New bridges, pathways, roads and communities: concrete evidence of a successful 2023 construction season
November 15, 2023

With snow on the horizon, the City of Edmonton marks the completion of a successful 2023 construction season. New and repaired bridges, pathways, roads and neighbourhood renewal are concrete evidence of the City's progress and Edmonton’s growth. The City actively worked on more than 200 projects with a total 2023-2026 capital budget of $8 billion. These projects directly employed more than 4,600 people from the Edmonton region.

“With every project design and construction detour, we are building Edmonton with purpose,” said Mayor Amarjeet Sohi. “We are building a city people are proud to call home. The work we’re doing together is necessary for our growing city and is guided by The City Plan.”

A list of milestones achieved this year includes progressing planning, design and construction for 88 transportation projects, 70 facility projects, 40 open space projects, 35 Neighbourhood Renewal Program projects and four LRT expansion projects. Major transformational projects continued through the 2023 construction season, advancing work on the Yellowhead Trail Freeway Conversion, Coronation Park Sports and Recreation Centre and 132 Avenue Renewal Project. Valley Line Southeast LRT officially opened to the public in November, demonstrating a commitment to being greener as we grow and providing sustainable travel options. 

“Infrastructure connects people and places, and contributes to a safe, healthy and vibrant city for Edmontonians. It is critical to the way we move around the city, to our spaces and places, to our communities and the growth of Edmonton,” said Adam Laughlin, Deputy City Manager, Integrated Infrastructure Services. “We are committed to the balance of building new and taking care of what we have. Rehabilitation of important structures and spaces continues to be a focal point of construction each season.” 

Significant rehabilitation work is underway at William Hawrelak Park, where repairs and replacement of critical deep utilities started in the spring. Progress on this three-year-project will continue through the winter with work on pavilions and park buildings. Replacement of the more than 80-year-old Latta Bridge is another example of this important work to take care of the City’s existing infrastructure. The project was completed on time and on budget, and the improved road access and new shared pathways will support people who drive, walk, roll and bike in and out of Edmonton’s core for many years.

This fall, the City was proud to join the Indigenous Knowledge & Wisdom Centre (IKWC) to celebrate the grand opening of kihcihkaw askî (Cree for This here is Sacred Land), the first permanent urban Indigenous cultural and ceremonial grounds of its kind in Canada. Many people gathered for years to plan, design and bring this project — an example of Edmonton’s commitment to truth and reconciliation — to life. Also located in Whitemud Creek, the Smith Crossing Pedestrian Bridge was completed in September, on budget and ahead of schedule. The new bridge replacement provides a safe crossing and access to the MacTaggart and Larch Sanctuaries within the river valley system for decades to come. 

Through the Neighbourhood Renewal Program, more than 100 kilometres of residential roads and sidewalks (the length of 1,093 football fields) and 23 kilometres of alleys were renewed in 18 neighbourhoods across the city. 

Construction season may be wrapping up, but the City remains hard at work engaging, planning and designing for upcoming projects including Warehouse Park, the Metro Line NW LRT Extension and the expansion of the active transportation network. Indoor work on the Coronation Park Sports and Recreation Centre project and the Lewis Farms Facility and Park project will continue through the colder months as well. 

The 2023 construction season was critical in building a safe, healthy and climate resilient city for today, and the future. This vital work will continue as preparations for the 2024 construction season begin. We would like to thank all Edmontonians for their patience and understanding throughout the construction season as we continue to build and renew Edmonton for today and future generations.

About The City Plan

The City Plan is Edmonton’s combined Municipal Development Plan and Transportation Master Plan. It envisions vibrant communities where Edmontonians of all ages, abilities and backgrounds can easily get to the places, people and things they need and love within a short walk, bike, roll and/or transit trip. Visit to learn more about how the City is helping to transform Edmonton into a healthy, urban and climate resilient city of two million people that supports a prosperous region. 

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Integrated Infrastructure Services 