SST3 Updates, Resources, & Supports

April 2024 | Issue 37

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to the SST3 newsletter! Each quarter, SST3 will share updates, educational topics that might be of interest to you, and upcoming professional development. We encourage you to review this information, share it with others, and visit our website for additional information. We also would appreciate learning of topics that would support your work.

Director's Message

Greetings! I want to take this opportunity to welcome you back to the 24-25 school year! I know the beginning of the year is filled with excitement and anticipation of a new beginning. I hope you have enjoyed welcoming back your students and families and are excited about what this school year brings. 

If you don’t already know, September is Attendance Awareness Month, a nationwide recognition of the connection between regular school attendance and academic achievement. Resources are available from the Department of Education and Workforce’s website, linked below. 

This year, I feel energized and grateful for all the important work that you all do as educators on behalf of the students of Cuyahoga County. Thank you for what you do every day! As always, we look forward to partnering with you this year to provide the technical assistance resources and professional learning you need to serve your students.

Be well,

Michele (Shelly) Gaski, Director

State Support Team Region 3 

September is Attendance Awareness Month!

Celebrate with the Stay in the Game! Network by participating in planned events every week in September to celebrate school attendance. Each week will highlight different activities schools and districts can participate in to show support and encourage regular attendance.

Back to School Mental Health Checklist

Changing schedules, supply lists, forms to fill out, and new teachers to meet—many kids, parents, and caregivers feel many emotions about their first day of school.

The Kids Mental Health Foundation has released its back-to-school mental health checklist. Please read it, print it, and share it for tools on how to get more sleep and ease the anxiety that can come this time of year.

Student Leadership in Family-School Partnerships

Students and educators have different perspectives on the role students play in cultivating relationships between home and school. Research on family-school partnerships has focused on parents and educators, with less attention being paid to students' influence. Learn more about ways that schools can develop student leadership in family-school partnerships by seeking their opinions, engaging them as equal partners, and allowing them to plan and lead engagement initiatives.

Literacy in Action Network

Join us for our monthly virtual network, where we will go beyond compliance to navigate solutions as districts face barriers while shifting instruction and systems to align with reading science. One-hour sessions will include topics such as the Adoption and Implementation of High-Quality Instructional Materials, HB33 Professional Developments, Multi-Tiered System of Supports, and DEW Literacy Updates

Literacy in Action Network

Ohio Network of Partnership Schools

Ohio schools are ready for more effective partnerships with families that support all students. Partnership Schools take this commitment seriously, developing leaders and school Partnership Teams. Take your family-school engagement to the next level with the support of the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center. 

Ohio Network of Partnership Schools Flyer


Exciting News for

Early Childhood Educators! 

We’re thrilled to announce that the EC PBIS Tier 1 and Tier 2 Modules are now LIVE and available for all districts and schools to access asynchronously!

These modules are designed to support and enhance your PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) practices for our youngest learners. Please dive into these valuable resources anytime to strengthen your strategies and improve classroom outcomes. Explore and register for the modules here: Suite of Resources for Early Childhood Professionals.

If you or your teams are ready to engage with these modules, don’t hesitate to contact any SST consultants. They’re here to support you with the implementation and ensure that these resources impact your schools meaningfully.

Let’s work together to create positive and effective learning environments for all our early childhood learners! 

PBIS Coaching Network

Join us for the PBIS Coaching Network starting September 12! This series is designed to support schools in implementing and sustaining Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to foster positive school climates and improve academic outcomes and safety. The network offers a collaborative space for district and school PBIS internal facilitators and coaches to share best practices and receive expert guidance from SST3 and ESCNEO consultants. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your PBIS implementation and strengthen your school community! Use this flyer to register.

Improving Adolescent Literacy

Join us for this three-part series, where we’ll go beyond theory and explore practical strategies for supporting struggling adolescents across all content areas. Read more and register here.

October 10, November 13, and December 6 at the ESC.

Literacy Improvement Pathway (Fall Session)

Join us for this four-part series as school leaders will gain an understanding of the ten critical components for leveraging literacy and equity for student outcomes based on Dr. Timothy Shanahan's research. Participants will also gain a deeper understanding of evidence-based literacy practices for all grade levels and related resources to assist in leading literacy in a school or district. Read more and register here.

September 30, October 7, October 28, and November 11 at the ESC.

Does Preschool Boost Kids' Long-term Academic Success? Study Finds Mixed Results

We have long believed that high-quality preschool makes a definitive difference in children's future success. This study says not so fast. According to the analysis, "More research is needed on preschool programs, both to chart the success of kids who do and don’t attend them and to suss out the “active ingredients” that distinguish successful programs from those that aren’t as helpful to kids, researchers concluded". Learn about what makes the difference.

Upcoming Professional Development for Special Education

Please consider attending any of the upcoming in-person professional development sessions this year. Each is part of a series that includes follow-up sessions with your team.

Examining Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): Navigating Inclusive Education Practices

In this five-day series, your team will use data to make systems-level changes to ensure that students with disabilities have access to general education to the greatest extent appropriate.  

Supporting Students with Complex Needs

It is a 3-day series that focuses on using data within your multi-tiered system of support to ensure that students with disabilities not only have their unique needs met but also have access to the general

education curriculum alongside their same-aged peers.

Understanding IEP/ETR: Essential Knowledge for Principals

Join us for two half-day sessions tailored for

principals and district representatives. We will

unpack the fundamentals of Individualized

Education Programs (IEPs) and Evaluation Team

Reports (ETRs), including legal requirements and

quality indicators. We will share a variety of

valuable resources and offer opportunities for

ongoing support.

Communication Toolkit for Families

Effective communication and positive relationships are foundational for partnering with families. The Welcoming Families Communication Toolkit, developed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Massachusetts Statewide Family Engagement Center, helps educators reflect on their communication practices. It consists of five sections: Listen, Welcome, Include, Craft, and Plan. Each section provides practical and concrete resources, activities, and ideas for schools and districts to enhance their communication with families.

Welcoming Families Communication Toolkit

Nothing About Us Without Us

This year, the College & Career Readiness team is focusing on the importance of promoting and teaching students the skills to be self-determined and to find their voices in demonstrating self-advocacy skills.

Through several network meetings and professional development offerings open to all champions of student and family empowerment, we invite you to join us in making this important work a priority.

Transition Network

Self-Determination Community of Practice

The Good Life Conference

Cuyahoga County Transition Collaborative

See you in the Empowerment Zone!

Professional Development

State Support Team 3 is offering several opportunities for professional development. Click here to view our calendar of events. Please visit this site often as ever-changing circumstances may warrant cancellation or postponement of scheduled events.

Our Moral Imperative:
To ensure equitable access and achievement for all students, State Support Team 3 partners with districts and community schools to support inclusive leadership and collaborative teams in the implementation of an effective
Multi-Tiered System of Support.

Belief Statement: 
We believe that ALL children/students have the right to belong, learn, and thrive in
proactive, integrated, and rigorous learning environments.
Visit our website