Update December 4, 2024

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Upcoming Events


10 - Lectio @ 11, Advent Spiritual Journey, via Zoom

15 - Christmas Special Offering for Regional Ministries

17 - Lectio @ 11, Advent Spiritual Journey, via Zoom

22 - Christmas Special Offering for Regional Ministries

28 - Disciples Women Gathering, 9:00 am, via Zoom


Items Available/Needed

Affton CC has a variety of banners available.

FCC in Lathrop has about 20 copies of the Chalice Hymnal available.

West Lake CC has a piano and a communion set available.

First CC in Troy has chairs to give away.

First CC in Maryville has chairs, some Veggie Tales event kits, and several photocopier parts and supplies.

Elkland CC has communion sets and table, high-backed chairs for chancel, and a pulpit/dias. Contact St. Louis office.


Branson CC is interested in obtaining any handbells, bell supplies, or music that congregations may have but are no longer using..

Free Events - Join us Online!

December 6 - Organizing for Peace in the Time of War (Gaza, Ukraine, Myanmar, Haiti). offered by the Center for Lived Faith & Organizing. Attend at Eden in St. Louis or online. Free through the Region's membership! Contact the St. Louis Regional office for your free promo code.

December 17 - SoulCare offered by NBA's Mental Health & Wellness. Share a moment to pause, process, and care for yourself this holiday season.

Mission Co-Worker Visit

Several Mid-America congregations have been blessed with visits from Global Ministries Mission Co-Worker Elena Huegel in the past. She is an excellent presenter who loves to share about her experience as the coordinator for Roots In the Ruins: Hope in Trauma program in Chiapas, Mexico. She writes this about her upcoming time in the US:

I will be visiting churches for Global Ministries, from September 2025 to February 2026. Can you believe that 4 years will have already zoomed by??!! I have been in Chiapas 9 years now!

I have so enjoyed visits with you and your churches in the past, and I hope that things can be arranged for me to visit and share with you again.  

If you would like Elena to visit your congregation and bring you a glimpse of life and hope in Chiapas, please contact Global Ministries' Krista Johnson Weicksel to schedule it. The Sundays will fill up especially quickly, so secure your slot now!


Our Disciples Home Missions has created a new Laity Readiness Resource Guide for 2025. "Weightlifters" provides enough development materials for monthly laity training over the next year. Download it today and explore the positive impact that lay leaders can have on your congregation!

Christmas Special Offering

The annual Disciples Christmas Special Offering will be received in many congregations on December 15th and 22nd. This offering supports our Regional Ministries and all donations made in Mid-America congregations will stay right here in our Region. Associate Regional Minister Phil Snider has prepared videos in two different formats and we encourage all to share them in worship, on your websites, and in your social media.

Download standard format *** Download reel format

Find more Christmas and Advent resources on our website here>

Lectio at 11

All are welcome to come together for an online Advent spiritual journey. Each Tuesday we’ll meet on Zoom at 11:00 am for a time of centering, reflection, and prayer. We’re hoping this will be a time to step away from the routines of the week, be with others you don’t normally get to see, and engage the Word of God for the people of God.

Each Tuesday we will focus on a portion of the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel lesson: Dec. 10 – Luke 3:7-18; Dec.17 – Luke 1

We’re calling this “Lectio at 11,” and we’ll meet from 11am-noon. Just click on this link to join us!

Boundary Training 1/11/25

We've partnered with the Illinois/Wisconsin Region and invite Mid-America clergy to the newly scheduled "Choices for Abundant Living: An Ethical Boundaries Training Event". This is an introductory level session. The cost is $40 and the location is FCC in Quincy, IL, just a short drive across the river from Hannibal, Palmyra, or Canton. Learn more & register>

From the Wider Church

This coming week's Global Ministries prayer request is for Honduras.

This week's College of Regional Ministers prayer request is for

The Christian Church in Kansas.

GA-2343 was adopted at the 2023 General Assembly in Louisville, Kentucky.

The Implementation Team invites you to join a Town Hall meeting for an update on their work and recommendations:

December 10, 2 pm

Register here>

The application period is open for 2025 Disciples Peace Interns!

This is a paid, twelve week, intensive internship that will give you the opportunity to travel the country attending different weeklong church camps and denominational events as an ambassador for peace and justice.

Learn more and apply here>

Applications are due by January 31.

Missed Leadership Academy? Join us online!


New Church Ministry is now offering a virtual, asynchronous version of Leadership Academy. Learn about DisciplesNEXT from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. This course is ideal for folks who work during the week or are bi-vocational. While it provides the same curriculum as those who attended Leadership Academy in person, only one cohort – EMERGE - is currently available. EMERGE participants discern their missional purpose, develop their future stories, and prepare to start their congregation. Access to this course never expires. Learn more

Thanks for keeping in touch!

Susan Moore

Ministry Associate


Springfield Office




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