City of Ventura News Release
For Immediate Release
April 22, 2020
Media Contact: Public Information Officer, Heather Sumagaysay, (805) 654-7851

City of Ventura to allow limited access to parks and beaches
Ventura, Calif.   —   On Monday, April 20, 2020, the Ventura City Council unanimously voted to institute limited closures of Ventura's beaches and parks. The City's decision provides restricted access to its parks, beaches, the Promenade, and Pier in support of balancing residents' physical and mental health while restricting non-essential activities.

"The City has some of the lowest COVID-19 rates in Ventura County because of the hard work and sacrifices made by our residents. Thanks to their cooperation and commitment to comply with Dr. Levin's orders to stay well at home, the City Council agreed to limited closures of our parks and beaches," commented Ventura Mayor Matt LaVere. "We want to provide an opportunity for our community to enjoy our amazing resources in a socially-responsible manner while we continue to stop the spread of COVID-19." 

Walking, hiking, jogging, running, or biking, is permitted as long as those engaging in these activities do not linger in any location. Sidewalks, walking paths, trails and tracks within all public parks are open for use as long as the public adheres to the social distancing requirements outlined in the " Stay Well at Home " order, set by the Ventura County Health Officer.

“We know the public desperately wants to bring their families to the beach or the park, but we're not there yet," said City Manager Alex McIntyre. "The limited closure access to City parks and beaches will continue as long as the public complies with social distancing rules and there are no group gatherings. Our intent is to provide community members with opportunities to enjoy healthy outdoor activities while continuing to maintain social and physical distancing."

Playgrounds, picnic areas, parking lots, restrooms, pools, courts, as well as sports and recreational fields will remain closed. Public gatherings, sitting, standing, fishing, or lingering on the sand will not be allowed. Limited access signage will be prominently posted around parks and beaches to remind the public to comply with physical distancing practices. 

If a park or beach becomes overcrowded and difficult for safe social distancing practices to be observed, the Ventura Police Department may order the area be closed for 24 hours. If a second closure order is issued at the same location, the park or beach shall be closed for 48 hours. If the same area is ordered closed for a third time, it will remain in effect for the remainder of the Local Emergency. 

To view the City’s “Limited Closure of Parks and Beaches, Emergency Ordinance Amendment,”  click here

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An update about parks and beach closures from our Ventura Mayor Matt LaVere