Edmonton first in Canada to consolidate municipal bylaws to protect inclusion, enable public safety, eliminate redundancies 

January 23, 2025

The feedback of more than 6,500 Edmontonians from last fall was reflected in the latest iteration of the City of Edmonton’s proposed Public Spaces Bylaw. Building upon a foundation of research, best practices and Gender-based Analysis (GBA+), the City of Edmonton is set to present a revised draft of the Public Spaces Bylaw to the Community and Public Services Committee on February 10. 

The Public Spaces Bylaw provides clarity around desired behaviour in public spaces. The proposed Public Spaces Bylaw will replace:

  • Conduct of Transit Passengers Bylaw (Bylaw 8353
  • Parkland Bylaw (Bylaw 2202)
  • Public Places Bylaw (Bylaw 14614)  
  • Provisions from several other bylaws that impact the use of public spaces.

"The draft bylaw we are recommending seeks to balance public space concerns shared by Edmontonians, while recognizing public space regulations could also have an impact on vulnerable people using those spaces," said Michelle Plouffe, Chief People Officer and City Solicitor. "Our team has meticulously reviewed data, identified best practices, and incorporated public feedback from last year’s hearings to craft a bylaw that strives to foster safe, welcoming and vibrant public spaces."

The revised version of the draft bylaw was refined by undertaking additional work directed by City Council at a Public Hearing in February 2024, which included: 

  • Having a team of equity professionals review the public feedback and the bylaw and prepare a Gender-based Analysis (GBA+) evaluation of the impact of the proposed policies on equity-deserving persons.
  • Having the City’s Climate and Environmental Resilience team undertake a Climate Review of the draft bylaw. 
  • Preparing a jurisdictional review and completing thorough analysis and justification for fine amounts and key policy decisions captured in the bylaw. 
  • A safety review of technical and statistical data to determine the best practices and risk profile associated with sidewalk bicycle use.
  • Reviewing available engagement feedback collected by the City of Edmonton, published literature, technical data, best practices from other jurisdictions, legal implications, enforcement recommendations and cross-referencing draft recommendations with existing approved Council policies and directions.

In addition to the amendments directed by Council, Administration is recommending several changes from the first draft of the bylaw, including: 

  • The permit requirement for gatherings of over 100 people enables the City to serve larger events and ensure public safety while protecting freedom of expression.
  • Offering enforcement alternatives for certain offences, such as verbal directions or small fines.
  • Suggesting small fines instead of harsher punishments for minor offences that primarily affect vulnerable individuals.
  • Proposing regulations based on the latest research about biking on sidewalks, while still allowing children under 14 to ride on sidewalks.

The City of Edmonton's revised Public Spaces Bylaw consolidates existing regulations to create safer, more inclusive public spaces for all. The bylaw review was initiated in 2022 and informed by public input on the importance of safety and inclusivity. The bylaw prioritizes public safety while offering flexibility to address the diverse needs of Edmontonians.

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Media contact:

Noor Al-Henedy

Communications Advisor

Integrated Communications 


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