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June 14, 2017
Camp Kanuga at Christ Church starts on Monday, June 19th. Click here for more information and to register your child!

Honey Creek offers many opportunities for summer camps, as well. Click here for more information.

Rector's Ramblings


Today is Flag Day. Depending on how you want to measure it, it's Flag Day's 101st birthday. It's interesting for me because I just repaired our flagpole and got our American flag back on the front porch last week after nearly a year of being rolled up in the garage.  I just never got around to repairing it, but came upon it when cleaning out the garage and decided it was time to fly it again. I am a patriotic American and proud to post the colors, and I like seeing them out there when I come and go or sit on the porch.
The flag still, generally, commands respect. Some people will always exercise their rights to degrade it, but they are fortunately few and far between. It's a great strength of our nation that such things can happen. But I have watched many people solemnly respecting the flag time and time again. I saw it again today.  


Bluegrass Eucharist and Church Picnic

The 2017 Christ Church Picnic was held on the church lawn this year at the conclusion of morning worship services, which featured a special Bluegrass Eucharist at 11:15 am. The rain held off just long enough for a wonderful time of fellowship, fun and festivities, as we welcomed our new curate, Ashton Williston and her family to Christ Church.  Many thanks to Susan Imhoff, Ed and Lynne Turner, Susan Shipman, Henry Ansley, Gene and Cindy Rackley, Charlotte and Rip Graham, Mitchell Peck, Fr. Tom Purdy, Harry Branch, Brad Hamil, Dianne Abernathy, Lisa Anderson, John Killgallon, Mary Hardee, Angela Scott, Mark Boozer, Elizabeth Freyer, Beth Thrift, Bascom Murrah, Paul Salter, Dorriann Branch, Slade Turner, Ben Galland, Marshgrass and everyone else who worked so hard to make this wonderful day happen!
To see more photos from the day, click here .

The Man Behind the Music: Christ Church Welcomes George Ingram
By John La Boone

Last February, we at Christ Church were blessed with the addition of George Ingram to the staff as part-time Assistant Organist and Choirmaster. George brings a wealth of skill and experience, as well as a deep personal faith, to his new job.
"Church music does a great deal to add to my personal faith," he commented. "It makes me focus and it makes me realize how our faith comes together and gives meaning to life. I think music does that for a lot of people."

Kidurgy All Summer
This year, we will have Kidurgy for our young children throughout the summer. Kidurgy is a child-friendly liturgy of the Word which takes place during the 9:15 service on Sunday. The children gather in the Parish Hall to sing, read scripture and pray from their own bulletins. There is even a short homily. Then they return to the church to receive communion with their families. 

Flower Donations
If you would like to glorify the altar at Christ Church by donating flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one or friend, please contact Ethel Horton at 912-634-8327.


ECW Makes Grants to Local Charities: 
A Note from ECW President, Jane Watson

It with great excitement that the Christ Church ECW announces a very generous gift of over $60,000 to more than 25 local and regional charities ! These gifts come from combined proceeds of the 64th annual Tour of Homes this past March, as well as the year-long sales of the Christ Church cookbook. 
What a joy it is to be able to grant such a large amount to so many deserving charities in our area that benefit women and children. To see the list of the 2017 recipients of the Christ Church ECW grants, click here.


EYC Summer Activities

We've got a lot planned for our children and youth this summer, starting off with games and activities at the church picnic this coming Sunday, June 11th. For a list of the rest of the summer's events, please check out the schedule below! Contact Brad Hamil at brad@ccfssi.orgfor more information.
EYC Summer Schedule
June 19-23rd - Camp Kanuga
June 25th - EYC Drop-in
June 26th - EYC at St. Mark's Towers
July 16th - EYC Drop-In
July 18th - EYC at Magnolia Manor
July 24th - EYC at Manna House
August 13th - EYC Back to School Drop-In at the Parkers

VBS - Superheroes Everywhere at Christ Church

Vacation Bible School is in full swing at Christ Church this week as the children are learning to "Do good, seek peace and go after it!" through songs, games, stories and activities. More photos to come next week!
Camp Kanuga 2017 - June 19 - 23

REGISTER NOW! Kanuga is returning to Christ Church this summer with camps for ages 5 - 11 and ages 12 - 15.  Camp Kanuga Local Day Camps are a great way to introduce children to the summer camp experience. The camps offer creative and educational activities that allow campers to engage with their community and make new friends. Camp Kanuga is specifically designed for campers ages 5-11 and all activities are conducted on-site. Adventure Day Camp is for older children and offers a number of exciting activities from rafting and zip lining to sea kayaking and standup paddle boards. Ages 12-15. To register for either camp, click here.
Honey Creek Summer CampsHoneyCreekCamps

School is almost out, which means Honey Creek Summer Camp is coming up fast. Go to to register for one or more of the camp sessions. Tuition for each session is $440. The required deposit of $75 is applied to the total camp tuition. Tuition covers room and board, special activities, art supplies, camp photo and camp t-shirt. Scholarships are available from both congregations and Episcopal Youth and Children Services to defray the costs of participating in camp.


Books Needed for Summer Reading Program
GEM (Glynn Episcopal Ministries) really needs your help with our weekly summer reading and  meal pack program at St. Athanasius. We are collecting new and gently used books for the children who visit to read and take home, along with the food packs we provide. Right now, the supply of books is extremely low, so we're asking all who can, to please donate any new or gently used children's books to help build our library. Books may be dropped off at the church office in the Parish House at Christ Church.  For questions and information about signing up to help with this outreach, please contact Becky Matthews at 912-268-2689.


Susanna Wesley Lunch at Sea Palms

The Susanna Wesley Guild will be enjoying their monthly summer lunch get-together this coming Tuesday, June 20th, at 12:00 pm, at Sea Palms. All are welcome to join this time of fellowship and no reservations are required. The guild meets every third Tuesday of each month and newcomers are welcome! Contact Ethel Horton at for more information.
Coffee Hour Hosts NeededCoffeeHour
Have you enjoyed Coffee Hour visiting with clergy, meeting new people and relaxing with friends?   We need volunteers for two-person teams who are willing to bring light refreshments once every four months.  If you would like to make Sundays even more meaningful, call Christine at 540-270-1215 or email for more information.

Stay Informed

Planning for the Future at Christ Church
The Christ Church planning process for the future has begun in earnest. To see updates of the plans as they unfold, click  here . Please join us for a  presentation on the project on Sunday, July 23.


Birdies and Bass Golf Tournament

Birdies and Bass is FaithWorks' inaugural golf tournament, which will be held on Friday, June 23, 2017. Come fish in the morning in the beautiful lakes of the King and Prince Golf Club at Hampton Point, for a chance to  shave points off your golf score. For more information, please contact Melissa Stroud at 912-261-8512, ext. 105 or click here.

St. Andrew's and St. Cyprian's Fund Raiser
Our friends at St. Andrew's and St. Cyprian's Episcopal Churches in Darien are hard at work on their capital campaign to build a new parish house that both congregations will share. As part of their fund raising effort, they are raffling off a beautiful 1962 Ford Thunderbird Roadster - one of only 450 made that year. This car has won car
show ribbons and has been appraised at over $50,000. If you are interested in buying a raffle ticket to help this worthy cause (and the opportunity to win a fine automobile) please call 912-258-4619. Tickets are $100 and only a maximum of 1000 will be sold. The drawing will take place on July 4, 2017 and you need not be present to win.

Pastoral Concerns

Prayer List

Please help us keep the prayer list current by notifying Mtr. Becky of any changes in the status or condition of your loved one.
Nancy Acree
George Almasi
Kurt Anderson
Sherri Applebee
Malicia Atkinson
Kris Barkley    
Ella Bothwell
Chris Bradley
Harry Branch
Doug Brantley
Gene Broadwell
Barbara Canaday
Paddy Carley
Anne Chubb
Parker Covington
Mary Lou De Bisschop
Mary Lou Detwiler
Charlene Dickinson
Robbie Dickinson
Charlotte Doster
Anna Doxey
Andy Doyle
Doris Essig
Betsy Fitzgerald
John Floyd
Stephen Freedman
Ewell Gay
Travis Gay
Louise Gentile
Mary Jean Giobino
Ben Grace
Stephen Gregory
Burgess Hartsell
Kay Harvey
William David Herndon
Mike Herrin
Christopher Hewetson
Cheryl Hieatt
Jane Higginbotham
Brenda Hollis
Greg Hollis
Alexander Hutcheson
Ellen Hunter
Carlin Kenny
Christi Lambert
Billie Lewellyn
Keith Lewellyn
Bill Littleton
Sam Livesay
Martha Lovett

Claudia Malone
Dot Marler
Cathy McCarthy
Mamie Meadows
Liz O'Meara
Gene Palmer
Kathy Palmer
Mary Elizabeth Paris
Edith Parker
Margaret Payne
Vivian Peterson
Nancy Phelan
Kari Powell
Chris Prater
Rajika Reed
Jack Riner
Mark Robinson
Gerry Rowell
Phyllis Sartin
Angie Schrum
Willou Smith
Joyce Lowe Snell
Richard Stamper
James St. Clair
Ed Stelle
Samantha Lee Stevens
Joel Stewart
Sarah Taylor
Bill Torrey
Beth Varn
John Waite
Rhea Ward
Carah Wheeler
Summer Wheeler
Hollis Youngner
Keith Zimmerman
Mary Ann    

The Departed
Jim Thompson

To amend our prayer list, or to update the church on the condition of your loved one, please email Mtr. Becky Rowell ( or call the church office at 912.638.8683.

New Ways to Give
Now you can make gifts and offerings to Christ Church by using your phone. Please text ccfssi to 77977,  enter your details, choose your payment method, and give. You may also go to the Christ Church website at, click on the Donation tab at the top and give there.

This  Week

Serving This WeekendServersNeeded

Saturday, June 17, 2017 5:30 PM (St. Ignatius Chapel)
Ralph Wade - Chalice Bearer
Sunday, June 18, 2017 8:00 AM (CCF)
David Boland - Chalice Bearer
David Boland - Lector 
Ed Rowley - Usher
Toni Rowley - Usher
Bonney Shuman - Altar Guild

9:15 AM (Christ Church, Frederica)
Paul Salter - Acolyte - C
      Calleigh Purdy - Acolyte - TB
Kerrigan Hamil - Acolyte - TB
Eva Purdy - Acolyte - PW
David Boland - Chalice Bearer
Paul Salter - Chancel Master
Leigh Lane - Lector - First Lesson
Fred Collins - Lector - Second Lesson
      Beth Varn (sub req.) - Greeter
Will Varn (sub req.) - Greeter
      Susan Imhoff - Usher
Paige Peck - Kidurgy Shepherd
Bonita Wright - Altar Guild
Frankie Ansley - Altar Guild

11:15 AM (Christ Church, Frederica)
Eva Parker - Acolyte C
Alice Barlow- Chalice Bearer
Lynn Fox - Lector - First Lesson
Lynn Fox - Lector - Second Lesson
Diane Ansley - Greeter
Henry Ansley - Greeter
Clinton Winne - Usher
Bonita Wright - Altar Guild
Pat Collins - Altar Guild

This Week at Christ Church
Evening Prayer is held Wednesdays through Sundays at Christ Church, Frederica at 5:00 p.m.
*Unless noted otherwise, all events take place at Christ Church
Thursday, June 15, 2017
9:00 - 11:45 am - Vacation Bible School
12:30 pm - Finance Committee Meeting

Friday, June 16, 2017
9:00 - 11:45 am - Vacation Bible School
12:00 pm - Icon Writing Group

Saturday, June 17, 2017
10:00 am - Icon Writing Group
5:30 pm - Worship at St. Ignatius

Sunday, June 18, 2017
Father's Day
8:00 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica 
9:15 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica
9:15 am - Kidurgy at Christ Church, Frederica 
11:15 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica

Monday, June 19, 2017
9:00 am - Camp Kanuga 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017
9:00 am - Camp Kanuga
12:00 pm - Susanna Wesley Guild @ Sea Palms
5:45 pm - Vestry Meeting

Wednesday, June 21, 2017
9:00 am - Camp Kanuga
10:30 am - Men's Study Group
12:00 pm - Healing Service

Thursday, June 22, 2017
9:00 am - Camp Kanuga
5:00 pm - Vestry and Planning Group Presentation 

Friday, June 23, 2017
9:00 - Camp Kanuga
12:00 pm - Icon Writing Group

Saturday, June 24, 2017
10:00 am - Icon Writing Group
5:30 pm - Worship at St. Ignatius

Sunday, June 25, 2017
8:00 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica 
9:15 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica
9:15 am - Kidurgy at Christ Church, Frederica 
11:15 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica

Save the Date

July 4, 2017
Office Closed for Independence Day

July 23, 2017
Parish Master Plan Presentation

August 20, 2017
Sunday School Starts
9:15 Parish Hall Services Resume

August 20-26, 2017
Icon Writing Workshop