February 18, 2021
A twice monthly summary of news, events,
and information for the people of the
Episcopal Churches of West Missouri
To get the latest news and information between issues of News Update, visit the New Spirit Front Page
Everything Holy Update
Two-minute read.
The response to Everything Holy has blown past all expectations in the first two months! If you are already participating, thank you for your support, not to mention the encouragement and excitement this brings to the creative team.

International Outreach Grant Program – IOG
One-minute read.
Did you know that each year The Diocese of West Missouri sets aside funds to match financial gifts from parishes to worthy overseas causes? We call this the International Outreach Grant (IOG) program.

Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday
One-minute read.
Churches are invited to observe Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on the first Sunday in Lent or another convenient Sunday. This year Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday officially falls on February 21, 2021.

Black History Month. Remembering Absalom Jones
Four-minute video.
Absalom Jones is remembered in the second installment of our four-part series celebrating Black History Month.

Black History Month. Remembering Thurgood Marshall
Five-minute video.
Remembering Thurgood Marshall is the third in our series of four weekly videos remembering key African American figures in the Episcopal Church and beyond.

A new video will be published each Thursday throughout February. The final installment will be Anna Julia Haywood Cooper.

Lenten Resources
Lenten Math: Going back is the quickest way forward
One-minute read.
In math we go back and re-work a sum we’ve got wrong. Lent offers us the chance to go back and re-work our faith with God.

Lenten Facebook Cover Images
One-minute read.
Here are a series of Lenten cover images optimized for Facebook for use on your church Facebook page.

Christian Formation
Pursuing Wisdom
One-minute read.
If you’re looking for a roadmap of how God designed the world to work, and practical day-to-day guidance, wisdom literature can make life more acceptable, especially when it doesn’t appear to be going that way.

Challenges ahead in March
One-minute read.
A reminder about the Everything Holy project. Inviting God into everyday life experiences is transformational; unexpected moments can become holy.

What's Happening

Sponsored by The Diocese of West Missouri’s Diversity and Reconciliation Commission, The Beloved Community’s Third Online Book Study, ‘Uncomfortable Conversation with a Black Man’ by Emmanuel Acho.


The Bishop’s Staff invite you to attend one of these two online sessions which will provide essential information for new and returning vestry members and other church staff and leaders.

Diversity Workshop: Undoing Racism

When: Every Saturday, April 17 – May 22, 2021, 10 a.m. – noon
Where: Online Training Sessions via Zoom

The purpose of this workshop is to assist the diocese in eliminating the sin of racism. This training fulfills the intent of several General Convention resolutions, which call for leaders at all levels of The Episcopal Church to receive training on the Church’s teaching about racial diversity and other forms of diversity present within the human family.

Youth Events
February 21 & 28
Dismantling Racism Two-Day Digital Retreat. The Diocese of West Missouri believes in the work of dismantling racism. Our first two-day digital retreat will be for youth currently in 9-12th grades. Online. 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. Click here to register by February 14.
March 14 – 2nd Sundays
Second Sunday Compline. Online. 7:30 p.m. Join us in the WEMO Youth Community Zoom Room.
Church Events
None at present
External Events
March 3-5, 2021
2021 CEEP Network’s Digital Annual Conference. From COVID-19 to economic anxiety to the racial reckoning taking place across our Church, in our nation and around the world. CEEP Network is excited to announce we will gather online to bear witness together at the 2021 Annual Conference. Online. Click here for more information and to register.
Education and Training
February 23 - March 25 (Tuesdays & Thursdays)
Beloved Community of Care and Love Book Study Club: Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, by Emmanuel Acho. Online. Tuesday's 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. and Thursday's 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. The deadline to sign-up is February 20.
February 25 & 27
Church Leadership Essentials. Essential information for new vestry members and other church staff and leadership. The session will include introductions and explanations as to what the diocesan staff members can and do to support the efforts of the Episcopal Churches of West Missouri, their clergy and lay leadership. Online. Thursday, February 25, 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. and Saturday, February 27, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
March 13-14
Bishop Kemper School for Ministry March 2021 courses: Congregational Leadership, Contemporary Catechumenate, Sacramental Theology and Social Ministry II. Click here for complete course descriptions and to register. Online. Saturday 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Sunday 8:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Clergy Events and Services
Every Wednesday
Compline. Online. 9 p.m.
Every 2nd Thursday
2nd Thursday’s Clergy Conversation. Online. 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. If you have not received the login credentials for this meeting, please contact your Dean.
February 3
Council Executive Committee Meeting. Online. 3 pm. – 4 p.m.
February 3
Council Executive Committee Meeting. Online. 3 pm. – 4 p.m.
February 10
Diversity and Reconciliation Commission. Online. 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.
February 12
Commission on Ministry. Online. 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
February 21
Standing Committee. Online. 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
March 2
Episcopal Ministry Support Team. Online. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Finance Committee. Online. 3 p.m. - 4 p.m
March 10
Diversity and Reconciliation Commission. Online. 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.
March 21
Council Executive Committee Meeting. Online. 3 pm. - 4 p.m.
March 31
Standing Committee. Online. 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
February 19
Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps: Applications for 2021-2022 placements.
February 20
Deadline to sign-up for Beloved Community of Care and Love Book Study Club.
February 23
Deadline to register for Church Leadership Essentials.
February 26
Non-parochial and licensed members of our clergy reports & license renewal requests due.
March 1
Preacher and Catechist Licenses Expire
Clerical Licenses Expire
Church Rosters Due
March 5
UTO Grant Submission deadline
Bishop Marty's Church Visits
A complete list of Bishop Marty's church visits can be found here.
Many churches in the diocese are offering daily prayers, reflections, and Sunday worship online.
For all the latest information about events around the diocese through April 2021, visit the Events Home Page.
Spot an error or omission? Let us know: communications@diowestmo.org
Keep in touch - Tell us what you are doing
The next News Update will be published on Thursday, March 4, 2021
Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
Task Force announces next round of missional investments
Two-minute read.
The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Church Planting and Congregational Redevelopment announced that its sixth set of grants are now available for Episcopal dioceses and mission developers who are envisioning, planning, or growing new worshipping communities and missional enterprises throughout the church.

The Episcopal Church offers a new Global Mission Digital Toolkit
Two-minute read.
The Global Mission Digital Toolkit is now available. Launched on World Mission Sunday, which was observed on the last Sunday after Epiphany, February 14, this resource is a collaboration between The Episcopal Church Office of Global Partnerships (OGP), the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN), and the Standing Commission on World Mission (SCWM).

Diakoneo Magazine February, 2021
Eight-minute read.
The latest issue of Diakoneo, the magazine for deacons is available to read online. In this issue: A Zoom retreat for men in recovery, Allyship training, Young Episcopal Deacons – the under-50’s, Emergency grants for deacons, and more!

Changing the times of your online services?

Don't forget to let us know so we can keep the list of online services up to date.

Email any changes to communications@diowestmo.org
Bulletin Inserts
Bulletin & church newsletter inserts for you to consider and include.
Inserts from The Episcopal Church

These weekly bulletin inserts provide information about the history, music, liturgy, mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church, and may be of help to churches with limited time and resources to prepare weekly bulletins.

Lesson, sermon, and bulletin resources for churches and groups

In Case You Missed It
The [Mis]concept[ion] of Race
Two-minute read.
This is the first in a series of four weekly videos remembering key African American figures in the Episcopal Church and beyond. A new video will be published each Thursday throughout February. This week, Edward Thomas Demby.

St. Mary’s to provide Kansas City’s first parking site for houseless people
One-minute read.
Merging KC and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church are pleased to announce the launch of Kansas City’s first designated parking site for houseless people that have vehicles.

2021 Rosters

Church leadership, please obtain the information needed to complete your Vestry or Bishop’s Committee forms by Monday, March 1st.

Lay Licenses Expire March 1

Church leadership, please obtain the information needed to complete your Vestry or Bishop’s Committee forms by Monday, March 1st.

Spread The Word