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August 14 , 2019

Hurricane season is here and we're updating the emergency contact list for all parishioners. Please find out how you can update your information here.

The church office will be closed on Friday, August 23, for a staff development training session.

Rector's Ramblings

This week my Jeep goes in for its third transmission replacement in the months I've owned it. I bought it knowing the transmission needed to be replaced; it was priced accordingly. Unfortunately, the company that manufactured the original transmission has had some issues, so it's been replaced under warranty once already. In diagnosing what's wrong, we've had to rule out several things, particularly for the second replacement. So far, I've replaced the rear main, the clutch, and the shifter. (The first two of the three were done with the first transmission while it was out.) Now there is no question that the problem is with the transmission itself.    


Worship Schedule
Join us for weekly worship at Christ Church! Regular weekend worship services take place on Saturdays at 5:30 pm at St. Ignatius Chapel, on Demere Road, and on Sundays at 8:00 am, 9:15 am and 11:15 am at Christ Church, Frederica.  Kidurgy, our Liturgy of the Word for younger children, takes place during the 9:15 am worship service at Christ Church. Beginning September 8, the 9:15 am Parish Hall service will return to the line-up of weekend services. On Wednesdays, at 12:00 pm, a Healing service is held at Christ Church.
Blessings for the School Year
See more photos of the Backpack Blessing HERE.
Children, youth and young adults all received a special blessing this past Sunday, August 11, as they began the 2019-2020 school year with prayer. Each student was also given a zipper pull, made by Mother Katie, for his or her backpack, as a reminder that God is always with them, wherever they go.  If you were out of town, stop by and see her for yours!

This coming Sunday, August 18, we'll be saying prayers for those who work with our youth and children, as we commission our Sunday School teachers for another year. Teachers, we  encourage  you to be with us at the 9:15 am service for this blessing!
Commemoration Ceremony
On Sunday, August 25, Christ Church will join a national movement to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the start of African slavery in America.   Our Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, invited all Episcopal parishes to join in this national remembrance.   We are partnering with the National Park Service at Ft. Frederica for this commemoration and working to include other local participants.   We will ring our bells for four minutes at 3:00 pm, one minute for each century of the remembrance.   We hope to host a lecture addressing the history of slavery on St. Simons at 2:00 pm - details are being worked out now.  READ MORE HERE


Adult Sunday Morning Class 
The Adult  Sunday  Class is currently engaged in a study based on  Pray Like Jesus , by Don Underwood, which will conclude on August 28. The class will take a break for Labor Day Weekend, September 1, then on September 8, will begin a study entitled  The Gospel According to Leviticus . Read more about these books here . All are invited to join us. For more information, contact Bob Brown at .
Women's Book Study 
The women's study group meets on Thursdays at 1:00 pm in the parish hall. They are currently reading   An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith . In this book, author Barbara Brown Taylor reveals meaningful ways to discover the sacred in the small things we do and see, from simple practices such as walking, working, and prayer. 

On September 5, the group will begin a study of  Learning to Walk in the Dark,  by Barbara Brown Taylor.  In this book,  Taylor asks us to put aside our fears and anxieties and to explore all that God has to teach us "in the dark". Through darkness we find courage, we understand the world in new ways, and we feel God's presence around us, guiding us through things seen and unseen. Often, it is while we are in the dark that we grow the most. With her characteristic charm and literary wisdom, Taylor is our guide through a spirituality of the nighttime, teaching us how to find our footing in times of uncertainty and giving us strength and hope to face all of life's challenging moments. Books are available in the bookstore for $11.00.  Contact: Mtr. Ashton Williston at .
Men's Study Group - Taking a Summer Break
The Men's Discussion Group, which meets on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am, is currently on hiatus, but will resume meeting in September . For more information, please contact Te Turner at .
Wednesday Night Bible Study
The Wednesday Night Fall 2019 Bible Study  will begin on August 21 and end on September 25. The study, A Quick Journey Through The Bible, will re-group books/contents of the Bible to bring out key principles, visions, teachings, etc. in each group. Attendees, who previously in their Christian journey have read through the whole or considerable sections of the Bible, will find the study and discussions particularly interesting and thought provoking. The classes will begin at 5:30 pm and end at 6:25 pm. The study will be held in the Vestry Room of the Parish House. You have an open invitation to attend! Contact: Godfrey Draviam 912-638-8747 or
Wednesday Afternoon Book Study
Formed In Love Study  - 4 Wednesdays in September, with a simple lunch and one-hour discussion 

Beginning on Wednesday, September 4, at 1:00 pm, Fr. Tom will lead a four-week discussion of Scott Bader-Saye's volume from the New Church Teaching Series,  Formed by Love . Bader-Saye examines the moral life through the lens of the Episcopal Church and its traditions. Topics include creation, incarnation, holiness, sacrament, scripture, and "via media." The author also tackles the big moral questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What are good and evil? What are right and wrong? - and examines how an Episcopal approach might shape a typical day by examining Morning Prayer and Compline as moral formation, in between discussing work,  eating, and playing. Books are $13 and available in the bookstore. Contact: Fr. Tom at
 Children and Youth

Sunday School Begins This Week! 
On Sunday, August 18, at 10:15 am, all children and youth are invited to come to Sunday school for the first day of classes. D uring worship that morning, w e'll be saying a special prayer for our teachers, so all are encouraged to attend. We will be commissioning our acolytes for  the 2019-2020 school year that morning, as well.  For more details, please contact Mtr. Katie at
Youth Group Kick-Off on August 18
Beginning this Sunday, August 18, our youth (grades 6 - 12) will meet from 6:30 - 8:00 pm every week in the parish hall, for fun and fellowship. They'll have a meal together, play indoor/outdoor games, participate in creative/artistic activities, worship and study the Bible. Contact Mtr. Katie at for more information. 
Starting on August 25, our third through fifth graders will meet once a month for fun activities and trips, giving the children and their parents opportunities to spend time together building relationships and getting them excited about participating in Youth Group when they are older. For more information, please contact Mtr. Katie at
New Beginnings
New Beginnings 55 will be held at Honey Creek on September 6-8. Our own Waverly Brown will be the lead teen for the weekend and we are looking forward to an amazing time.  All youth in 7-9th grades are invited to attend this exciting and spiritually enriching retreat. If you'd like more information or have any questions, please contact Allen Lamb, Diocesan Co-coordinator for New Beginnings at 229-646-1382 or or Mtr. Katie at  To sign up, please go to: 

Christ Church Families on Facebook
Families! Please join the Christ Church Families Facebook group to keep up with all the latest events and activities. Find us on Facebook here !



Backpack Buddies

School has begun and Christ Church will once again be feeding hungry students on the weekends through the Backpack Buddies program. You can help by sponsoring a child for $100 for the school year, $50 for half the year, or by helping the Backpack Buddies fill bags for monthly food distribution. Please join us for the next packing session on Wednesday, August 21, at 10:00 am . If you'd like to sponsor a child in  the Backpack Buddies program, please contact Susan Shipman at


Eight Months Until Tour Day!
Tour Day, March 21, 2020, will be here before you know it!  We've got a great team started, but still need an Assistant House Chair, Kickoff Celebration Planner, Private Bus Organizer, Signage Manager, and a Recruiting Volunteer. Plus we will need EVERYBODY's help to make this the best Tour of Homes yet!  If you'd like to help with this most worthwhile project, please contact the chairs, Susie Henning at  or Tami Black at
tblack@vangardventures.comRead more about this year's tour in the most recent Tour of Homes newsletter  here .

Susanna Wesley Guild
The Susanna Wesley Guild will meet for their monthly summer luncheon on Tuesday, August 20, at 11:30 am, at the Public House at Sea Palms. All ladies in the church are welcome to join the the group! For more information, please contact Ethel Horton at
Daughters of the King
The Daughters of the King will begin meeting this fall on Tuesday, September 10, at 5:30 pm. The Daughters meet on the second Tuesday of each month in the Parish Hall. For more information, please contact Mtr. Ashton at
Parish Picnic - September 15
Mark your calendar for Sunday, September 15, and plan to join us, immediately after the 11:15 am worship service, for a church-wide picnic on the lawn. The church will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, iced tea, lemonade and paper products - you bring your favorite side dishes, salads or desserts. Tables and chairs will be set up, but please feel free to bring your own lawn chairs and picnic blankets. We're planning to put on a lighthearted musical performance of 80s music and all are invited to join the show! If you'd like to be part of the cast, please contact Kathleen Turner at kathleen@ccfssi.og. We also encourage you to invite guests and neighbors to join us for the picnic. (Please call the office at 912-638-8683 and let us know you're coming, so we can get an accurate head count for purchasing food and supplies.)
Stay Informed

Your Emergency Contact Information NeededEmergencyContacts
We are in the process of adding emergency contact information for parishioners into the Christ Church Realm database. When you log into your Realm profile, you may enter the information yourself. If you need help with Realm, please contact Glenn at . If you prefer not to use computers, call Mother Ashton at the church office, at 912-638-8683, and she will happily take your information and enter it into the database.  
Church Office Volunteers Needed
The office volunteers keep the Christ Church office running! Each volunteer gives four or five hours per week (some a little more) to serve as receptionist, greeter, bulletin stuffer, and occasionally, as a mailing helper. We are always in need of substitutes, too. If you would like to serve on this team, please email Glenn,
Christ Church Gift Shop 

The Christ Church Gift Shop, (inside the Parish House, across from the reception area), is now open on Sundays, from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm and Tuesday through Friday, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. Come browse the assortment of unique items available, including hand-made prayer
We have cards and post cards
for all occasions.
beads, wooden crosses, Moravian stars and the Christ Church history book. We're adding new and seasonal items each week, so come by and check out the inventory. If you would like to make a purchase, cash, checks and credit cards are acceptable. 
If you're interested in helping with the shop, please contact Ellen Kuehm at 912-996-3392 or at

Giving Made Easy

You may use the CCF website to make pledges, donations and payments for some activities. Just select "Giving" at the top of the CCF homepage. This brings you to the pay portal. The process is fast and easy and allows you to pay by credit or debit card or by electronic bank transfer. You may change or add new payment methods at any time. Contact: Stan Kyker, CCF financial administrator at 912-638-8683.

Pastoral Care and Prayer List

Pastoral Care 

Your pastoral care team is here for you! If you have a pastoral concern, a blessing you'd like to share, want to arrange a hospital or home visit, and/or receive Holy Communion, please contact Mother Ashton Williston at 912-638-8683 or

Prayer List

To amend our prayer list or to update the church on the condition of your loved one, please email Mtr. Ashton Williston at  or call the church office at 912-638-8683.

Nancy Acree
Bob Altenbach
Eric Andreae
Bob Baker
Kris Barkley
Kelly Benhase
Gene Broadwell
Beverly Burns
Jackie Byrne
Josh Calhoun
Greg Canady
Dena Davis
Jackie Davis
Mary Lou Detwiler
Tom Finn
Patricia Friedel
Dave Geiszler
Walter Graham
Angie Hansen
Burgess Hartsell
Ned Hieatt
Carol Hoffine
Lise Hofmann
Lois Irvin
Johnny Justice
Bill Littleton
Dorothy Lowery
Dot Marler
Tom Martin

Rebecca Murdy
Sandy Nyenhuis
Frank Owenby
Richard Quinelly
Johnny Riddle
Julia Riddle
Terry Hall Robbins
Rob Rushin
Skip Slocum
Clyde Smith
Willou Smith
David Somerville
Sam Spak
James St. Clair
Edith Tayloe
Sara Taylor
Jamie Thomas
Mary Triplett-Key
Janice Walker
Sarah Whitman
Clint Winne
Mell Wray

Martin Worthy


This  Week

Serving This Weekend
Ralph Wade - Chalice Bearer

Sunday, August 18, 2019 8:00 AM (CCF)
David Boland - Chalice Bearer
David Boland - Lector 
Ed Rowley - Usher
Toni Rowley - Usher
Anna Belle McCaskill

9:15 AM (Christ Church, Frederica)  
Bruce Bland - Acolyte C
Isabella Williston - Acolyte TB
Jimmy McQuade - Acolyte CW
Mary Helen Moses - Chalice Bearer
Te Turner - Chancel Master
Peggy Goad - Lector - First Lesson
Sally Essig - Lector - Second Lesson
Steve Holt - Greeter
Catherine Holt - Greeter
Dale Stoddard - Usher
Rees Sumerford - Usher
Sandy Rice - Altar Guild
Sandy Storino - Alter Guild

11:15 AM (Christ Church, Frederica)
Dutch Heidsieck - Chalice Bearer
Dutch Heidsieck - First Lesson
Dutch Heidsieck - Second Lesson
Penny Jones - Greeter
Clif Jones - Greeter
David Butler - Usher
Nancy Zell - Altar Guild

Weds., August 21, 2019 Noon Healing Service (CCF) 
Jeannie Wade - Altar Guild

Thursday, August 15, 2019
12:30 pm - Finance Committee Meeting
1:00 pm - Women's Book Study

Friday, August 16, 2019
12:00 pm - Icon Writing Group
Saturday, August 17, 2019
10:00 am - Icon Writing Group
5:30 pm - Worship at St. Ignatius
Sunday, August 18, 2019
8:00 am - Worship at Christ Church 
9:15 am - Worship at Christ Church
9:15 am - Kidurgy
10:15 am - Coffee Hour
10:15 - Sunday School for All Ages
11:15 am - Worship at Christ Church
6:30 pm - Youth Group

Monday, August 19, 2019
11:00 am - Yoga

Tuesday, August 20, 2019
11:30 am - Susanna Wesley Guild Luncheon
5:45 am - Vestry Meeting
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
10:00 am - Backpack Buddies
12:00 pm - Healing Service
5:30 pm - Evening Bible Study
Thursday, August 22, 2019
1:00 pm - Women's Book Study

Friday, August 23, 2019
Church Office Closed
12:00 pm - Icon Writing Group
Saturday, August 24, 2019
10:00 am - Icon Writing Group
5:30 pm - Worship at St. Ignatius
Sunday, August 25, 2019
8:00 am - Worship at Christ Church 
9:15 am - Worship at Christ Church
9:15 am - Kidurgy
10:15 am - Coffee Hour
10:15 - Sunday School for All Ages
11:15 am - Worship at Christ Church
4:00 pm - Icon Writing Workshop
6:30 pm - Youth Group
Save the Date

August 25-30, 2019
Icon Writing Workshop

September 1, 2019
Blessing of the Icons
One Room Schoolhouse Sunday School

September 2, 2019
Office Closed for Labor Day

September 3, 2019
Hand Bell Choir, Choristers and Trebles Rehearsals Start

September 4, 2019
Adult Choir Rehearsals Start

September 8, 2019
9:15 am Parish Hall Worship Begins

September 15, 2019
Parish Picnic