SST3 Updates, Resources, & Supports

November 2024 | Issue 38

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to the SST3 newsletter! Each quarter, SST3 will share updates, educational topics that might be of interest to you, and upcoming professional development. We encourage you to review this information, share it with others, and visit our website for additional information. We also would appreciate learning of topics that would support your work.

Director's Message

Greetings and Happy Autumn from the State Support Region 3 team members,

Our external newsletter provides detailed information about our team's professional development opportunities and the latest news and updates, not only from our team but also from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce and the Ohio Department of Children and Youth.

We appreciate the opportunity to work with and for educators within Cuyahoga County. This collaborative environment allows us to learn from each other, share best practices, and gain new perspectives. In addition, it provides opportunities for reflection, feedback, and growth as we look to improve student outcomes.

Lastly, we welcome your feedback, which will improve our performance and ensure we meet your LEA's needs.

May this season bring you new opportunities and a fresh perspective. Enjoy the beauty of the changing leaves as you walk in the metro parks or drive along a scenic highway!


Michele (Shelly) Gaski

State Support Team Director 

Literacy Leaders Network

Calling all literacy leaders and literacy advocates! We welcome you to join the Literacy in Action Network. This network is designed to deliver timely state literacy updates for busy district leaders. Beyond compliance, these one-hour virtual network meetings aim to navigate solutions as districts face barriers when shifting instruction and systems to align with reading science. Monthly topics include 3rd-grade reading guarantee, MTSS, HB-33 Professional Development, and HQIM. The next meeting is on November 21st from 9:30-10:30 am. Click here to register.

PBIS Award-Winning Schools

We are proud to announce that within our region, 68 school buildings have earned Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) recognition for the 2023-2024 school year. These schools have submitted evidence to show the positive adult and student outcomes of PBIS. Throughout Cuyahoga County, we have:

  • 50 Bronze Awards
  • 14 Silver Awards
  • 4 Gold Awards

We will include a list of these award-winning schools in the next newsletter. Congratulations again to these recipients.

Get ready to explore the amazing offerings of the OCALI Lending Library! Discover a treasure trove of assistive technology, adapted educational materials, and so much more, all available for districts and individuals to check out at absolutely no cost. From curriculum support kits to high-tech and low-tech assistive technology devices, apps, software, alternative format and Braille books, assessments, and even adapted toys – the options are endless!


Alternatives to Discipline

The Office of Safe and Supportive Schools has launched a new website page! As you work to create both a physically and emotionally safe learning environment for students and staff, you can find resources here to support the work. This includes information on Restorative Practices, PBIS, Alternatives to Discipline Approaches, Behavioral Threat Assessment Team resources, and more. 


Teachers have tremendous power to influence student attendance. SST3 has been refining our understanding of the complex challenges with student attendance. This includes compiling interventions to coach schools, analyzing data through the Regional Dashboard and the State Report Cards, and supporting LEA’s in their work toward improvement. If you are working on improvement for your attendance rates, check out these resources:

Good Attendance Starts in the Classroom

Ohio Attendance Guide

Implementation Drivers

Implementation Drivers for Evidence-Based Literacy Practices video from SISEP (State Implementation and Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices). Learn more about Implementation Drivers through the work of the Billingsworth School District Implementation Team as they implement literacy evidence-based practices. Topics include planning for professional development, universal screening, progress monitoring, and fidelity checks for literacy.

RAP Support

Whether you are creating a new Reading Achievement Plan, or submitting a Progress Monitoring Report for your current RAP, we have a session for you! One session will be dedicated to the components of creating a new RAP and the other will walk you through the steps of submitting your Progress Monitoring Report. Office Hours are also available for additional support. Join the sessions that best fit your needs! 

RAP Support Sessions

Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center Resources

The Early Childhood Technical Assistance or ECTA Center is a valuable source of information, resources, ideas, and research. Besides being the home of all things Child Outcome Summary related they house and curate a wealth of other tools, articles, and best practice information. Published just last month by the National Center on Accessible Educational Materials is the Accessible Educational Materials and Assistive Technologies in Early Childhood Education: What, Why, and How. The description of this paper includes “Ensuring that all students, including those with disabilities, can access and engage with learning materials is a pivotal aspect of educational equity and inclusion. explores the use of accessible educational materials (AEM) and assistive technology (AT) supports in inclusive early childhood settings by explaining what they are, why they are crucial for fostering inclusive learning environments, and how they can be implemented effectively.”

For more topical articles on all things early childhood from the ECTA Center, subscribing or viewing eNotes issues:

Professional Learning Opportunities

Consider joining SST3 for a 3-day series at the Educational Service Center of NE Ohio: 

Supporting Students with Complex Needs

This job-embedded professional learning series focuses on using data within your multi-tiered system of support to ensure that students with disabilities not only have their unique needs met but also have access to the general education curriculum alongside their same-aged peers.

Attention Community Schools Sponsors/Operators: Please join us for a virtual meeting on November 7th from 9:00 to 11:00 am to engage in learning and discussion around the Special Education Profile. DEW typically releases part of the Special Education Profile for all LEAs, including community schools during the month of December. Click here to register.

The Benefits of Consistent Attendance

When students go to school as much as possible, they get to be a part of all the learning and opportunities that come with going to school. This handout has more information on the benefits of good attendance and tips for families. It is available in Arabic, Chinese, Dari, English, French, Haitian-Creole, Nepali, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, and Ukrainian.

Tips for Families to Support Your Child's Attendance.

Family Roadmap

The Family Roadmap is a comprehensive web-based resource to help families of students who are learning English to communicate with their child’s school and support their learning. It has videos, checklists, tips, and questions to ask on many education topics. This resource is available in the following languages: Arabic, English, Nepali, Dari, Spanish, Somali, Swahili, and Ukrainian. Family Roadmap to Support Families of Students Learning English.

A Good Life For All!

On Thursday, October 17th, the SST 3 College and Career Readiness Team hosted the 2024 Good Life Conference.

The theme of the conference centered around self-determination, self-advocacy, and supported decision-making. Conference participants heard from nationally recognized leaders, such as Dr. John McNaught from I'm Determined, and Jonathan Martinis of “Justice for Jenny” fame.  The day was capped off with an inspiring message from the Director of Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), Kevin Miller.

The importance of providing opportunities for students to become self-determined has become a priority in our region.  This is true for all students, but especially important for students with disabilities.  Self-determination must be a priority in all secondary transition planning.  However, it should and can start earlier than the age of secondary transition, which in Ohio is 14.

Fortunately, Ohio has several organizations dedicated to this work for youth and adults.  The Ohio Self-Determination Association, Supported Decision Making Network of Ohio, and the Ohio Network for Innovation are just a few.

Want to learn more and move from policy to practice?  Take some time to review, share, and get involved by learning more about these agencies and resources, which can be found on the Good Life Conference site below.

Let’s work towards a good life for all!  

The Good Life Conference 2024

Professional Development

State Support Team 3 is offering several opportunities for professional development. Click here to view our calendar of events. Please visit this site often as ever-changing circumstances may warrant cancellation or postponement of scheduled events.

Our Moral Imperative:
To ensure equitable access and achievement for all students, State Support Team 3 partners with districts and community schools to support inclusive leadership and collaborative teams in the implementation of an effective
Multi-Tiered System of Support.

Belief Statement: 
We believe that ALL children/students have the right to belong, learn, and thrive in
proactive, integrated, and rigorous learning environments.
Visit our website