SST3 Updates, Resources, & Supports
October 2022 | Issue 21
Hello and Welcome!
Welcome to the SST3 newsletter! Each month SST3 will share updates, educational topics that might be of interest to you, and upcoming professional development. We encourage you to review this information, share it with others and visit our website for additional information. We also would appreciate learning of topics that would support your work.

Director's Message

Curbing Educator Burnout
Welcome to another beautiful fall season in Northeast Ohio. As with any change in the seasons, there is an opportunity to reflect on where we have been and where we are going. The school year is in full swing and you are likely implementing some new initiatives this school year that you anticipate will positively impact student achievement. While there is always a sense of urgency to implement initiatives that will produce positive results for student achievement, I continue to ask myself, "are we doing too many things at once?" and "are we doing the right things?" While it's critical to select and implement evidence-based practices for our district and school improvement plans, when new initiatives are added, how much time do you reflect and make decisions about *what is going to be taken off the plates of your educators? In a recent online article, Peter DeWitt discusses the importance of having a de-implementation process (DeWitt, 2022). In his article, How De-Implementation Can Curb Educator Burnout he shares some practical strategies for "reducing or replacing low-value practices" which gives educators more time to focus on what really matters (DeWitt, 2022.) Reducing or replacing past low-value practices can actually enhance our school improvement efforts because educators can implement evidence-based strategies that will actually impact student learning and eliminate the practices that get in the way.
Please schedule a time to meet with a colleague or two, share this article, and consider if any of DeWitt's strategies might work in your district or school.


Michele (Shelly) Gaski
Director for the State Support Team (Region 3 Cuyahoga County)
How Principals Can Make Discipline a Teachable Moment
Discipline can be a teachable moment for students, writes longtime educator Jim Dillon. In this blog post shared by a ASCD SmartBrief, Dillon shares 10 strategies, including remaining calm and matter-of-fact and helping ensure the experience does not make students feel bad about themselves.
Meaningful Movement for Children who are Deafblind (2-part series)

Dates: Oct. 11 and Nov. 15
Time: 3:30-4:30 pm (ET)
Speaker: Dr. Lyn Ayer
Contact hours available
No Cost
Click here to access the event flyer and registration link.

Registration is open for your chance to attend OCALICONLINE 2022, November 15-18, 2022
Nearly 300 sessions will be offered online and participants can join from anywhere, anytime Space is
limited due to the overwhelming number of participants so register today.
2023 Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit Call for Presenters open

The Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit is on June 14, 2023, at the Ohio Union on the campus of The Ohio State University in Columbus. Event organizers currently are accepting proposals to present. The goal of the summit is to build a statewide network of teacher leaders and administrators to promote and strengthen teacher leadership in Ohio.
This exciting event brings together schools, districts, and organizations doing innovative work to develop teacher leaders by sharing successes, lessons learned, and strategies for overcoming challenges around teacher leadership implementation.
The Call for Presenters submission form is open through November 16, 2022.
Check the Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit webpage for updates on the summit.
For questions, contact [email protected].
IEP-ETR Best Practices PD

SST3 is conducting a second series of the IEP-ETR Best Practices PD. The dates are October 3, November 16, and December 5. Click here for further information and to register.

SST3 has developed a google site that contains a series of "mini modules" regarding IEP, ETR, Internal Monitoring, and Systemic Improvement. The site is designed to be used as a resource for targeted needs within an organization. The topics are broken out by areas of need based on regional data.
Report Card Resources

Report Cards were made available on September 15, 2022. Many of the measures and ratings are new for the traditional district and school report cards. For more information on the new report cards, including the newly released “Guide to 2022 Ohio School Report Cards” manual, visit


The One Plan User Guide has a new name and has been updated. The guide’s new name is now called “One Plan Manual.” The manual has been revised to provide more updated pictures to navigate the One Plan and new sections have been added such as the Approval Process and Reporting Results. The One Plan User Guide can be found at:
Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education
Position Statement from the National Center for Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

All young children have the right to equitable learning opportunities that help them achieve their full potential as engaged learners and valued members of society. Thus, all early childhood educators have a professional obligation to advance equity. They can do this best when they are effectively supported by the early learning settings in which they work and when they and their wider communities embrace diversity and full inclusion as strengths, uphold fundamental principles of fairness and justice and work to eliminate structural inequities that limit equitable learning opportunities. Click here to read NAEY's position statement.
Reading Achievement Plans Update

Due to recent changes to Ohio’s School Report Card, no districts or community schools will be required to submit a Reading Achievement Plan to the Department by December 31, 2022. The Department will continue to support districts and community schools that seek assistance with implementing their current literacy plans. Please send questions to [email protected].
PBIS in the Report Card

With the Ohio Department of Education's release of 2022, Ohio School Report Cards, Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) will continue to be reported. For information and details, check out the Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports – Technical Documentation Traditional School and District Report Cards

PBIS Coaching Network
October 20, 2022
If you are supporting PBIS in your building or district, please join us at the PBIS Coaching Network. October’s session will focus on team membership and meeting structures. We hope to see you there. You can find more information and registration here.
Family Engagement Leaders of Ohio Network

Family Engagement Leaders of Ohio (FELO) is a virtual professional learning community for family engagement professionals in Ohio’s districts and community schools. Ohio’s Statewide Family Engagement Center is bringing together family engagement professionals from across the state virtually to share their experiences and to learn together how we can build partnerships with all families in our PreK–12 education community. 

Partnering with Families Through Special Education Research Brief

Ohio’s Statewide Family Engagement Center has written a paper that outlines seven research-based strategies for educators about partnering with families through Special Education. The brief summarizes the findings of 30 research studies and also incorporates practices from I.D.E.A. legislation and three family engagement frameworks. This paper and several other research briefs can be downloaded from 
New Graduation Requirements

For several years now, Ohio schools have been planning for the graduation requirements that are effective for the graduating class of 2023 and beyond! This year's high school seniors will be the first graduating class that will have the opportunity to graduate by a "customizable" pathway.  

The new graduation requirements are about earning the required credits, demonstrating competency, and demonstrating readiness. These requirements are aligned with the Ohio Department of Education's strategic plan, Each Child Our Future! They also align with the new College-Career-Military-Workforce Readiness report card measure.

Students can demonstrate competency by earning the required score on the Ohio State Tests in English Language Art II & Algebra I. For students who may not be strong test takers, earning 12 points of an industry recognized credential in one of Ohio's 13 career cluster areas can be an alternate demonstration of competency.

On Monday, October 24th, the SST 3 will offer an Industry Recognized Credential Fair, which will be held virtually from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Credential vendors from 12 different organizations will share how they offer creative and flexible options for students to earn these credentials. The registration link is found here and we hope that you will join us!
Professional Development
State Support Team 3 is offering several opportunities for professional development. Click here to view our calendar of events. Please visit this site often as ever-changing circumstances may warrant cancellation or postponement of scheduled events.
Our Moral Imperative:
To ensure equitable access and achievement for all students, State Support Team 3 partners with districts and community schools to support inclusive leadership and collaborative teams in the implementation of an effective Multi-Tiered System of Support.

Belief Statement: 
We believe that ALL children/students have the right to belong, learn, and thrive in a
proactive, integrated, and rigorous learning environments.