September 5, 2019
Welcome to the News Update

Welcome to the new look and renamed twice monthly emailing of news, event, and other vital information for churches and members of the diocese.  News Update may look very similar to eSpirit , but as we announced in the last issue, behind the scenes there have been major changes with a rebuilt diocesan news and events website - New Spirit , where articles are published and then shared on social media as soon as practical after we receive them.
Please send us your news, pictures, and event information so we can share your good news!
Besides the twice monthly News Update , we'll also be publishing a quarterly digest - Spirit - providing in-depth articles and highlighting selected news from the preceding three months. Watch out for the next Spirit in mid-September.
Episcopal Relief & Development - Supporting Dioceses Responding to Hurricane Dorian
Two-minute read. 
Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting Episcopal dioceses located in the path of Hurricane Dorian as they respond to the needs of impacted communities.

St. Paul’s, Kansas City, Calls The Rev. Stephen L. McKee As Priest In Charge
One-Minute read.
The Wardens and Vestry at St. Paul’s, Kansas City are happy to announce that the Rev. Stephen McKee has accepted a call to serve St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Day School as their Priest In Charge.

Two-minute read.
The Rev. Deacon Kevin White, (St. Augustine’s), has been accepted into the Peace Corps and will depart for Morocco on Sept. 8, 2019, to begin training as a Youth Development Specialist volunteer.

Deacon Donna Stanford Commissioned as Associate Member to Brotherhood of St. Andrew Chapter
One-minute read.
The August edition of The St. Andrew’s Cross, the online magazine of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is available to read online. Look for “Judgement Jail,” ground-breaking news with the Union of Black Episcopalians, and more.

The St. Andrew’s Cross – August 2019 Issue

On August 25, 2019 Deacon Donna Stanford was commissioned as the first Associate Member and Spiritual Guide of the St. Peter & All Saints Episcopal Church’s Chapter of the Brotherhood of St Andrew.

Data from 2018 Parochial Reports Now Available
Two-minute read.
Church and aggregated diocesan & province data from the 2018 parochial reports are available to view online in both English and Spanish.

Click on the above image to sign up to receive news and event information direct in your email inbox. You can select which of our publications we send to you.
What's Happening - September
September 15
Christ Church Episcopal, Lexington – Lafayette Sinfonietta, Debut Concert.  4:00 p.m. — “An afternoon of chamber and solo music.”
September 14
S troll in Nature . 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. We will be hiking in the Parkville Nature Sanctuary. This event is for grades 6-12.
Diocesan & Church-wide
September 20-22
2019 Fall Cursillo - Heartland Retreat Center, Parkville
September 21
Leadership Boot Camp - Diocesan Center, Kansas City, 10:00 a.m.
September 29
Social Media Sunday
October 3-5
Evangelism & Action 2019 - Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Conference - Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City
September 11
Diversity and Reconciliation Commission Meeting - St. Augustine's Church, Kansas City, 6:00 p.m.
September 17
Standing Committee Meeting - St. Peter and All Saints Church, Kansas City, 10:00 a.m.
September 21
Central Deanery Council Meeting - Church of the Resurrection, Blue Springs, 10:00 a.m.
September 28
Diocesan Council - Grace Church, Carthage, 10:00 a.m.
September 16
Registration information will be emailed to all churches of the diocese. If you plan to attend diocesan convention, please check with your church office for registration. All registrations must be received before 10/18/19.

September 27
Deadline - Reports by Commissions, Committees and Ministries of the diocese to Convention.

Deadline - Resolutions to be considered by Convention.
We Want Your News & Event Details
The next News Update will be published on September 19, 2019
Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
Celebrating Baptism video series and reflection guides now available
Two-minute read.
The sacrament of baptism is an opportunity for joy, power, and a deep connection with tradition. Celebrating Baptism offers an opportunity to teach and learn about this sacrament through a free video series and accompanying reflection guides are available from The Episcopal Church.

Hurricane Dorian Bulletin Inserts
One-minute read.
Episcopal Relief & Development have created bulletin inserts so that you can share information and an opportunity for a compassionate response with members of your congregation.

United Thank Offering’s Camino Challenge Grant
Two-minute read.
The United Thank Offering (UTO) Board of Directors is pleased to announce the UTO Camino Challenge Grant. UTO will match up to the first $60,000 in donations to create the Anglican Pilgrim Centre in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Bulletin Inserts
Bulletin & church newsletter inserts for you to consider and include.
Lafayette Sinfonietta – Debut Concert  

“An afternoon of chamber and solo music.” at Christ Church Episcopal, Lexington.

Inserts from Episcopal Relief & Development

ERD's bulletin inserts provide congregations with a way to respond to disasters, and help raise awareness about their current programs and campaigns.

Inserts from The Episcopal Church

These weekly bulletin inserts provide information about the history, music, liturgy, mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church, and may be of help to churches with limited time and resources to prepare weekly bulletins.

2019 Episcopal Cursillo Ministry Conference Flyer

A flyer for this conference to be held October 3-5, 2019 in Kansas City, Missouri is available. Please circulate this to your members.

In Case You Missed It
Children’s Program at General Convention 2021
Three-minute read.
Don’t let worries about childcare prevent you from volunteering to take part in the 2021 General Convention of the Episcopal Church. – Children’s Program open to children from infants to 12 years of age.

Spread The Word