Temporary Cold Weather Shelters
At an in-camera meeting on February 3, 2021, the Council of the Town of Qualicum Beach released to the public the following resolution:
THAT Council directs staff to engage the Province for use of the South airport lands for a period of 6 months past the duration of the COVID19 pandemic for a temporary, all day cold weather shelter to aid a maximum of 15 individuals.
The Town has been working with local governments within the region to find suitable lands to temporarily house our most vulnerable community members during these unprecedented times. Together, our local governments had identified the land south of the Qualicum Beach airport as the most appropriate location for a temporary cold weather shelter.
As the south airport land is held by the Town of Qualicum Beach in a long term lease to the Province of BC, the Province must approve both the term and conditions for this temporary land use. The Town first flagged these lands as a possible shelter location with the Province in April of 2020, shortly after the effects of COVID-19 began to impact our region.

The Town looks forward to continuing its collaboration with regional municipalities to develop possible opportunities while we seek approval and/or further dialogue from the Province.
Daniel Sailland
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Qualicum Beach