May 20, 2021
A twice monthly summary of news, events,
and information for the people of the
Episcopal Churches of West Missouri
To get the latest news and information between issues of New Spirit Update, visit the New Spirit Front Page
In search of a new bishop
The Standing Committee shares its plans on recruiting an interim 'Bishop Provisional' and the process to find our next bishop.

Finding and selecting candidates to become the ninth bishop of West Missouri will take time. “We need plenty of time to consult, discuss, and discern what gifts, skills, and priorities the Holy Spirit is asking West Missouri to seek in our next bishop,” says Standing Committee President the Rev. Jonathan Frazier, rector of St. Peter & All Saints Episcopal Church in Kansas City.

The Re-Dedication and Consecration of St. James, Springfield, and three baptisms
Two-minute read.
Over the past year the people of St. James have been comprehensively remodeling the sanctuary and renovating other areas of the church buildings. On May 12, 2021, Bishop Marty led the Re-Dedication of St. James, baptized two children and one infant, and celebrated the Holy Eucharist.
Graduation service and ceremony for the BKSM classes of 2020 and 2021 at Grace Cathedral, Topeka
One-minute read.
On Saturday, May 15, a graduation service and ceremony was held at Grace Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas, for the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry classes of 2020 and 2021.

Episcopal Relief & Development and the Anglican Alliance Expand Disaster and Resilience Capacities through The Resilience Course
Four-minute read.
Episcopal Relief & Development and the Anglican Alliance have created the Resilience Course, a year-long cooperative learning exchange to increase the disaster resilience and response capacity of congregations and dioceses around the Anglican Communion.

Episcopal Relief & Development provides support to partner organization offering COVID-19 education and hygiene kits to rural villages in India
One-minute read.
Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting its partner Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA) in responding to the needs created by the current COVID-19 crisis in India. CASA is conducting COVID-19 educational awareness campaigns and supplying personal protective equipment and hygiene kits to rural communities.

The Holy Spirit, a gift to inspire us
Two-minute read.
Pentecost, or Whitsunday, which is celebrated this year on Sunday, May 23, marks the birth of the Church, a grass-roots movement led by followers of The Way who listen, learn, and live the way of love with Jesus, the teacher.

Centering Prayer – Bringing peace and calm to your life
One-minute read.
Centering Prayer is a time to reframe our mind, a time to invite God into our lives and dwell in God’s presence. The more it is practiced, the more you will feel God working in and through you.
Who has seen the Holy Spirit?
Four-minute read.
Who has seen the Holy Spirit? It’s a challenging question. Take a moment to think about it. Where have you seen the Holy Spirit? What does it look like? Of the three persons of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is the most elusive.

Pentecost season to open with Way of Love Revival Weekend
Three-minute read.
The Episcopal Church greets Pentecost with One in the Spirit, a Way of Love Revival Weekend designed to fan the flames of hope, celebrate difference, honor creation, foster beloved community, and send people toward Jesus’s Way of Love. 

Imagine how good it feels to be at a table that is warm and welcoming. That is the kind of table At the Table hopes to create in your home or church sometime this summer.

Bishop Marty’s Recent Sermons available to listen to online
Bishop Marty’s recent sermons for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, and the Re-dedication of St. James, Springfield are available to listen to online.

What's Happening
On Saturday, May 29, 2021, at 11 a.m., God willing, Isaac Ross Petty will be ordained into the Sacred Order of Priests.

Youth Events
Out of the Pandemic & into the Woods

The youth ministry and Christian formation teams have collaborated to put together a summer camping series for the entire household in place of a week-long camp. The camping series will take place at various campgrounds throughout our diocese.

July 9 - 11
Out of the Pandemic & into the Woods Roaring River State Park, Cassville.
July 23 - 25
Out of the Pandemic & into the Woods Watkins Mill State Park, Lawson.
August 13 - 15
Out of the Pandemic & into the Woods Bennet Springs State Park, Lebanon.
Church Events
May 29
Isaac Petty, Ordination to the Sacred Order of Priests. 11 a.m. Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City. Online.
May 31
The Diocese of West Missouri office will be closed for Memorial Day. 
July 1 - October 1
Join us At the Table to gather in community. Gather around a community table as households or in small groups to hear five stories where Jesus breaks bread with others, reminding us that when we gather in his name, we are living as God’s family.
External Events
April 18 - May 23, Sundays
Project Resource: Spring 2021 Stewardship Training. Online. 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Click here for more information and to register.
May 22
Way of Love Revival Weekend. Virtual worship and concert for the Human Family and "From Many, One" Community Conversations. Online. 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 
May 23
Way of Love Revival Weekend. Churchwide Pentecost Revival Worship from Philadelphia, Navajoland, Seattle, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C. Online. 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Education and Training
April 17 – May 22 on Saturdays
Diversity Workshop: Undoing Racism. This training fulfills the intent of several General Convention resolutions, which call for leaders at all levels of The Episcopal Church to receive training on the Church’s teaching about racial diversity and other forms of diversity present within the human family. Online. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
May 4 - 25 on Tuesdays
Diversity and Reconciliation Commission’s fourth online series of book study sessions. Caste – The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson. Online. Each Tuesday, May 4 – May 25, 2021, 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
June 5 - July 31
Bishop Kemper School for Ministry Summer Session 2021. BKSM’s summer session offers a variety of continuing education opportunities, whether you are ordained, a current seminarian, or a lay leader.
Clergy Events and Services
Every Wednesday
Compline. Online. 9 p.m.
Every 2nd Thursday
2nd Thursday’s Clergy Conversation. Online. 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. If you have not received the login credentials for this meeting, please contact your Dean.
May 26
Council Executive Committee Meeting. Online. 3 pm. – 4 p.m.
June 1
Episcopal Ministry Support Team. Online. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Finance Committee. Online. 3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
June 9
Diversity and Reconciliation Commission. Online. 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.
June 11
Commission on Ministry. Online. 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
June 12
Diocesan Council. Online. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
June 19
Central Deanery. Online. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Northwest Metro Deanery. Online. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
June 20
Standing Committee. Online. 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
June 11
July 9-11 WEMO Family Camp 2021
June 25
July 23-25 WEMO Family Camp 2021
July 5
August 13-15 WEMO Family Camp 2021
October 1
Last day to sign-up to receive materials for At the Table
Bishop Marty's Church Visits
A complete list of Bishop Marty's church visits can be found here.
Many churches in the diocese are offering daily prayers, reflections, and Sunday worship online.
For all the latest information about events around the diocese through June 2021, visit the Events Home Page.
Spot an error or omission? Let us know: [email protected]
Keep in touch - Tell us what you are doing
The next issue of the New Spirit Update will be sent out on June 3.
Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
Episcopal Church Task Force Develops New Training for Safe Church, Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies
One-minute read.
A task force created to develop materials for The Episcopal Church related to anti-sexual harassment and safe church policies announces the upcoming launch of nine new training modules.

Changing the times of your online services?

Don't forget to let us know so we can keep the list of online services up to date.

Email any changes to [email protected]
Bulletin Inserts
Bulletin & church newsletter inserts for you to consider and include.
Inserts from The Episcopal Church

These weekly bulletin inserts provide information about the history, music, liturgy, mission and ministry of The Episcopal Church, and may be of help to churches with limited time and resources to prepare weekly bulletins.

Lesson, sermon, and bulletin resources for churches and groups

In Case You Missed It
Easter Area Confirmation Service Photographs
American Red Cross needs Disaster Chaplains, ordination is not required, Spanish speakers needed. Can you help?
Announcing the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry Summer Session 2021
Spread The Word