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August 2, 2017
Please join us this Saturday, August 5th, for the ordination of our Curate, Ashton Williston. Click here for more information.

Sunday school teachers, please plan to attend a brief Sunday school meeting on Sunday, August 13th, in the Vestry Room, immediately following the 9:15 am service.  Sunday school and fall programs at Christ Church will be kicking off on August 20th! (Click here for more information.) 

Rector's Ramblings

I have heard from a number of people that they are curious about other aspects of the pilgrimage I first wrote about a couple of weeks ago upon my return. So I'll share a reflection from another day of the trip today. Then, I promise to spread out further reflections a bit, so none of us get sick of hearing about it! But, I'm still processing some of our experiences, so this is still an active subject for me. Spiritual experiences, retreats, pilgrimages, even some single liturgical experiences can stay with us for a long time.  That's one of the reasons I've been encouraging people to head to Honey Creek to the Diocesan revival with our presiding bishop in September. I have a feeling it will stay with us, as a diocese, as a parish, and as individuals, for a long time to come.
So, getting back to Scotland. As I said, each day ended up having a kind of theme, or a learning of some kind. Day six ended up being: There's always a plan B! Sometimes things don't go according to plan. We can do our best to prepare, to have things lined up to adjust on the fly, and yet we can still find ourselves having to find a new path, and new plan, or adjust in ways we had never imagined.  


Ordination of The Rev. Deacon Ashton WillistonAshtonOrdination
Please join us at Christ Church, Frederica this Saturday, August 5th, at 10:30 am, for the ordination to the priesthood of our Curate, Ashton Williston. Following the service, there will be a reception in the Parish Hall. All are invited.
Blessing of the Backpacks and Commissioning of the Sunday School Teachers on August 13th
On Sunday, August 13th, at the 9:15 service, we will be blessing the children's backpacks and commissioning our Sunday school teachers. Please come, if you are student, no matter your age, and bring your backpack so we can bless you as you begin a new school year! 

Christian Formation is an important ministry at Christ Church. The Sunday school teachers volunteer their time and efforts to deepen the faith and understanding of the Gospel for our children and adults. If you are a Sunday school teacher, please join us at the 9:15 service as we commission you to start a new program year!  

Icon Writing Workshop in August
Icon  writing is much more than learning to paint an  icon; a painting depicting Jesus, Mary, angels or saints. Orthodox Christians consider making  icons more a form of prayer than art, and believe the writer's hand is guided by God as s/he writes in paint. Each brush stroke is a meditative act. Those who have painted  icons describe the experience as deeply spiritual and faith-enhancing.
Our instructor is Fr. David Holland, who has been teaching icon writing for  24  years. No previous artistic ability is needed. Fr.  David  has never had anyone not finish an  icon . We will  write  the  icons  shown above.
Our icon writing workshop August 20th-26th is limited to 16 people, so please register soon. We will meet in the Christ Church Parish Hall from 5:00 to 8:00 pm on Sunday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm on Friday and 8:30 am - 12:00 pm on Saturday.
The only thing you need to bring is a willing spirit, as Fr. David will furnish all materials and instruction. On Sunday, August 27, our icons will be blessed during Sunday morning services. The cost for the workshop is $425. To register, call the church office at 912-638-8683. For more information, contact Mtr. Becky at or give her a call.

Flower Donations
If you would like to glorify the altar at Christ Church by donating flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one or friend, please contact Ethel Horton at 912-634-8327.

Revival: Fearless Faith, Boundless Love

The Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, is traveling throughout the country this year offering a series of revivals. On Sunday, September 17th, the  Diocese of Georgia will offer a revival based on Fearless Faith and Boundless Love. Join us for a day of renewal and to celebrate the life and legacy of a Saint in Georgia, Deaconess Anna Alexander. The revival worship will use the propers for Deaconess Anna Alexander of Georgia (1865-1947) and displays, handouts, and a video will tell the story of this saint of Georgia.

The day begins with a service at Good Shepherd, Pennick where Deaconess Anna Alexander served.  At 2:00 pm, parishioners from all over the diocese of Georgia will gather under a large tent on the grounds of Honey Creek Retreat Center to hear the Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, as he shares his message of love and renewal. Please save September 17, as it will be a day to celebrate our faith together and to share it with others. For more information and to register online, click here . Because parking at Honey Creek is very limited, we will be arranging group transportation from Christ Church. Details will be available in coming weeks.


Summer Reading Club
On  Thursday, August 17th, at 11:00 am, the summer reading group will discuss the book  "When Breath Becomes Air" by Paul Kalanithi. 

 Please call the Church Office before  August 13th to make a reservation.

EYC Summer Activities

Our EYC helping the Christ Church team of volunteers at Manna House.

Our EYC has been busy this summer with fellowship and outreach projects. On Monday, July 24th, the EYC helped serve lunch at Manna House. On August 13th, the youth are invited to the EYC Back to School Drop-In at the Parker's! For more information, contact Brad Hamil at

Sunday School Starts on August 20th!SundaySchoolStarts
August 20th will be the first day of Sunday school for children and youth! Teachers and students will meet in their rooms with their classes for a short time to get acquainted. No lesson this day, just a time to introduce everybody and share. There will be a picnic on the lawn immediately following the 11:15 service (see article below). Please encourage friends and neighbors to come and join in the fun! We will also have Kidurgy during both the 9:15 and 11:15 services.

Fall Programs Kick-Off Cookout - Chillin' and Grillin'!

Please join us on Sunday, August 20th, immediately after the 11:15 service, when we will be Chillin' and Grillin' on the lawn! The church will provide hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, condiments, iced tea, lemonade and paper products - you bring your FAVORITE SUMMER COOKOUT SIDES, SALADS, and DESSERTS! Tables and chairs will be set up, but please feel free to bring your own lawn chairs and blankets. Donations will also gladly be accepted to help offset the costs. There will be games and activities for children and a good time for everyone, as we kick off the new program year! Feel free to invite guests and neighbors to join us!
One of the activities will include snowballs!  Come and see a snowball fight at Christ Church!

AND NOW...for the main event...THE TANK!
Want to make a splash and make a difference at the same time? Here's Your Chance!

In addition to all of the other fun activities, we will be auctioning off our Clergy, Staff, and our Senior Warden to sit in a dunk tank. The highest bidder will get to throw the first pitch at the person of your choosing. The money collected from the dunk tank auction will support our children, youth, and family ministries.   For questions please contact Ashton at or Brad at . Don't miss an opportunity to submerge our clergy and staff, out of love, of course, and for a good cause!

Adult Sunday Class - The New Testament
The Adult Sunday morning Class will resume on August 20th. The class will be doing a 24-week series from The Great Courses lectures on the New Testament. The Class meets from 10:30 to 11:15 am each week in the Parish Hall and the Rev. Dr. Robert W. (Bob) Brown is the facilitator and teacher for the Class. The New Testament course promises to be an inspiring and educational event. 
The New Testament is undoubtedly the single most important book in the history of Western civilization, whether seen as a religious book of faith or as a cultural artifact. The 24 lessons of this course will approach the New Testament from a historical perspective, bracketing questions of belief and theological truth to acquire a historically rich grounding for our understanding of these foundational documents. 

The course will begin with four lessons on the historical context in which the New Testament was written, considering both the world of Greco-Roman pagan cults and the world of early Judaism.
In the second four lessons, we will examine the New Testament Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These are our principal sources for knowing about the life and teachings of Jesus; they are also major literary works in their own right, each with its own perspective on who Jesus was and why his life and death matter.  Come join us for these lessons and be enriched in your understanding of the New Testament.  Everyone is welcome. 

Young Adult Sunday Morning Study
If you're interested in learning about boundaries in your life, please join our soon-to-be-ordained Curate, Ashton Williston, as she leads this study on Sunday mornings. The class will meet in the vestry room for Sunday school beginning on August 20th at 10:30. 

The first morning will be an essential meet and greet, with the passing out of the book, Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No - To Take Control of Your Life. Click here to read a review of this fascinating book. 

If you would like to know more information or have any questions, please contact Ashton at

Enneagram Workshop Coming in September
On September 15-16, 2017, Christ Church, Frederica presents the Rev. Dr. Paul Hanneman's introduction to "The Enneagram ...your new best friend!" Join Dr. Hanneman for this workshop as he explores this ancient spiritual tool... the wisdom of the Fourth Century Desert Fathers, the first Christian monastics...deep, universal and life-changing. 

The Enneagram is about people - how we are the same, how we are different, what makes us tick and how we get in our own way. The Enneagram offers an accurate description of the inner geography of our minds. It describes nine fundamental personality styles. It helps explain why we behave the way we do. It offers specific directions for personal growth.
Rev. Dr. Paul Hanneman, a graduate of Richard Rohr's The Living School, is a certified Enneagram trainer, has studied extensively with Don Riso and Russ Hudson, Thomas Condon, and Helen Palmer. He has taught The Enneagram for over 20 years. He retired after pastoring four congregations over 25 years and serving 15 years as Program Director/Community Educator for the Urban Ministry Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. He now teaches spiritual formation (including the Enneagram) throughout the area, and offers spiritual direction and counseling from his office at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in uptown Charlotte.
Everyone is welcome!  Join us September 15-16, 2017, in the Christ Church, Frederica Parish Hall for this higher- spiritual-learning course.  
Friday September 15, 2017 - 7:00-9:00 p.m. 
"Dynamics of the Nine Personality Types, Ego Structure, Soul"
Saturday, September 16th - 9:00-11:30 a.m. 
"You're NOT Your Personality"
(Light lunch served in Fellowship Hall.)        
1:00-4:00 p.m. 
"Who Does God See When He Looks at Us?"
Advance registration is required and registration forms can be found in the church office. The cost for the workshop is $40 and checks may be made to Christ Church, Frederica. Please write Enneagram Workshop in the memo line. For more information, please contact Billie Sargent Conyers at



St. Athanasius Food Bank Donations Needed
Please bring in your canned and shelf stable foods this weekend to help stock the St. Athanasius Feed My Sheep Food Pantry. Pasta, rice, dried pinto beans, macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, canned fruits, vegetables (particularly canned tomatoes), meats, and soups are especially welcome. You may leave canned and packaged goods all month at the church office or at the Saturday service at St. Ignatius. The donations are delivered to the pantry the first week of the month.

If you'd like to read about St. Athanasius, for whom our sister church in Brunswick is named, click here.

School Supplies Needed
Bring your donations to the church office.
The start of a new school year is just a few weeks away! There are many families in the area that struggle to provide the needed school supplies for their children. In the past few years, Christ Church has worked with GEM (Glynn Episcopal Ministries) to make sure area students have the materials they need for a successful school year. Your generous donations in previous years have gone to help six area schools! Please see the following list and consider helping our area students by donating these school supplies and leaving them in the church office by August 13th. 

Items Needed: Backpacks, #2 pencils, Colored pencils, Pencil boxes and pouches, Pencil sharpener, Pencil top erasers, Pink erasers, Glue sticks, Crayons (16 and 24 packs), Large crayons (8 pack), Scissors - Fiskars for the lower grades, Wide rule composition notebooks, Single subject spiral notebooks, Primary paper, Loose leaf notebook paper, 2-pocket folders, Pocket folders with prongs, Black or blue pens, 3-ring binders, Markers, Highlighters, Composition books with grid paper


Come Celebrate Hospice Volunteer Charlotte Raymond at Sea Palms This Thursday!
Christ Church member Charlotte Raymond has been a dedicated volunteer at Hospice of the Golden Isles for thirty five years, first serving as a member of the board and then by spending years visiting patients, creating scrapbooks for them, knitting prayers shawls and so much more. This year, her faithful service is being honored at the  "Cocktails With Charlotte" fundraiser party at 6:00 pm on August 3, 2017, in the Sea Palms Clubhouse on St. Simons Island. Admission is $25 per person. The event will feature heavy hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar, a silent auction and a live auction that will feature a number of Raymond's prayer shawls and many other items. If you would like more information about the event, please visit If you would like to read more about Charlotte in the recent Coastal Illustrated article about her, click here.
Coffee Hour Hosts NeededCoffeeHour
Have you enjoyed Coffee Hour visiting with clergy, meeting new people and relaxing with friends?   We need volunteers for two-person teams who are willing to bring light refreshments once every four months.  If you would like to make Sundays even more meaningful, call Christine at 540-270-1215 or email for more information.

Stay Informed

Planning for the Future at Christ ChurchPlanningPresentation
The Parish Master Plan Presentation took place on Sunday, July 23, 2017. If you were unable to attend,  the final Master Plan documents and presentation are available to review online  here

Pastoral Concerns

Prayer List

Please help us keep the prayer list current by notifying Mtr. Becky of any changes in the status or condition of your loved one.
Nancy Acree
George Almasi
Kurt Anderson
Sherri Applebee
Malicia Atkinson
Kris Barkley    
Ella Bothwell
Chris Bradley
Harry Branch
Doug Brantley
Gene Broadwell
Barbara Canaday
Paddy Carley
Anne Chubb
Parker Covington
Mary Lou De Bisschop
Mary Lou Detwiler
Charlene Dickinson
Robbie Dickinson
Charlotte Doster
Anna Doxey
Andy Doyle
Doris Essig
Betsy Fitzgerald
Stephen Freedman
Ewell Gay
Travis Gay
Louise Gentile
Max Germaine
Mary Jean Giobino
Ben Grace
Stephen Gregory
Rosalind Griffin
Burgess Hartsell
Kay Harvey
William David Herndon
Mike Herrin
Christopher Hewetson
Cheryl Hieatt
Jane Higginbotham
Brenda Hollis
Greg Hollis
Alexander Hutcheson
Ellen Hunter
Carlin Kenny
Christi Lambert
Billie Lewellyn
Keith Lewellyn
Bill Littleton
Sam Livesay
Martha Lovett

Jerry Lowe
Dorothy McClain
Cathy McCarthy
John McCarthy
Mamie Meadows
Gene Palmer
Kathy Palmer
Mary Elizabeth Paris
Margaret Payne
Vivian Peterson
Nancy Phelan
Kari Powell
Chris Prater
Rajika Reed
Jack Riner
Mark Robinson
Gerry Rowell
Phyllis Sartin
Angie Schrum
Willou Smith
Richard Stamper
James St. Clair
Ed Stelle
Samantha Lee Stevens
Joel Stewart
Grayson Strickland
Sarah Taylor
Bill Torrey
Beth Varn
John Waite
Rhea Ward
Carah Wheeler
Summer Wheeler
Hollis Youngner
Keith Zimmerman
Mary Ann    

The Departed
Janet Daniel
To amend our prayer list, or to update the church on the condition of your loved one, please email Mtr. Becky Rowell ( or call the church office at 912.638.8683.

New Ways to Give
Now you can make gifts and offerings to Christ Church by using your phone. Please text ccfssi to 77977,  enter your details, choose your payment method, and give. You may also go to the Christ Church website at, click on the Donation tab at the top and give there.

This  Week

Serving This WeekendServersNeeded

Saturday, August 5, 2017 5:30 PM (St. Ignatius Chapel)
Ralph Wade - Chalice Bearer
Sunday, August 6, 2017 8:00 AM (CCF)
David Boland - Chalice Bearer
David Boland - Lector 
Ed Rowley - Usher
Toni Rowley - Usher
Anna Belle McCaskill - Altar Guild

9:15 AM (Christ Church, Frederica)
Paul Salter - Acolyte C
Gavin Williams - Acolyte - PW
Jody Bradford - Chalice Bearer
Paul Salter - Chancel Master
Fred Collins - Lector - First Lesson
Barbara Sullivan - Lector - Second Lesson
      Rip Graham - Greeter
Charlotte Graham - Greeter
      Mardi Johnston - Usher
R. Wayne Martin - Usher
Alice Barlow - Kidurgy Shepherd
Sandy Rice - Altar Guild
Sandy Storino - Altar Guild

11:15 AM (Christ Church, Frederica)
Paul Salter - Acolyte C
Paul Salter - Chalice Bearer
Lynne Fox - Lector - First Lesson
Lynne Fox - Lector - Second Lesson
Bonnie Harris - Greeter
John Killgallon - Usher
Nancy Zell - Altar Guild
Ann Graham - Altar Guild

This Week at Christ Church
Evening Prayer is held Wednesdays through Sundays at Christ Church, Frederica at 5:00 p.m.
*Unless noted otherwise, all events take place at Christ Church
Friday, July 28, 2017
12:00 pm - Icon Writing Group
Saturday, July 29, 2017
10:00 am - Icon Writing Group
5:30 pm - Worship at St. Ignatius
Sunday, July 30, 2017
8:00 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica 
9:15 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica
9:15 am - Kidurgy at Christ Church, Frederica 
11:15 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica

Wednesday, August 2, 2017
10:30 am - Men's Study Group
12:00 pm - Healing Service 
Friday, August 4, 2017
12:00 pm - Icon Writing Group
Saturday, August 5, 2017
10:30 am - Ordination of The Rev. Deacon Ashton Williston
5:30 pm - Worship at St. Ignatius
Sunday, August 6, 2017
8:00 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica 
9:15 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica
9:15 am - Kidurgy at Christ Church, Frederica 
11:15 am - Worship at Christ Church, Frederica

Save the Date

August 13, 2017
Sunday School Teachers' Meeting

August 14, 2017
Mission & Ministry Meeting

August 20, 2017
Sunday School Starts
9:15 Parish Hall Services Resume
Fall Programs Kick-off Cookout

August 20-26, 2017
Icon Writing Workshop

September 15-16, 2017
Enneagram Workshop

September 17, 2017
Fearless Faith and Boundless Love Revival at Honey Creek