Upcoming Professional Development for Special Education
Please consider attending any of the upcoming in-person professional development sessions this year. Each is part of a series that includes follow-up sessions with your team.
Examining Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): Navigating Inclusive Education Practices
In this five-day series, your team will use data to make systems-level changes to ensure that students with disabilities have access to general education to the greatest extent appropriate.
Supporting Students with Complex Needs
It is a 3-day series that focuses on using data within your multi-tiered system of support to ensure that students with disabilities not only have their unique needs met but also have access to the general
education curriculum alongside their same-aged peers.
Understanding IEP/ETR: Essential Knowledge for Principals
Join us for two half-day sessions tailored for
principals and district representatives. We will
unpack the fundamentals of Individualized
Education Programs (IEPs) and Evaluation Team
Reports (ETRs), including legal requirements and
quality indicators. We will share a variety of
valuable resources and offer opportunities for
ongoing support.