Update November 20, 2024

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Upcoming Events


20 - How to Get to Joy: Honoring Loss During the Holidays webinar, 11:00 am

23 - Disciples Women Gathering, 9am, via Zoom

24 - Thanksgiving Special Offering for Higher Education

26 - Lectio @ 11, Advent Spiritual Journey, via Zoom


Items Available/Needed

Affton CC has a variety of banners available.

FCC in Lathrop has about 20 copies of the Chalice Hymnal available.

West Lake CC has a piano and a communion set available.

First CC in Troy has chairs to give away.

First CC in Maryville has chairs, some Veggie Tales event kits, and several photocopier parts and supplies.

Elkland CC has communion sets and table, high-backed chairs for chancel, and a pulpit/dias. Contact St. Louis office.


Branson CC is interested in obtaining any handbells, bell supplies, or music that congregations may have but are no longer using..

Free Events - Join us Online!

December 6 - Organizing for Peace in the Time of War (Gaza, Ukraine, Myanmar, Haiti). offered by the Center for Lived Faith & Organizing. Attend at Eden in St. Louis or online. Free through the Region's membership!

December 17 - SoulCare offered by NBA's Mental Health & Wellness. Share a moment to pause, process, and care for yourself this holiday season.

Boundary Training 1/11/25

We've partnered with the Illinois/Wisconsin Region and invite Mid-America clergy to the newly scheduled "Choices for Abundant Living: An Ethical Boundaries Training Event". This is an introductory level session. The cost is $40 and the location is FCC in Quincy, IL, just a short drive across the river from Hannibal, Palmyra, or Canton. Learn more & register>

Busy Weekend in Arrow Rock

Arrow Rock Federated Church was brimming with activity this past weekend. On Saturday, their pastor Rev. Dr. Michael Kateman led an Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation Justice Ministries training session, bringing new perspectives through the Voices of Arrow Rock.

Then on Sunday, Michael received his Commission as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A fellowship reception followed the service and celebration. Congratulations to both pastor and congregation!

130 Years of Sanctuary in the City

On Sunday November 17, Compton Heights Christian Church in St. Louis celebrated their 130th anniversary of being a Sanctuary in the City. The congregation of Epiphany UCC joined in worship and in the anniversary luncheon where Associate Regional Minister Rev. David Woodard (pictured on right with CHCC Moderator Darrell Hughes) presented the congregation with an anniversary certificate.

Inspired by the Church Narrative Project, several were asked to share memories and stories of Compton Heights. 

Installation at Broadway CC

Many clergy friends and colleagues joined in the installation of Rev. Dr. Sarah Taylor Peck as Lead Pastor and Rev. Andrew Taylor Peck as Associate Pastor at Broadway CC in Columbia this past Sunday. Among the group was Regional Minister Paul Koch (pictured second from left). The Taylor Pecks are pictured in the front/center. Congratulations!

Lectio at 11

All are welcome to come together for an online Advent spiritual journey. Each Tuesday, beginning November 26, we’ll meet on Zoom at 11 am for a time of centering, reflection, and prayer. We’re hoping this will be a time to step away from the routines of the week, be with others you don’t normally get to see, and engage the Word of God for the people of God.

Each Tuesday we will focus on a portion of the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel lesson: Nov.26 – Luke 21; Dec 3 – Luke 3:1-8; Dec. 10 – Luke 3:7-18; Dec.17 – Luke 1

We’re calling this “Lectio at 11,” and we’ll meet from 11am-noon. Just click on this link to join us!

Nativity Display

All are invited to Ozark CC during the month of December to view a display of more than 250 nativities from around the world. One of their members has been collecting them for many years, and the congregation invites all to witness her show of love for Jesus and his humble beginning. See the event flyer for all exhibition dates and times.

From the Wider Church

This coming week's Global Ministries prayer request is for Korea.

This week's College of Regional Ministers prayer request is for

The Disciples of Christ South Carolina Region.

GA-2343 was adopted at the 2023 General Assembly in Louisville, Kentucky.

The Implementation Team invites you to join a Town Hall meeting for an update on their work and recommendations:

November 20 (TODAY), 6 pm

December 10, 2 pm

Register here>

According to webinar guest Elizabeth, it can be defined as “bringing people together for a common goal and working together to achieve it… when our organizing is faith-based that means that we can draw on divine inspiration, power, and calling.

We know that Jesus is on the side of justice and love every time, so when we prioritize those values we can be confident we are doing heavenly Kingdom work.”

Learn about faith-rooted organizing with New Church Ministry at Unpacking the Core Competencies of DisciplesNEXT: Faith-rooted Organizing TODAY at 2PM. Register

Thanks for keeping in touch!

Susan Moore

Ministry Associate


Springfield Office




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