SST3 Updates, Resources, & Supports
September 2020 | Issue 1
Hello and Welcome!
Welcome to our first SST3 newsletter! Each month SST3 will share updates, educational topics that might be of interest to you, and upcoming professional development. We encourage you to review this information, share with others and visit our website for additional information. We also would appreciate learning of topics that would support your work.
Director's Update

Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year!

Recently, the Ohio Department of Education released the Reset and Restart Education: Planning Guide for Ohio's Schools and Districts as a tool to inform and assess a school's readiness to open. When reading the introduction to the Ohio Department of Education’s planning guide, the introduction begins with the definition of the word; unprecedented (adj.) Never done or known before; novel. As your buildings were quickly and effectively closed in March due to the Coronavirus Pandemic; unprecedented definitely was and still prevails as the optimum word. In spite of this crisis, Ohio school board members, administrators, teachers, education support professionals, parents, caregivers, community partners and students took on this challenge by collaborating with key internal and external stakeholders to problem solve how to best educate students during this time.
As schools and districts continue planning to reset and restart, SSTs are ready to engage in the following areas:
·      Developing and utilizing collaborative teams;
·      Identifying and analyzing data;
·      Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Support;
·      Focusing on professional learning; and
·      Engaging with partners in the region.

Have a great year and be well!

Michele Gaski, Director for the State Support Team – Region 3 (Cuyahoga County)
Distance Learning Playbook Webinar Series
Please join us for a six-series webinar for Cuyahoga district leaders and building principals with authors Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey!

The pandemic teaching of mid-2020 was not really distance learning, but rather crisis teaching. But now, teachers have the opportunity to prepare for distance learning with purpose and intent—using what works best to accelerate students’ learning all the while maintaining an indelible focus on equity. Whether learning is remote or face to face, how do leaders ensure that instruction includes clear learning intentions and criteria, assessment and feedback and is engaging for students?

Harnessing the insights and experience of renowned educators Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie, The Distance Learning Playbook applies the wisdom and evidence of VISIBLE LEARNING® research to understand what works best with distance learning. Spanning topics from teacher-student relationships, teacher credibility and clarity, instructional design, assessments, and grading, this comprehensive playbook details the research- and evidence-based strategies teachers can mobilize to deliver high- impact learning in an online, virtual, and distributed environment.

Click here to register for this webinar series
Free Webinar:
What Does Quality PD Look Like Across the Grades?
September 22, 3:30-4:15, presented by Joan Sedita (founder of Keys to Literacy)
Joan will present an overview of the kinds of literacy professional development that elementary teachers need to teach beginning reading. She will also address the need to teach content literacy in all subjects grades 4-12. Joan will also include a brief summary of upcoming regional professional development opportunities.

Click here to register for this free webinar
Keys to Literacy

Online Literacy Professional Development
Co-Sponsored by State Support Team 3

Are you interested in research-based literacy professional development that supports Ohio’s state literacy plans?
If the answer is yes, consider these offerings!
Facilitated Online Courses for Grades 3-12
Learn instructional practices for teaching literacy that can be embedded in any subject area. The format for this training is a facilitated online course combining online modules (completed at your own pace) with live, virtual meetings. The bulk of your learning will take place from the content of the online course. During the four, virtual-live meetings using Zoom, the trainer will be available to answer your questions about the content in the online course and help you plan how to incorporate the teaching strategies in your classroom. Course titles and dates are listed below. Cost for either course is $189 (20% off regular price) and includes a copy of a training book mailed to your home. 

Click here to register for Grades 3-12 Key Vocabulary Routine
Click here to register for Grades 4-12 Key Comprehension Routine
Keys to Beginning Reading
Virtual-Live Training for Grades K-5:
Would you like to learn science-based instructional strategies for teaching beginning reading? This practical course provides the background knowledge needed to teach all the components of beginning reading instruction. All grades K-3 teachers, and grades
4-5 educators who provide support to struggling readers should attend. Trainers will present a series of 90-minute, virtual-live sessions using an interactive format with Zoom features such as breakout rooms and chat. 

The instructional practices in this course are designed to easily transfer to classroom lessons and can be integrated with any reading curriculum  or published reading program. The course is tightly aligned with state elementary literacy standards. The full course is organized into nine modules that range from 1.5 to 7.5 hours each. Combined, the modules form the components of beginning reading instruction, just as pieces of fabric are stitched together to form a whole quilt.

Course Options – Choose 1 or both!
We have organized Keys to Beginning Reading into two mini-courses so you can take either half of the course.

Mini-Course A: Word Reading, Spelling, Fluency ($399)
Modules 1, 3, 4, 5
10 sessions, Mondays 3:30-5:00 EDT, October 19 – January 11

Mini-Course B: Language Comprehension, Making Meaning ($399)
Modules 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 9
11 sessions, Thursdays 3:30-5:00 EDT, October 22 – January 21

Want to take the full course? Both mini-courses will be offered again from February to April so you can take the other half later. OR take them both this fall (two afternoons per week) for a reduced price of $649! 460-page Training Manual included in the registration price (normally $99).

· Need to miss a session? No problem…. Each meeting will be recorded and archived for you to view later.

· Do you want graduate credit? Affordable credit is available from Pacific University: 1 credit for each mini-course, with the ability to earn additional credits for extended application work.

To register, view the Keys to Beginning Reading options at the Keys to Literacy events page:
News You Can Use
In Emily Hanford's introduction to the podcast, "Hard Words Why Aren't Kids Being Taught to Read?" she notes that "Scientific research has shown how children learn to read and how they should be taught. But many educators don't know the science and, in some cases, actively resist it. As a result, millions of kids are being set up to fail."

To listen to this engaging podcast on the science of literacy, click the link below:

Join us to discuss practices, review resources and network during our special education office hours:  

September 30, 2020 ♦ 3:00—3:45 Instructional Planning and delivery of services remotely: considerations, priorities and documentation. Part 2
Click here to register.

October 14, 2020 ♦ 3:00—3:45
Progress monitoring during remote instruction. Part 1
Click here to register.

October 28, 2020 ♦ 3:00—3:45
Progress monitoring during remote instruction. Part 2
Click here to register.
PBIS Recognition Update
Since the 2019-2020 recognition process was impacted by the school closures last spring, the Ohio Department of Education has determined that schools and districts who received recognition last year will continue to receive the same level of recognition this year. Schools do not have to submit any application materials or take any further action. The PBIS recognition application will be open until September 30, 2020 for schools or districts that voluntarily wish to apply as first-time applicants, those that did not receive awards previously, or those that wish to apply to higher levels of recognition. Please refer to the 2019-2020 PBIS Recognition System for further details.

The State Support Team 3 is offering the following professional development: 
PreK-12 PBIS Training for Leadership Teams; PBIS Early Childhood New Teams; PBIS Coaching Network;
PBIS Classroom Management; and
Setting the Stage for Early Childhood PBIS. Click here for additional information regarding these PBIS professional development series.
ODE has announced additional ELA trainings for new teachers.Teachers must attend all three Zoom sessions, complete all required independent work, and pass the ELA Simulation and Content assessments to receive credit. Successful completion of the training will provide 10 hours of Ohio Approved Credit. Partial credit is not available.
Each ST number below represents a complete training series. Please only register for the ST number if you are able to attend all three dates and times for that series. Trainings are scheduled in the Ohio Professional Registry at but are only viewable when searching for them by ST number.

9/21/2020 (3:30 pm - 6:00 pm)
9/28/2020 (3:30 pm - 6:30 pm)
10/5/2020 (3:30 pm - 5:30 pm)

9/23/20 (12:30 - 3:00 pm)
9/30/20 (12:30 - 3:30 pm)
10/7/20 (12:30 - 2:30 pm)

In addition, ODE has announced a reduction in the standards due to current circumstances.The link for the reduced standards is: 
As you begin this school year, are your continuous improvement efforts focused on the right drivers? Take a look at this quick article that summarizes the right drivers according to Fullan and Quinn (2016) to lead systems change within your schools and districts.  

Please check out our upcoming professional development opportunities for developing and supporting collaborative teaming structures.  
DCDT is the Division on Career Development and Transition for the CEC. Over the summer they conducted some webinars and compiled many great resources in this livebinder. It is particularly important to point out that several resources from Ohio appear on this national organization’s site, specifically, Ohio Career Connections, Ohio Means Jobs and Ohio Employment First. Also included are links to remote and distance learning resources from NTACT (National Technical Assistance Center on Transiton) and WINTAC (Work Force Inovation Technical Assistance Center) Here is a link to the DCDT Livebinder
The next Career-Technical/Special Education Leaders Network Meeting will be held once again via Zoom on November 5th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Click here to register.
One outstanding resource for Career-Technical Instructors seeking to find creative and meaningful remote instructional tools, resources, and webinars can be found at the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) website. Click on this link for further information: SREB CTE Resources
As districts are beginning the new 2020-2021 school year with various learning plans in place it will be key to keep open communication, support learning at home and develop strategic community partners to extend learning and social-emotional supports. The Ohio Department has dedicated a new Reset/Restart Family Engagement page along with The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center website that has many resources for schools and families to enhance student engagement and achievement.
Professional Development
State Support Team 3 is offering several opportunities for professional development. Click here to view our calendar of events. Please visit this site often as ever-changing circumstances may warrant cancellation or postponement of scheduled events.

Virtual Office Hours
We are offering an opportunity for you to connect virtually about topics of importance during this time of being apart. Join us to ask and answer questions and collaborate and network with colleagues.
See what's happening this month.
Reset and Restart Planning Guide
Essential Information for

Information regarding Ohio's Reset and Restart plan is available to assist parents, families, caregivers and educators as they navigate the world of remote learning during this unprecedented time.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build the capacity of educational systems as learning organizations inclusive of families and communities to develop and sustain proactive, integrated learning environments through timely and relevant professional development, technical assistance and consulting services.

Belief Statement: We believe that ALL children/students have the right to belong, learn, and thrive in a proactive, integrated, and rigorous learning environments.