City takes further action to protect residents and businesses from COVID-19
March 26, 2020

The City of Edmonton has implemented additional measures to protect the public from the spread of COVID-19 by renewing the State of Local Emergency, as well as implementing three emergency orders:
  1. That any individual with a confirmed or suspected* case of COVID-19 must immediately self-isolate in accordance with directions of health authorities. *Self isolate in residence, EXPO Centre or medical facility.
  2. That, while in any public space that remains open in the City of Edmonton, including but not limited to parks, shopping centres and retail stores, individuals must take all reasonable steps to maintain a distance of at least 2 metres, with the exception of close personal relationships.
  3. That all personal services shops providing services related to the care and appearance of the body and body rub centres, as those businesses are defined in the Business Licence Bylaw, Bylaw 13138, are immediately closed.
"This continues to be an unprecedented time for the City of Edmonton, and renewing the State of Local Emergency and implementing the emergency orders allows us to manage this constantly changing situation in the best way possible," said Interim City Manager Adam Laughlin. “Our priority during this difficult time continues to be the health and safety of the public. Everything we are doing is to ensure their safety.”

The renewal of a State of Local Emergency comes after the City made a number of changes to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The City, along with a number of partners, opened up the EXPO Centre for our most vulnerable citizens. The City closed all playgrounds and in-person service counters as well as made a number of changes to transit in the city to make the experience safer for drivers and riders. 

The State of Local Emergency can be renewed every seven days if it is determined to be necessary. A cancellation of a State of Local Emergency accordingly cancels any emergency orders. 
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Communications and Engagement