SST3 Updates, Resources, & Supports
January 2023 | Issue 24
Welcome to the SST3 newsletter! Each month SST3 will share updates, educational topics that might be of interest to you, and upcoming professional development. We encourage you to review this information, share it with others and visit our website for additional information. We also would appreciate learning of topics that would support your work.
Director's Message
Happy 2023 and welcome back from your winter recess! I hope you took some time to relax, rejuvenate, and reflect during your time off. Each month, I try to select a resource or article that might support you in your leadership journey. Whether or not you believe in new year’s resolutions, this month’s article is a quick read and reflects the importance of taking care of yourselves and each other in our work as educators.
In her article, 10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Leader Should Adopt in 2023, Anese Cavanaugh gives candid and practical advice for leaders as we enter 2023. The article can be found at While she lists ten ideas for leaders in 2023, like me, I encourage you to pick one to two of her ideas and consider how you might incorporate them into your practice.
Be well,
Michele (Shelly) Gaski
State Support Team Region 3
Happy New Year from State Support Team 3!
New Year is not about changing the dates, but the direction; It's not about changing the calendar, but the commitment; It's not about changing the actions, but the attitude. May you commit and create the best New Year ever!
Cohort 3 will be completing the One Needs Assessment and One Plan with ODE feedback. To find out what cohort your organization is in, please click on this link.
To prepare for the One Needs Assessment, visit the ODE resources
ED STEPS FY23 Cohort Trainings
The Ohio Department of Education’s Office of Federal Programs is pleased to host ED STEPS training sessions starting in January 2023. These trainings will cover different topics related to ED STEPS and updates to the One Needs Assessment and One Plan.
Sessions Format:
The sessions listed will include a presentation or demonstration related to the session topic followed by an opportunity for questions and answers.
These sessions will be held remotely as Microsoft Teams meetings. Attendees will be able to join using the Teams meeting link shared in the STARS event and confirmation email. At the time of your selected session, please use the Teams meeting link to join. Please note: Sessions will be recorded and shared with attendees following the session.
Please register in STARS V2.0, which can be accessed through your OH|ID Portal under “Training and Registration”. To find the session information, we recommend searching any of the following fields:
Event Name: Federal Programs – ED STEPS - Trainings
Keywords for FY23 Cohort Trainings: ED STEPS, One Plan, One Needs Assessment
Information provided: The registration information provides a link to join the meeting as well as a link to a survey for submitting questions prior to the session. It is optional for attendees to submit questions prior to the training.
The following is a list of the topics currently planned:
- ED STEPS process including the One Needs Assessment / One Plan/ CCIP Funding Application
- January 11, 2023, 10:00 AM -12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Open office hours will start on Thursday, February 2, 2023, and be every Thursday until May 30, 2023.
Please click this link to join: Cohort 2 Open Office Hours
- Revisions and updates to the One Needs Assessment / New One Plan
- Thursday, April 13, 2023, 10:00 AM -12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
One Needs Assessment Overview Sessions
SST Region 3 will be offering One Needs Assessment Overview Sessions. The goal is to understand the purpose of EdSteps, the One Needs Assessment, and the One Plan and expectations/timelines for completion. All are welcome, especially those districts/community schools that are in Cohort 3.
Please save the date and time that works best for your schedule as all of the sessions will be the same information. More information to come on registration.
Dates for the Virtual Overview Sessions:
- Tuesday, January 31, 2023 – 9:00-10:00 am
- Tuesday, January 31, 2023 – 2:30-3:30 pm
- Wednesday, February 15, 2023 – 9:00-10:00 am
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 – 2:30-3:30 pm
Online Ohio AASCD Certification
The certification to administer the Ohio AASCD is now all online—there are no more face-to-face trainings
You can access the online course via the AASCD testing portal.
You will use your district log in (same as the log in you use to access the assessment) to access the online modules. You must complete all three modules and once you start a module you need to finish it in that sitting—you cannot pause and come back later so plan accordingly (it will take between 30-60 mins per module).
Once you complete the modules you will be able to print a certificate and it will be reported back to your district test chair as well. If you have questions once you have completed the modules, feel free to contact Angie Chapple,, or Anne Zito, at the SST3.
Talk to Action
As you provide professional learning with your teams, it is important to move from talk to action. In the article “Moving from Talk to Action in Professional Learning” by Jim Knight, knowing the stages others go through as they implement a new approach will make it easier to support them in the implementation.
ELL Critical Data Process -
Preschool Version
This focuses on training those in attendance on how to complete the Preschool Version of the ELL Critical Data Process. This is the process created by Steve that helps staff to gather the most critical data, follow a structured process, and create a product that helps them to see whether more interventions are needed or if a special education referral is a reasonable option. The Preschool Version of the ELL Critical Data Process brings key staff members to the table and structures the discussions so that a student’s needs are better understood. The Preschool Version focuses less on measured data (given there is far less available) and more on specific comparisons of the child’s development in key areas as compared to like peers’ development in the same areas, focusing on the LE³AP process. The LE³AP process is a lens used to look at student struggles focusing on: Exposure, Experience, Expectations, and Practice. This is a theme in many of the books written by Steve and Ushani. It helps educators understand if the student’s struggle is to be expected given these factors or if the student should not have the noted struggles given this lens. Click here to register
PBIS Tier I: PreK-12 School Aged New Teams
SST3 and ESCNEO are working together to promote PBIS Tier I: PreK-12 School Aged New Teams. This professional development focuses on developing an understanding of the rationale for implementing PBIS at a district and building/program level, learning about the core components of PBIS framework, and creating an action plan for the implementation at the building/district/program levels. This is a three-part series with the intended audience being PreK-12. A hybrid platform is being offered for all three sessions. Sign your team up today.
PBIS Tier III Training
SST3 and ESCNEO are happy to announce a new PBIS Tier III professional development opportunity. This 2-day (January 26 & February 9, 2023) training is intended for members of the PBIS Tier III teams to attend together or school personnel working in districts/buildings who are interested in learning more about Tier 3 implementation and potential readiness. Please click here to register today. Space is limited.
All Students Can Read:
Providing Literacy-Focused Assessment and Instruction for Students with Disabilities
Registration now is open for “All Students Can Read,” an instructional series developed to build the knowledge and skills of special educators in reading science. Participants will examine the research and theoretical models supporting reading science, assessment and instruction within a multi-tiered system of support and develop reading profiles that support the instructional design to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities.
The next session is on January 12, 2022, from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Understanding the
Special Education Process
If parents have concerns about their child’s learning, it can be difficult to navigate the process of seeking additional support or determining if a child needs an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The Ohio Department of Education has created an Evaluation Roadmap for Families of Children Ages 3-21. This visual outlines the process, includes links to additional resources, and is available in multiple languages.
Graduation Requirements
By now, we are all aware of the new Ohio Graduation Requirements. Earning an Ohio diploma is about three things:
- Students need to pass the requisite courses.
- Students need to demonstrate competency.
- Students need to demonstrate readiness.
The first pathway to demonstrating competency is by earning a score of 684 on both the ELA 2 and Algebra 1 Ohio State Tests. Students who may not reach that benchmark score after at least two attempts at passing have other options for demonstrating competency. One of the alternate or parallel demonstrations of competency can be earning 12 points of Industry Recognized Credentials in one of the 13 Ohio Department of Education defined Career Clusters.
Industry Recognized Credentials have become a hot topic, as districts look for ways to insure that their students leave high school with a demonstration of competency. Recently, the State Support Team 3 offered an Industry Recognized Credential Fair. If you would like to learn more about the credentials that were featured at the recent event, check out this Google site Most have short pre-recorded videos with the vendors giving an overview of the credentials that they offer.
State Support Team 3 is offering several opportunities for professional development. Click here to view our calendar of events. Please visit this site often as ever-changing circumstances may warrant cancellation or postponement of scheduled events.
Our Moral Imperative:
To ensure equitable access and achievement for all students, State Support Team 3 partners with districts and community schools to support inclusive leadership and collaborative teams in the implementation of an effective
Multi-Tiered System of Support.
Belief Statement:
We believe that ALL children/students have the right to belong, learn, and thrive in
proactive, integrated, and rigorous learning environments.