City welcomes next Indigenous Artist in Residence
March 20, 2019

The City of Edmonton has named Melissa-Jo (MJ) Belcourt as its new Indigenous Artist in Residence.

“It’s a great honour to be selected as Edmonton’s Indigenous Artist in Residence,” says Belcourt. “I’m looking forward to sharing my art, its stories and our traditions with all Edmontonians.”

Belcourt is a Métis artist best known for her work in traditional art forms such as beadwork and porcupine quillwork. Belcourt has taught decorative arts and creative skills within Indigenous cultural art programs and continues to support both Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in facilitating workshops on history and traditional art skills.

Belcourt is the recipient of numerous awards including the Aboriginal Role Model of Alberta Art Award, the City of Edmonton’s Salute to Excellence Arts and Culture Performance Award, and Daughter of the Year Award from Canadians for a Civil Society. In 2006, she represented Alberta at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in Washington, D.C.

The Indigenous Artist in Residence program fosters relationship building with City staff and the community to share interests and appreciation for Indigenous arts and culture. The one-year residency includes materials, art supplies and a work space culminating with a showcase of completed work at the end of the term.

The Indigenous Relations Office (IRO) helps connect the Indigenous community to appropriate City departments, programs and services. The IRO strives to continue building good relations with Indigenous people in the spirit and intent of Edmonton City Council’s historic 2005 Declaration and subsequent 2007 Urban Aboriginal Accord .

The Edmonton Arts Council (EAC) is a not-for-profit organization that supports and promotes the arts community in Edmonton. Their work is focused on increasing the profile and involvement of arts and culture in all aspects of our community life.
For more information:

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Communications Advisor
City of Edmonton

Communications Officer
Edmonton Arts Council