Investing In Rural Prosperity

Elevate Director Carlos Ortega recently visited Southern Illinois University Carbondale for an incubator showcase. Elevate is committed to fostering a vibrant economy through small business incubation efforts like this one. Elevate also understands rural communities' unique needs to cultivate sustainable growth and development. The conference successfully brought together diverse perspectives and valuable insights into addressing demographic shifts in rural communities. Experts and practitioners shared experiences and strategies that contribute to a framework for sustainable rural development.

"As we continue to navigate challenges and changes, the lessons learned at this conference will serve as a foundation for fostering prosperous and resilient rural communities, especially in Elevate's region."-Elevate Director

Meet the ClassE Crew!

Luke Nelson is a Senior at Charleston High School. He developed his own mowing business and has mowed local lawns around Charleston.  Luke plays football, basketball, and track and field. He also enjoys cheering on the Chicago Bulls and the Chicago Bears. After graduating high school, Luke plans to major in marketing and finance. His long-term goal is to be happy, successful, and content with his life.

Isabella Smith is a senior at Mattoon High School. She enjoys personal development, teaching, reading, running, and shopping. Isabella is a member of the track and cross-country teams. Her favorite movie is The Titanic and her favorite sports teams are the Dallas Cowboys and the Chicago Cubs. Isabella is hoping to graduate high school with summa cum laude honors and then plans to attend college to earn a master's degree in elementary education.

Lance Chaney is a senior at Mattoon High School. He has worked at the Mattoon Public Library for the last two years. Lance enjoys reading, watching foreign films, and learning new languages. Lance's goal is to study at an International University and major in International Relations. 

Carlos Lira is a junior at Mattoon High School. He is a varsity soccer player and enjoys welding. His favorite movie is Fast and Furious. Carlos enjoys listening to country music and watching the Dallas Cowboys. Carlos is employed at Rural King in Mattoon and hopes to build his own business one day.

Last Week in ClassE

Sponsor Spotlight

Thank you again to all of our ClassE Golf Outing Sponsors!

Thanks for reading. Have a great week!

-Editor's Note-

This Newsletter is edited by Miles Clapp (Past ClassE student and current intern) with MWC Media (My business).

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