Camden County Board of Commissioners
Community Outreach eNewsletter
Working Together to Make a Positive Difference in the Community

A Publication from the Office of the County Administrator - Issue 101-2020

Message from the County Administrator
Fall has arrived! Even though many events are cancelled due to the pandemic, there are still ways for Camden County residents to get involved in their community. Citizens can now visit the newly opened Woodbine Public Library and submit entries to the 2020 Showcase Camden County Photo Contest.

As you know, the 2020 General Election is just around the corner. The Board of Elections & Registration and their dedicated staff have been working diligently to make the voting process go as smoothly as possible for our citizens. More information about voting opportunities is available below.

Phase I of the Kingsland Bypass Project is scheduled for completion this month. We are thankful for our partnership with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) for making the widening of Colerain Road a reality. Additionally, drivers should be aware of nearly $1 million in resurfacing and paving projects throughout unincorporated Camden County. Improvements to sixteen (16) roads are being funded through Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) and Local Maintenance & Improvement Grant (LMIG) funding.

As this very active hurricane season continues, it is important to remain prepared for possible tropical activity. All Camden County residents are strongly encouraged to sign-up for the CodeRED emergency notification system to receive emergency messages. It is also incredibly vital to create or review your family's hurricane plan in addition to checking the contents of your emergency kit.

Be safe and remain healthy. Wishing you a happy Fall!

Yours for a better Camden,
Steve L. Howard, MPA, ICMA-CM, CPM, CPPO
County Administrator
Voter Registration Deadline
The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming Presidential election is Monday, October 5th, 2020. Camden County residents may check their voter registration status or register to vote through the Georgia My Voter Page (MVP).
2020 Census Deadline Extended
The deadline to complete the 2020 Census has been extended to October 31, 2020.

Each Georgia resident counted brings approximately $2,300 per year back to our community through both direct and indirect funding. Over the course of the next decade, this is over $23,000 per person.

Help Camden County get its share of the $675 billion in federal funding distributed annually based on Census data.

Census Takers began working in Camden County on August 11, 2020, as part of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Nonresponse Followup (NRFU). Camden County residents are strongly encouraged to cooperate with Census Takers and complete the 2020 Census for their household to ensure Camden County is correctly counted at the State and Federal levels.

Everyone in Camden County counts. And everyone living in your household on April 1st needs to get counted as part of the 2020 Census. Talk to your friends and neighbors to ensure that they are counted too!

An accurate count informs how billions of dollars in federal funding gets distributed annually for:
  • after school activities,
  • emergency management,
  • health clinics,
  • road repairs,
  • senior services,
  • veterans programs, and
  • hundreds of other programs.

Complete the 2020 Census online at:

Phone options are available:
(844) 330-2020 (English)
(844) 468-2020 (Spanish)
(844) 467-2020 (TTY)
Spaceport Camden Now at T-1
The FAA has decided to issue a final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Camden County. The EIS will assess potential environmental impacts of the development of a commercial spaceport designated to accommodate small-lift launch vehicles operations, consistent with the County's amended application. The FAA will issue the Final EIS without an additional public comment period.

This is a major milestone for the development of Spaceport Camden. The project will inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers and explorers while creating aerospace and supply chain jobs, as well as bringing tourism dollars to the region. 

For more information about Spaceport Camden, visit
Early Voting Opportunities
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 – Friday, October 30, 2020
Camden County Annex Building Community Room
107 N. Gross Road, Kingsland
8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. each weekday

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 – Friday, October 16, 2020
Board of Elections & Registration Offices
200 E. 4th Street, Woodbine
8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. each weekday

Saturday, October 17, 2020
Board of Elections & Registration Offices
200 E. 4th Street, Woodbine
9:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M.

Saturday, October 24, 2020
Camden County Annex Building Community Room
107 N. Gross Road, Kingsland
9:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M.

Sunday, October 25, 2020
Camden County Annex Building Community Room
107 N. Gross Road, Kingsland
1:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M.

Monday, October 26, 2020 – Friday, October 30, 2020
Three Rivers Church
101 Miller Street, St. Marys
8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. each weekday

Advance Voting is for all registered Camden County voters, regardless of polling place. For more details, view the Full Public Notice (PDF).
Woodbine Public Library Opens
The Woodbine Public Library is now open to the public.

Hours are:
Tuesday & Thursday:
2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Wednesday & Friday:
10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
Saturday: 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
Sunday & Monday: Closed

Visit them at 103 E. 8th Street in Woodbine.
Absentee Ballot Request Portal
The Camden County Board of Elections & Registration (BoER) is pleased to announce a new opportunity for registered voters to request an Absentee Ballot for the November 3rd General Election. On the new site,, Georgia voters with a driver’s license or state ID card are able to request an absentee ballot completely online.
Showcase Camden County Photo Contest
Camden County citizens are encouraged to enter the 2020 Showcase Camden County Photo Contest. The deadline for the 2020 contest is Friday, October 30, 2020. To enter the contest, please visit the Camden County Photo Contest page.
Camden County Seeking Applicants for Aging Services Advisory Council
The Camden County Board of County Commissioners is seeking applicants to serve on the Coastal Regional Commission Aging Services Advisory Council to fill one (1) vacancy. The Coastal Regional Commission Area Agency on Aging provides programs to older adults and caregivers regionally with more than 18 service providers throughout our nine county region. To learn more, please view the Full Press Release (PDF).
Kingsland Bypass Phase I Update
If weather permits, traffic is scheduled to shift Tuesday, October 6, 2020, as part of the Georgia Department of Transportation’s Colerain Road widening project.
Traffic traveling on Colerain Road is scheduled to shift to outside lanes of the new four lane configuration west of Kings Bay Road to east of Kings Bay Road. To learn more, please view the full press release from Georgia Department of Transportation.
New Ambulances to Join Camden County Fire Rescue Fleet
The Camden County Board of Commissioners recently approved the purchase of two Custom AEV Type 1 Units. These are the first two of the five total new ambulances that are included in SPLOST VIII. The two new ambulances are expected to join the fleet in December 2020 and total over $496,000. To learn more, please view the Full Press Release (PDF).
Improved Firefighting Equipment Returning to Little Cumberland Island
Camden County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) and Camden County Fire Rescue (CCFR) joined with the Georgia Forestry Commission (GFC) to provide enhanced firefighting capability on Little Cumberland Island through updates to an existing water buffalo firefighting apparatus. Recognizing the benefit of having this key piece of equipment fully operational to support Wildland Firefighting efforts, Camden County and GFC partnered to rehabilitate the apparatus. To learn more, please view the Full Press Release (PDF).
Employment Opportunities
Check out the Employment Opportunities page on the Camden County website to learn more about open positions and apply online.

for more information.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month and Camden County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is joining with the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) to encourage local citizens to take time to learn more about staying cyber secure. To learn more, please view the Full Press Release (PDF).
Georgia's Business Climate & Aerospace Expertise
Did you know?
  • Georgia has been ranked as the #1 State for business by Site Selection magazine for the last seven years.
  • Georgia's #1 export ($8.3 billion) is aerospace parts.
  • Georgia is #1 in Aerospace Manufacturing Attractiveness according to PwC.
  • Existing space companies in Georgia have received a total of $119.5 million in NASA obligations in the last 5 years.
  • Georgia is home to over 800+ aerospace companies, adding $64 billion to the economy.
Fire Prevention Week
Camden County Fire Rescue (CCFR) is joining the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in celebrating October 4-10, 2020, as Fire Prevention Week. This year’s theme is, “Serve Up Fire Safety in the Kitchen!” The campaign works to educate everyone about the small but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe. To learn more, please view the Full Press Release (PDF).
All Camden County residents are strongly encouraged to sign-up for CodeRED online at to receive emergency notifications and location-specific severe weather warnings. Notifications may be sent to cell phones or landlines and through email and text. The service is TDD/TTY compatible.
It is still hurricane season for Camden County. Visit the Hurricane Guide for information about hurricane safety and preparedness.
Citizen Input Requested for Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
Camden County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is working to update the Camden County, Georgia Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The updated plan seeks to better protect the people and property of the county from the effects of natural and human caused hazards and to maintain eligibility for mitigation funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). As part of the plan update, citizens are requested to complete a public survey to provide input into the process.

Tax Assessors Office Launches Redesigned Website
The Camden County Board of Assessors are pleased to announce the launch of their redesigned website. The new design seeks to increase accessibility, functionality, and efficiency for the benefit of all Camden County citizens. From the website users are able to: perform property searches, perform sales searches, estimate taxes, download forms, and read frequently asked questions. You can visit the website at
Camden County’s Tarboro Community Receives Over $670,000 in Improvements
The Camden County Board of Commissioners have completed upgrades to a new parking lot for the Mary B. Smart Park located on New Post Road in the Tarboro area of northwestern Camden County. This follows the construction of the new Firehouse 18 that opened in September 2019. To learn more, please see the Full Press Release (PDF).
Residents Encouraged to Utilize Online Services
Camden County residents are urged to utilize online or telephone services when possible due to the continued spread of COVID-19 in our community. Although county office buildings remain open to the public, many staff members are working remotely at this time to ensure proper social distancing.

The Camden County website,, has an Online Payments page to assist residents with conducting business online. To learn more about online services, please visit the Camden County Website.
Board of Commissioners:

  • Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 6:00 P.M.
  • Tuesday, October 20, 2020, 6:00 P.M.

Elections & Registration:

  • Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 3:00 P.M.

Board of Assessors:

  • Thursday, October 8, 2020, 6:00 P.M.

Camden County Planning Commission:

  • Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 6:00 P.M.

Please visit the Calendar for more dates and meeting details.
Please Wear Masks and Social Distance
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, please remember to wear your facemasks and social distance when possible. For more information, please visit the Georgia Department of Public Health.
Our Commitment to You
Our mission is to deliver defined county services with exceptional customer service and to do so in a financially sustainable and transparent manner.

Camden County 2035 is the premier coastal community of Georgia-beautiful and safe.

Camden County 2035 gas a strong regional economy and diverse job opportunities with four major pillars:
  • An active Naval Submarine Base;
  • A successful World-Class Spaceport;
  • Sports tourism; and
  • a Technology Corridor.

Camden County 2035 has relaxed living with quality residential developments, and abundant leisure choices for all.

The Board of County Commissioners and employees of Camden County are committed to the following values:

  • Integrity, 
  • Respect,
  • Service, 
  • Accountability, 
  • Teamwork, and
  • Balance.

District 1, Commissioner Lannie Brant

District 2, Commissioner Chuck Clark

District 3, Commissioner and Chair, Jimmy Starline

District 4, Commissioner and Vice-Chair, Gary Blount

District 5, Commissioner Ben Casey
Camden County Board of Commissioners
200 East 4th Street
P.O. Box 99
Woodbine, Georgia 31569
(912) 576-5601