SST3 Updates, Resources, & Supports
October 2020 | Issue 2
Hello and Welcome!
Welcome to the SST3 newsletter! Each month SST3 will share updates, educational topics that might be of interest to you, and upcoming professional development. We encourage you to review this information, share with others and visit our website for additional information. We also would appreciate learning of topics that would support your work.
Director's Update
I, like many, take time to listen to my favorite tunes from the past and present. As the leaves fade from a lush green to beautiful hues of golden red, yellow, and orange, I think of the tune called Changes by David Bowie:
Turn and face the strange

In our career as educators, strange or unexpected or extraordinary is what we all are feeling especially now. As staff and students settle back into the school routines, there are changes in how that looks. Whether it is a virtual, hybrid or in person learning environment, we are all adapting to this change dedicated to ensure effective instruction is provided for all students. Education will be forever changing and making educational opportunities accessible to all leaners has always been at our forefront.
Stay safe and be well! 
P.S I will take responsibility if this song keeps running through your thoughts.

Michele Gaski, Director for the State Support Team – Region 3 (Cuyahoga County)
Public Comment Period Open for 2020-2021 Ohio Alternate Assessment Participation Waiver
The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is seeking public comment on the proposed participation waiver extension request for 2020-2021 Ohio Alternate Assessment to the U.S. Department of Education due Nov. 4, 2020. ODE is also accepting public comments about the proposed waiver extension request by email to through Friday, Oct. 23, 2020.
Free Webinars: OCALI Offers InspirED Virtual Learning Series
OCALI is supporting educators, educational professionals families and others to adjust to remote learning environment with the creation of - InspirED Virtual Learning Series. 15 sessions beginning in October.
Trauma-Informed School Conference
Virtual conference sessions will provide information and tools that help school personnel and community partners better understand the impact of trauma and how to apply trauma-informed practices at the district, building and classroom levels to best support the whole child. Virtual sessions will be led by educators, school personnel, mental health
providers, community partners, medical professionals and others with competence and experience to train trauma-informed practices in schools ensuring that Every School is Trauma Informed.

Register for the Free Trauma-Informed Schools Conference here
November 7, 2020
9:00 AM - 3 PM

  • Keynote Speaker I: Steve Graner, Project Director for the Neurosequential Model in Education, Session: Serving Kids Through the Lens of Neurodevelopment
  • Keynote Speaker II: Habeebah Rasheed Grimes, Chief Executive Officer with the  Positive Education Program, Session: The Urgency of Now: Why anti-racism is essential  to the practice of trauma-informed care
Ohio Partnership for Excellence in Paraprofessional Preparatiton (OPEPP)
The Ohio Partnership for Excellence in Paraprofessional Preparation (OPEPP) is pleased to offer online workshops to assist districts in using paraprofessional services more effectively in order to support student learning. Workshops foster the professional growth of teacher-paraprofessional teams, paraprofessionals, and all other educators interested in more effective uses of paraprofessional services to support student learning. All workshops offer a combination of synchronous as well as asynchronous learning opportunities.
Keys to Literacy:
Key Comprehension Routine, Grades 4-12

Reminder to register for Keys to Literacy online Literacy professional development - Key Comprehension Routine, Grades 4-12 - course runs in November - December 2020. Register at the Keys website. This course is Co-Sponsored by State Support Team 3.
News You Can Use
How do you implement the science of reading? A structured literacy approach can help. This article from Louise Spear-Swerling can help you begin.
Do you or your staff have some questions that pertains to their work in supporting students with disabilities? Join in the discussions during the next Special Education Office Hours October 28, 2020 Click Here to Register

What does one do when there is not a parent available for the student? In those cases school districts appoint a Surrogate Parent to represent the child with a disability who may need special education services.  To take the Online Surrogate Parent Training - click here or for more information - flyer
Stop in to the next PBIS Coaching Session scheduled for November 16, 2020, Registration must be done in Zoom. To register, please click on the registration link.

Considerations for PBIS Implementation was developed by teachers and administrators with support from SST3 consultants for use with PBIS teams.

The Ohio Department of Education website addresses Social-Emotional resources. SST3 has developed a summary for districts.

Join us for a rescheduled Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) PD for Wednesday, October 21, 2020. An Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) review is scheduled for Friday October 30, 2020.

The next Itinerant Network meeting is scheduled for 12:30 PM on Friday, December 4, 2020 and the Early Childhood Supervisory Network meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Tuesday December 8, 2020.

Unannounced preschool licensing visits will resume. If your daily schedule has changed since your last inspection, please notify

FY21 Support Schools Tool will be released in mid-November. The Tool will continue to help districts track the effectiveness of their schools' implementation of evidence-based strategies identified in their school improvement plans. EdSteps Cohort 1 districts are encouraged to use this tool in their planning process to determine what is working and what should be revised (OIP step 5). The goals for completion are earlier than last year. The Tool is moving to the cloud with the functionality of the One Needs Assessment. As a result, districts and community schools will be able to open their own survey and that of schools in their districts. Districts or schools that are not required to use the tool can be added.
There will also be a new Support Schools Tool Role for Community Schools. Community school sponsors will have view-only access.
Due Dates:
EdSteps Cohort 1 Districts: February 28, 2021
All other EdSteps Cohorts: March 31, 2021.
*Districts should set the due dates for their schools, giving them enough time to review their individual school inputs prior to the submission deadlines above.
SST feedback will be provided by March 15, 2021 for Cohort 1 and all other Cohorts by April 15, 2021.
Ohio Department of Education feedback will be provided by April 15, 2021 for Cohort 1 and all other Cohorts by May 15, 2021.
Despite the many challenges that Covid has presented, High Quality Secondary Transition Services for students with disabilities who are 14+ years old remains the driving force behind those students' IEPs. Now more than ever, the need for a coordinated and collaborative delivery of services is critical! A large part of that collaborative practice is partnerships with the adult service agencies.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) wants to remind everyone that they are open for business! Not sure who to contact? Visit OOD's website to get the ball rolling!
REMINDER: Ohio Longitudinal Transition Survey (OLTS) surveys are due by October 31st.
CTE/SPED Leaders Network Meeting, which is Thursday, November 5, 2020, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM. Amy Szymanski, Secondary Transition and Workforce Development Consultant from Ohio Department of Education will present on the new CTE Self-Review Tool.

CTE Brown Bag Series (Perkins V) -
The Ohio Department of Education's Office of Career Tech Education is holding weekly weekly discussion on current CTE issues during the CTE Brown Bag series

Workforce & Education Series -
Check out the the Aim Hire: Workforce and Education Symposium and fall series is sponsored by Ohio Excels, a nonpartisan coalition of business leaders, and the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation. Register here.
The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center has released the recordings of the Leadership Summit. Great resources to use in building the capacity of your Family Engagement teams.

Check our the Family Engagement Leaders in Ohio (FELOS) a virtual professional learning community for Family Engagement professionals in Ohio's districts and community schools.

Professional Development
State Support Team 3 is offering several opportunities for professional development. Click here to view our calendar of events. Please visit this site often as ever-changing circumstances may warrant cancellation or postponement of scheduled events.

Virtual Office Hours
We are offering an opportunity for you to connect virtually about topics of importance during this time of being apart. Join us to ask and answer questions and collaborate and network with colleagues.
See what's happening this month.
Reset and Restart Planning Guide
Essential Information for

Information regarding Ohio's Reset and Restart plan is available to assist parents, families, caregivers and educators as they navigate the world of remote learning during this unprecedented time. Review for timely updates.
Our Mission

Our mission is to build the capacity of educational systems as learning organizations inclusive of families and communities to develop and sustain proactive, integrated learning environments through timely and relevant professional development, technical assistance and consulting services.

Belief Statement: 
We believe that ALL children/students have the right to belong, learn, and thrive in a
proactive, integrated, and rigorous learning environments.