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February 20 , 2019

Make sure to sign up for Clarion Call, a one-day workshop on Saturday, March 2, that will give participants the spiritual tools they need to deal with some of the more difficult and complex issues of the day. Get more information here.

Mark you calendar for Pancakes at the Pier on Shrove Tuesday, March 5! Get all the details here.

Rector's Ramblings

"What we've got here is failure to communicate." Now I know where that phrase comes from. I'm embarrassed to say that while I know the quote well, mainly because it is the opening of a Guns N' Roses song I used to know by heart, I never saw the film  Cool Hand Luke  until recently. I knew of it, that it was a popular Paul Newman movie, but that was about all I knew. As soon as I heard "the Captain" start that line, I knew the whole, brief monologue. It's much more meaningful now that I have the context, too. I've since learned that the American Film Institute ranks this particular quote at #11 of all-time movie quotes. I felt a little redeemed when I looked up the list and realized that I know most of the top twenty. I still have some classic movies I need to see, but I can now cross off 


Ash Wednesday
The Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 6, 2019. Please join us for the Imposition of Ashes with Holy Communion at 7:00 am at St. Ignatius Chapel, at 12:00 pm at Christ Church, Frederica, and for the Convocation service at 6:00 pm at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, in Brunswick.

Bishop's Visitation
The Rt. Rev. Scott Anson Benhase will visit Christ Church on Sunday, March 10 and preside during the Great Litany in the Parish Hall service at 9:15 am and at the Confirmation service in historic Christ Church at 11:15 am.



Clarion Call Workshop - March 2, 2019ClarionCall
Are you concerned about the state of affairs in the world and want to make a positive difference, but are unsure where to start? Then join us for Clarion Call, on Saturday, March 2, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.  Facilitated by Christ Church parishioner Randy Siegel, this fast, interactive workshop will employ group discussion, journaling, guided meditations, music, poetry, and ritual. The fee of $25 includes lunch and materials. Register by Wednesday, February 27, by calling the church office at 912 638-8693. Contact Mtr. Becky at  for more information.

Adult Sunday Morning Class
During the season of Lent, the Sunday Morning Adult Class, led by Rev. Dr. Robert W. (Bob) Brown will take a six week break from their current study to participate in a Lenten study based on the book by Max O. Vincent entitled 
Because of This I Rejoice:  Reading Philippians during Lent. The study will run on Sundays from March 10 to April 14.
For too long Lent has been thought of as a season of self-sacrifice and discipline that sounds to many Christians like a list of spiritual chores. Lenten disciplines become the spiritual equivalent of New Year's resolutions to lose weight, be healthier, or practice better money management. These promises are easily made and often quickly broken, leaving us feeling like we do not measure up to what we should be. 
In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul joyfully turns to spiritual practices that draw him closer to God amid persecution and imprisonment. These practices keep Paul connected to a sense of God's power and presence. Joy flows from Paul and becomes a vital part of his relationship with the Philippians. 
Because of This I Rejoice: Reading Philippians during Lent  is a 6-week study of Philippians that explores what Paul teaches about joyfully practicing spiritual disciplines. The intent of these disciplines is to help us focus less on ourselves and more on God. 
This Lenten study invites us to engage in the same spiritual practices as a way to grow closer to God and allow joy to flow through our lives. The Adult Class meets in the room next to the choir room in the Parish Hall and everyone is welcome. For more information, please contact Bob at  

Wednesday Lenten Study 
Fr. Tom will lead a study of Samuel Wells' Hanging by a Thread on Wednesdays during Lent. This series of theological reflections from an internationally known scholar and Anglican cleric focuses on the challenges of our understanding of Christ's crucifixion that arise today. Beginning on March 13, the book study is at 1 pm and there will be lunch at 12:30 pm for those who can attend. All are encouraged to join the Healing Service that precedes the book study, at noon in the historical church. Contact: Fr. Tom at

Men's Study Group
The Men's Discussion Group , which meets on Wednesdays at 10:30 am, in the Youth Room, is currently watching Bishop Scott Benhase's series on Romans. For more information, please contact Te Turner at

Thursday Lenten Spiritual Practices
Want to grow spiritually but don't want another practice or discipline you'll feel guilty about not doing? Join Mother Ashton and Mother Becky to explore spirituality as a way of being engaged in our relationship to God through other people, the world around us and ourselves. We'll look at spirituality as our ongoing, evolving relationship to God and how we can live daily in an awake, holistic, and faithful way. The group will meet on Thursdays at 1:00 pm from March 14 - April 11. The text is  Strength for the Journey: A Guide to Spiritual Practice  by Renee Miller and is available from Amazon in Kindle edition for $14. Hard copies will be available in the church office for $16. Please call the church office to sign-up as the first session will kick-off with a special treat! For more information, contact Mtr. Becky at

 Children and Youth

Safeguarding God's Children - February 26 & March 3
The Episcopal Church is committed to providing a safe and loving environment for our children and youth to come and explore their faith and spirituality. One of the ways we do our best to accomplish this is training our children and youth workers, as well as our church leaders in the prevention of sexual abuse happening with any children trusted in our care. Mother Katie will be leading training on what this looks like at Christ Church. We encourage our parents to take the time to look at the training the Episcopal church offers its church leaders called Safeguarding God's Children (click here), as well as come to our training sessions either on February 26, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm or March 3, from 12:30 - 2:00 pm. This will help you understand how we can keep our children safe while they are at their church.

This is difficult material to be absorbed and hard to face. Unfortunately, the abuse of the more vulnerable happens regularly. The Episcopal church chooses to face these difficult truths for the health and wholeness of all those who seek the benefits found in being a member of the body of Christ. Please feel free to contact Christ Church clergy if you are in need of pastoral care - we are here for you. Contact Mtr. Katie at for more information.

Confirmation Class for Teens 
The next confirmation class for teens will  take  place on Thursday, February 21,  in Christ Church, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm.

Readings for February 21:

James 5:13-16, John 20:19-23, 
Mark 10:2-9

The Sacraments pp 857-58, 446
The Reconciliation of a Penitent pp 446, 449-51, 
Laying on of Hands and Anointing pp 455-46
The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage 
and The Blessing of a Civil Marriage pp 422-434

Contact: Mother Katie at

First Communion
The second class for children who would like to receive their 1st Communion will take place on Sunday, March 31, at 10:20 am, in the Parish Hall. We will be talking about the Eucharist and exploring different ways it is celebrated during this session.  Mother Katie is available if you desire further exploration for your child in preparation for consuming their first communion. Please contact her at .  

Christ Church Families on Facebook
Families! Please join the Christ Church Families Facebook group to keep up with all the latest events and activities. Find us on Facebook here !



Backpack Buddies in February

The Backpack Buddies continue to share the love in February! Please join us on Wednesday, February 27, at 10:00 am, to help pack weekend food bags for our young buddies in Glynn County. It's fun and fast on the assembly line and all are welcome to join the group. For more information about Backpack Buddies, please contact Susan Shipman at
St. Athanasius Food Pantry
Over the next two weeks, we will be collecting non-perishable foods for the Feed My Sheep Food Pantry, to be delivered to St. Athanasius, in Brunswick, during the first week of March. The items that are particularly needed this month include canned ravioli, pinto beans and canned fruits. Monetary contributions are welcome, as well!
SGHS Bridge Run 2019
The 2019 Southeast Georgia Health System Annual Bridge Run took place this past Saturday, February 16, and the Christ Church team once again conquered the highest "hill" in southeast Georgia!  Many thanks to Diane Sheehan and Judy Douglas for spearheading this project to raise funds and awareness for the cancer programs at the Southeast Georgia Health Center. To see pictures of all the fun, click here.


The Tour of Homes Needs YOU!
There's still plenty of room for folks to get involved in this year's Tour. We particularly need parkers, house docents and Parish Hall helpers. If you can help, please contact the committee chairs listed below or you can volunteer online by going to Just click Tour Information, then hit Volunteer!

Tour of Homes tickets are available online NOW at Remind all your friends to get their tickets, and be an active part of our success! Feel free to contact any of us for assistance.
Save the Date for the Homeowners' Celebration Party, on Sunday, March 17, at Musgrove Invitations to follow - RSVP required!
Tour Chair : Charlotte Graham 912-506-3431
Tour Co-Chair : Susie Henning 912-571-1674
House Chair : Beth Smith 912-506-7577 
Parking Chair : Van Black 678-427-9735
Parish Hall Chair:  Sarah Kreimborg 912-222-6960
Bus Docent Chair:  Christine Plank 540-270-1215

ECW Scholarship - Applications Available Now
The Christ Church ECW announces that applications are now open for the brand new ECW Scholarship for young  women . This scholarship is available to graduating seniors or those who have graduated from high school and want to further their education. The applicant must be from Glynn or McIntosh County and be an active Episcopalian. The application deadline is April 21, 2019.  For more information, click here

Parish People

Celebrating Our Friends At Christ Church!

Pam Hamilton took the Podium at this past Saturday at the annual Southeast Georgia Health System Bridge Run, winning second place in her division. Congratulations, Pam!  She has run the bridge every year for the past 10 years and is a lifetime exerciser, even though she claims she's not really a runner. However, she has run several 5K's, a 10K and a half Marathon. Being a retired Physician (Ob/Gyn), Pam likes to encourage people to be as active as possible. As she says, "Exercise definitely makes me feel better."


Moms' Night Out
Hey Moms! It's time to get together, catch up and just relax! This month we'll be meeting on Friday, February 22, at 6:00 pm, at the all new Chili Peppers Authentic Mexican Food Restaurant in Retreat Village. Please contact Mtr. Ashton at, by Wednesday, February 20 and let her know you're coming!
Pancakes at the Pier on Shrove TuesdayPancakesatthePier 
Mark your calendars for Pancakes at the Pier, on Shrove Tuesday, March 5, 2019, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, at Neptune Park, in the St. Simons Village. There will be pancakes at the Casino and parades through the park led by local musicians. Come for the games, pancake relays and fun for all ages and bring your friends and neighbors! Contact: Mtr. Katie at

Stay Informed

Memorial Gifts
From time to time we are asked if there are things the Church can use that might be given as a memorial for a loved one or in thanksgiving for a blessing. Below is a list of opportunities for giving memorials and who you might contact about them. This is a sort of wish list; things that would be nice to have, but aren't in the budget. If you would like to make a memorial gift, please speak with the listed contact so that they know to expect the gift and can instruct you how the gift can be made. Partial gifts towards an item are possible as well.  

Current Memorial Opportunities:

Christ Church Outdoor Nativity: $5000 We have obtained a high-quality outdoor creche scene suitable for the front lawn of Christ Church, a post-Christmas opportunity that dramatically reduced the cost for such a set. The intent is to create a simple backdrop for the figures and light them at night. Some figures stand nearly six feet tall. Contact: Fr. Tom at

Timpani Drum Set: $4000 We would like a pair of timpani drums to bolster our music program and be available for regular use in our music program. Contact: Kathleen Turner at

Outdoor Stations of the Cross: DONATION GIVEN St. Ignatius currently has a partial set of stations in the garden for outdoor use. We would like to replace the weathered stations and expand the arrangement to include all fourteen stations. The cost includes all fourteen stations and lumber to mount the stations not already installed in the garden. Contact: Fr. Tom at

Acolyte Robes: $1750 We are updating our acolyte ministry and their wardrobe. Each robe costs approximately $75 each. We need various sizes/lengths.  Contact: Mtr. Katie at

Sanctuary Chairs:  $1600 We would like to add additional folding chairs in Christ Church in the choir area to replace the metal chairs.  Chairs are $200 each and are the same style used at the altar, dark wood with red pads. Contact: Kathleen Turner at

Choir Robes: $1000 There is a regular need to replace worn out choir robes for our adult choirs. Robes are $100 each. Contact: Kathleen Turner at

Listening Sessions
Listening Sessions are currently being conducted across the state, as part of the 11th Bishop of Georgia Search . Please consider attending the session on Sunday, March 10, at 2:30 pm at St. Mark's in Brunswick.
Click here to see the complete list of Listening Sessions.

Giving Made Easy

You may use the CCF website to make pledges, donations and payments for some activities. Just select "Giving" at the top of the CCF homepage. This brings you to the giving link. If it's your first time at this site, you'll have to create an account. The process is fast and easy and allows you to pay by credit or debit card or by electronic bank transfer. You may change or add new payment methods at any time. Contact: Stan Kyker, CCF financial administrator at 912-638-8683.

Pastoral Care and Prayer List

Pastoral Care 

Your pastoral care team is here for you! If you have a pastoral concern, a blessing you'd like to share, want to arrange a hospital or home visit, and/or receive Holy Communion, please contact Mother Ashton Williston at 912-638-8683 or

Prayer List

To amend our prayer list or to update the church on the condition of your loved one, please email Mtr. Ashton Williston at, Mtr. Becky Rowell at ,  or call the church office at 912-638-8683.

Carl Alexander
Kris Barkley
John Barnes
Kathy Bee
Allen Bowen
Gene Broadwell
June Brown
Nelda Burke
Beverly Burns
Josh Calhoun
Barbara Canady
Greg Canady
Andy Cheshire
Adgate Cole
Dena Davis
Jackie Davis
Mary Lou Detwiler
Terry Doster
Tom Finn
Patricia Friedel
Matthew Ganserite
Walter Graham
Angie Hansen
Burgess Hartsell
Carol Hoffine
Lise Hofmann
Lois Irvin
Bill Littleton
Dot Marler
Rachael Moore

Richard Quinelly
Scott Reynolds
Terry Hall Robbins
Willou Smith
David Somerville
James St. Clair
Grayson Strickland
Edith Tayloe
Sarah Taylor
Mary Triplett-Key
Skip Vinton
John Waite
Brennon Waller
Janice Walker
Carah Wheeler
Summer Wheeler
Clint Winne
Martin Worthy
Putsie Worthy
Mell Wray
Hollis Youngner

James Barfield

This  Week

Serving This Weekend
Paul Salter - Chalice Bearer

Sunday, Feb. 24, 2019 8:00 AM (CCF)
Carl Baumgardner - Chalice Bearer
Carl Baumgardner - Lector 
Peg McBride - Usher
Dorriann Branch - Altar Guild

9:15 AM (Christ Church, Frederica)  
Robert Wray - Acolyte C
Jimmy McQuade - Acolyte - TB
Daven Wray - Acolyte PW
Peggy Goad - Chalice Bearer
Robert Brown - Chancel Master 
Angie Burns - Lector - First Lesson 
Barbara Sullivan - Lector - Second Lesson 
Charlotte Graham - Greeter
Rip Graham - Greeter
Andy Jenkins - Usher
Nancy Hamilton - Kidurgy Shepherd
Nancy Stoddard - Altar Guild

9:15 AM Parish Hall (CCF) 
Chris Turner - Acolyte C
Beth Smith - Chalice Bearer
Hugh Brown - Lector - First Lesson 
Hugh Brown - Lector - Second Lesson
Oscar Covington - Usher
Bascom Murrah - Usher
Mindy Martin - Kidurgy Shepherd
Kay Brown - Altar Guild

11:15 AM (Christ Church, Frederica)
Isabel Parker - Acolyte C
Te Turner - Chalice Bearer 
Mary Helen Moses - Lector - First Lesson
Elizabeth Killgallon - Lector - Second Lesson
Dana Parker - Greeter
Patrick Parker - Greeter
Royce Wood - Usher
Linda Wood - Altar Guild
Dale Pierson - Altar Guild

Weds., Feb. 27, 2019 Healing Service 12:00 PM
Nancy Butler - Altar Guild


Featured Article

Thursday, February 21, 2019
1:00 pm - Thursday Afternoon Book Study
7:30 pm - Youth Confirmation Class

Friday, February 22, 2019
12:00 pm - Icon Writing Group
6:00 pm - Mom's Night Out

Saturday, February 23, 2019
10:00 am - Icon Writing Group
5:30 pm - Worship at St. Ignatius

Sunday, February 24, 2019
8:00 am - Worship at Christ Church 
9:15 am - Worship at Christ Church
9:15 am - Worship in Parish Hall (CCF)
9:15 am - Kidurgy at Christ Church
10:00 am - EYC Trip to Cumberland Island
10:20 am - Sunday School for All Ages
10:30 am - Coffee Hour
11:15 am - Worship at Christ Church

Monday, February 25 , 2019
9:30 am - Manna House
11:00 am - Yoga

Tuesday, February 26, 2019
2:00 pm - Hand Bell Practice
4:30 pm - Choristers Practice
5:00 pm - Trebles Practice
5:30 pm - EC 101
6:00 pm - Safeguarding Class

Wednesday, February 27, 2019
10:00 am - Backpack Buddies
10:30 am - Men's Study Group
12:00 pm - Healing Service
5:00 pm - Adult Choir Practice
6:30 pm - X Church

Thursday, February 28, 2019
1:00 pm - Thursday Afternoon Book Study

Friday, March 1, 2019
11:30 am - OMG Meeting

Saturday, March 2, 2019
St. Athanasius Food Pantry
9:00 am - Clarion Call Workshop
5:30 pm - Worship at St. Ignatius

Sunday, March 3, 2019
St. Athanasius Food Pantry
8:00 am - Worship at Christ Church 
9:15 am - Worship at Christ Church
9:15 am - Worship in Parish Hall (CCF)
9:15 am - Kidurgy at Christ Church
10:20 am - Sunday School for All Ages
10:30 am - Coffee Hour
11:15 am - Worship at Christ Church
12:30 pm - Safeguarding Class

Save the Date

February 24, 2019
EYC Trip to Cumberland Island

March 2, 2019
Clarion Call Saturday Workshop

March 5, 2019
Pancakes at the Pier

March 6, 2019
Ash Wednesday

March 10, 2019
Bishop's Visitation

June 10-14, 2019
VBS 2019