SST3 Updates, Resources, & Supports
November-December 2020 | Issue 3
Welcome to the SST3 newsletter! Each month SST3 will share updates, educational topics that might be of interest to you, and upcoming professional development. We encourage you to review this information, share with others and visit our website for additional information. We also would appreciate learning of topics that would support your work.
Holidays are intended to grant us time to celebrate or commemorate an event or tradition of cultural or religious significance with family and close friends. But this year, the ongoing pandemic has caused us to restructure those traditions. We may not gather in the manner with families, or even with staff, as we have in the past, but we can still celebrate each other. Since we, both adults and students, are all facing severe uncertainty and anxiety, I encourage you to seize this opportunity to take time for rest and reflection. I will be checking back in December!
Michele Gaski, Director for the State Support Team – Region 3 (Cuyahoga County)
“Each person deserves a day away, in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.” Maya Angelou
2020 PBIS Recognition Awards
State Support Team Region 3 would like to congratulate the following 33 schools, representing six Cuyahoga County districts, that are being awarded gold, silver, and bronze level recognition for their work in implementing PBIS. The school and district awards will be presented virtually at the OLAC/PBIS Showcase on December 15, 2020.
Orange Schools
Moreland Hills Elementary School
Euclid City School District*
Arbor Elementary School
Bluestone Elementary School
Chardon Hills Elementary School
Euclid Central Middle
Garfield Heights City School District
William Foster Elementary School
Parma City School District
John Muir Elementary School
Parma Senior High School
Thoreau Park Elementary School
Brooklyn City School District
Brooklyn Preschool
Constellation Schools Parma Community
Elementary School - Day Drive
Elementary School - Pearl Road
High School
Intermediate School
Euclid City School District*
Early Learning Village
Euclid High School
Shoreview Elementary
Fairview Park City School District
Gilles-Sweet Elementary School
Garfield Heights City School District
Elmwood Elementary School
Garfield Heights High School
Garfield Heights Middle School
Maple Leaf Elementary School
Orange City School District
Orange Inclusive Preschool
Parma City School District
Dentzler Elementary School
Green Valley Elementary School
Greenbriar Middle School
Hillside Middle School
Pleasant Valley Elementary School
Renwood Elementary School
Normandy High School
Valley Forge High School
*Euclid City School District is also the recipient of the District Award
Winter Warmer Mini Conference
Teaching and Leading from a Distance
Presented by
the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio and the State Support Team Region 3
Come energize with us and add tips and tools to your school toolkit.
Five lucky raffle winners will receive a copy of
“The Distance Learning Playbook”
by Douglas B. Fisher, Nancy Frey and John Hattie
The first 40 participants to register before December 1st. will receive a sweet surprise!
Who: Teachers and Leaders
When: Saturday, December 12th
8:30-8:45 AM Conference Login
8:45-12:30 PM Conference Sessions
Format: Participants will select from a list of one hour sessions to attend during the conference.
Cost: FREE
How: Online Pre-registration is required. Use the link below to secure your space:
Mini Conference Topics
- Data 2.0
- Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
- Grading from a Distance
- Leveraging the UDL Framework for Distance Learning
- Math/Science Disciplinary Literacy
- PBIS at a Glance
- Project-Based Learning
- Purposeful Discourse
- The Science of Reading
- Teaching Remote Phonemic Awareness
- Teaching Remote Phonics
a resource provided by the
This month, we would like to feature a resource from The Ohio Leadership Advisory Council (OLAC). OLAC has recently updated its website to a new platform so please visit the updated website if it has been some time since you accessed these resources.
Both principals and teachers can make use of the updated crosswalk to target professional learning where it is needed based on self-assessments as well as formal evaluations. In addition to OLAC modules, this crosswalk provides teachers with reputable resources and provides focusing questions for principals/evaluators to use to guide constructive interactions with teachers about needed support.
This year's event is FREE but registration is required to access the event and materials.
To register for this event click here
For a complete schedule of events and to learn more about the keynote topics and speakers click here
2020 OLAC & PBIS Showcase
The Ohio Leadership Advisory Council (OLAC) and the Ohio PBIS Network are excited to open registration for their joint, one-day, virtual conference. The event will combine the best of the OLAC Action Forum and the Ohio PBIS Showcase. This year's theme, Leading & Learning Together, will include sessions aligned around three strands:
- Leading, learning, and connecting in remote learning environments
- Supporting the whole child, including students' social-emotional well-being
- Ensuring equitable learning opportunities
Here's what you can expect:
- 20 sessions to choose from
- Keynote speakers—Dr. Doug Reeves and Dr. Kent McIntosh
- Networking and collaboration opportunities with presenters
- Access to all recorded sessions and materials following the event
- Opportunity to earn contact hours
Ohio Partnership for Excellence in Paraprofessional Preparation (OPEPP)
The Ohio Partnership for Excellence in Paraprofessional Preparation (OPEPP) is pleased to offer online workshops to assist districts in using paraprofessional services more effectively in order to support student learning. Workshops foster the professional growth of teacher-paraprofessional teams, paraprofessionals, and all other educators interested in more effective uses of paraprofessional services to support student learning. All workshops offer a combination of synchronous as well as asynchronous learning opportunities.
Keys to Literacy:
Key Comprehension Routine, Grades 4-12 Offers Continued Training Opportunities
Reminder to register for Keys to Literacy online Literacy professional development - Key Comprehension Routine, Grades 4-12 - course runs in November - December 2020. Register at the Keys website. This course is Co-Sponsored by State Support Team 3.
Take a look at what emergent literacy should look like in the preschool setting. As the International Literacy Association states, "Letter knowledge, phonological awareness, and an understanding of speech–sound correspondences are essential for children to learn how to become readers and writers. However, it is critical for children to also learn how to use these tools to better their thinking and reasoning. Developing oral
language comprehension and engaging children in meaningful oral discourse is crucial because it gives meaning to what they are learning". Click the article
Ohio's Alternate Assessment Participation Decision-Making Tool (revised)
In October, the Office for Exceptional Children (OEC) released a revised tool, the Alternate Assessment Participation Decision-Making Tool, for IEP teams to use in determining if a student meets the criteria of "most significant cognitive disability" to be considered for participation in the alternate assessment. Teams will need to use this tool when reviewing data to make this determination. If an IEP team determines that a student meets the criteria, the decision making tool will be attached to the IEP. OEC also provided a list of FAQs to assist teams in understanding the criteria and the decision making process.
Special Education Profiles Release
As a reminder the Special Education Profiles, which will be released in early December, include the district AASCD participation in Indicator 3c.
Cultural Responsiveness Field Guide
Cultural responsive practice that is embedded into School-wide PBIS includes 5 core components. These core components are identity, voice, supportive environment, situational appropriateness, and data for equity. Schools that are mindful of these components encourage high teacher expectations, rely on students’ cultures and experiences to increase their learning, while providing access to effective instruction and relevant resources. Cultural responsiveness included in PBIS reflects systems change at adaptive and technical levels because there’s a change in mindsets and policy. The PBIS Cultural Responsiveness field guide has 3 sections that help districts create identity awareness for students and staff, embed cultural responsive components into the critical features of PBIS, while also providing sample activities, lesson plans, and a glossary of key terms. The field guide is also a good companion to action planning after completing the TFI (tiered fidelity inventory). Click the PBIS Cultural Responsiveness Field Guide
PBIS SPP Indicators
Keep in mind, with the December release of Special Education Profile information, there are several indicators that are directly related to and impacted by the fidelity of implementation of a PBIS framework. When reviewing your SPP data be sure to consider how and to what extent your students, primarily your students with disabilities, access Tier One Universal Supports for behavioral and social-emotional needs.
Look for Early Learning Assessment professional development dates for Winter-Spring 2021 to be available in December. Registration will be on
The Early Childhood Special Education Itinerant Network will again meet virtually on December 4, 2020 at 12:30 PM (click here to register) and the Virtual Early Childhood Supervisory Network is scheduled for 9:00 AM on December 8. 2020 (click here to register). Topics include disproportionality, inclusive practices and interagency agreement. Early Childhood Classroom Management is scheduled for January 8, 2021 and continues on February 5, 2021(click here for additional information and to register). Preference will be given to teams with an administrator.
FY21 Support Schools Tool will be released in mid-November. The Tool will continue to help districts track the effectiveness of their schools' implementation of evidence-based strategies identified in their school improvement plans. EdSteps Cohort 1 districts are encouraged to use this tool in their planning process to determine what is working and what should be revised (OIP step 5). The goals for completion are earlier than last year. The Tool is moving to the cloud with the functionality of the One Needs Assessment. As a result, districts and community schools will be able to open their own survey and that of schools in their districts. Districts or schools that are not required to use the tool can be added.
There will also be a new Support Schools Tool Role for Community Schools. Community school sponsors will have view-only access.
Due Dates:
EdSteps Cohort 1 Districts: February 28, 2021
All other EdSteps Cohorts: March 31, 2021.
*Districts should set the due dates for their schools, giving them enough time to review their individual school inputs prior to the submission deadlines above.
SST feedback will be provided by March 15, 2021 for Cohort 1 and all other Cohorts by April 15, 2021.
Ohio Department of Education feedback will be provided by April 15, 2021 for Cohort 1 and all other Cohorts by May 15, 2021.
The National Council for Exceptional Children-Division on Career Development & Transition Conference, recently held their virtual event. This year's conference was filled with presenters focusing on research, and evidence-based practices. Below, you will find links to the materials from two of the sessions. Hopefully, you will find this information and resources helpful in delivering high quality secondary transition services.
No-Cost Transition Curricula
At the recent CTE/SPED Leaders Network meeting, CTE/SPED Leaders from SST Regions 2, 3, 4, and 8 had the opportunity to hear from Amy Szymanski from ODE.
Amy presented information and updates related to the Perkins V, the new Self-Review Tool, and resources for remote learning (NTACT). In case you may have missed the meeting, or did not receive the resources, those links are shared below.
Work Based Learning continues to be a topic that generates a lot of questions. Information and guidance can be found on ODE's website.
State Support Team 3 is offering several opportunities for professional development. Click here to view our calendar of events. Please visit this site often as ever-changing circumstances may warrant cancellation or postponement of scheduled events.
Reset and Restart Planning Guide
Information regarding Ohio's Reset and Restart plan is available to assist parents, families, caregivers and educators as they navigate the world of remote learning during this unprecedented time. Review for timely updates.
Our Mission
Our mission is to build the capacity of educational systems as learning organizations inclusive of families and communities to develop and sustain proactive, integrated learning environments through timely and relevant professional development, technical assistance and consulting services.
Belief Statement:
We believe that ALL children/students have the right to belong, learn, and thrive in a
proactive, integrated, and rigorous learning environments.