present an analysis on the City’s ability to meet current Snow and Ice service level targets and options to enhance service. Administration has identified that additional staff and equipment are required to meet the current service levels and targets effectively. 

Over the past months, Administration has applied a new lens to look at performance, service levels and how the City can improve the Snow and Ice Control services provided to Edmontonians.

“Following an analysis of these newly developed performance measures, it was determined that there are not enough resources and equipment to meet service levels described in our current procedures,” said Gord Cebryk, Deputy City Manager, City Operations. “As Edmonton has grown in size, our resources have not.”

On April 25, Council members will have the opportunity to hear options for improvement, as well as several enhancements to service, as part of the analysis conducted by Administration. Upon direction from Council, Administration will prepare a more detailed proposal and return this summer. 

 “We will be leading a structured and programmed approach to Snow and Ice Control. We will adjust and improve year over year, at the end of each season.” said Craig McKeown, Branch Manager, Parks and Roads Services. “The City of Edmonton is committed to delivering Snow and Ice Control that will make a difference to Edmontonians, supporting safe mobility and accessibility.”
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