Holiday Open House Drive-By Donations a Success!
Every year a group of caring Jefferson County residents host a December holiday gift drive for seniors and adults in-need served by DDRC. Some of these hostesses have family members or friends with disabilities, others just want to help, and they all appreciate that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) deserve to feel valued and acknowledged.
This is their 11th year of undertaking their fundraising efforts and they didn’t let the pandemic stop them. They organized a drive-by donation drive and encouraged friends and the community to give on-line too, raising over $11,000 in donations and gift cards in support of individuals in our programs.
The donations and gift cards benefitted older adults with IDD of limited means, many of whom do not have family members involved in their lives, which is particularly difficult during the holidays. The gift cards allowed recipients to get items of necessity or to enhance their everyday living experience. Individuals receiving the gift cards were able to make their own choice on their gift, learn skills about online purchasing, and experience the excitement of receiving their delivery.
A huge thank you to our Holiday Open House hosts for thinking creatively, spreading cheer and sharing so generously over the holiday season despite so many challenges!
DDRC Board Members
Mary Ann Tillman (L) and
Joni Krickbaum (R)
Hostesses (L to R) Amanda DiVito Parle, Becky Shreck, Mary Ann Tillman, Jill Polito and Layne Mielke
December’s Colorado Gives Day Donations Deliver a Brighter Future
We are amazed by and so appreciative of this community for making DDRC’s Colorado Gives Day such a success. We raised over $70,000, thanks to your support! In a critical time for DDRC and those we serve, we are so grateful for your generosity. Every dollar counts as we continue to create opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. The future is brighter thanks to you!
Save the Date – August 16 Annual Golf Tournament
It may be chilly now but summer will get here! The Developmental Disabilities Foundation and DDRC plan to hold our annual golf tournament on Monday, August 16 starting at 7:30 a.m. at the beautiful Hiwan Golf Course in Evergreen, Colorado. Mark your calendars to save the date. We are hopeful the COVID pandemic will be waning by then and are looking forward to enjoying the clear mountain air, beautiful views, incredible course and chance to be together to support DDRC.
If you would like to sponsor, volunteer for, or support this effort, please email our Development Department at
COVID-19 Vaccine Information and Vaccinations at DDRC Group Homes and Other Residential or Home Health Direct Services
Each state must prioritize how they distribute the COVID-19 vaccine and Colorado has developed a three-phase distribution schedule. Colorado is currently preparing for and undertaking vaccinations for eligible Coloradans for Phase 1A and will move into Phase 1B after that.
Employees and residents of licensed Group Homes (GRSS homes) are in Phase 1A, and employees providing other residential or home health direct services are included in Phase 1B. Other health care workers not included in Phase 1 are identified in Phase 2, scheduled to begin this Spring. The vaccine requires 2 doses, spaced apart, and if you elect to receive the vaccine, you must receive the same vaccine (e.g., Pfizer, Moderna, etc.) for each of the two doses.
DDRC has signed up to be a part of special distribution for employees and residents of Group Homes. We are currently working with Walgreens, our pharmacy partner for the vaccine, to determine the logistics and roll-out of the vaccinations.
The decision to receive the vaccine is a personal one, and DDRC believes that each person must make this decision based on the best available information. This link provides additional information about the vaccine and may be helpful to people as they make their decision The vaccination will be free for everyone.
Changes to Day Habilitation Services Coming January 15
The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) has impacted the delivery of day program services. In response, the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) worked to implement changes to day program services within the HCBS-DD and HCBS-SLS waivers to lessen the impacts on individuals, families, and providers. In making these changes HCPF sought and considered stakeholder input.
In sum, the changes relate to:
· Implementation of a 1:1 service delivery model option for Specialized Habilitation and Supported Community Connections
· Annual dollar caps for individuals who choose to utilize the 1:1 option
DDRC Resource Coordination has also written about these changes, and this is posted on the “Updates” section of our website homepage (right side) at
Recreation / Therapeutic Learning Online Programs
With the new year maybe you, a family member or friend receiving disability services are thinking about new ways to get engaged, be creative and find an outlet for creative energy. As always, this is something you can explore with your DDRC Resource Coordinator to see the programs and choices available from various providers.
DDRC’s Therapeutic Learning Connections/Recreation offers a variety of online programs.
- Their January online craft programs, held on Wednesdays, include Clay Pots (Jan. 13), I-Spy Bottles (Jan. 20) and Your Choice Craft (Jan. 27).
- They also offer Tuesday Workouts, typically 11 a.m. and
- There is also a Friday Social Group at 2 p.m.
Sessions are held through ZOOM or through phone/audio participation. For more information, please call Kristina Cripe 720.251-6040 or Terri Hulstrom at 720.544.8152.
Learn How to Motivate Positive Behavior - Free Virtual Webinar
Feb. 2-3
Getting cooperation from someone you care for or work with can sometimes be a struggle, but the right approach can help. DDRC’s Behavioral Health Team (BHT) is hosting a free, online Zoom session to help attendees learn how to motivate positive behavior from family members, students and those they support. The concepts and examples are applicable to many ages and settings. Additionally, participants will have some opportunity to ask questions relevant to specific situations they may face. The class is based on practices of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Part 1 of the webinar will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 2, from 9 a.m.- noon and Part 2 will be held on Wednesday, Feb.3, from 9 a.m.- noon. Attendance in the first session is needed in order to enroll in the second session. Advance registration is required by emailing your name and phone number to
Funding Available for Disability Related Needs
DDRC’s Family Support Services Program (FSSP) has funding available for disability related needs. The funding is available now through June 30, 2021. Start today to request funding by completing a Most-In-Need Assessment (MIN) form. Contact your Resource Coordinator, call 303-462-6576 to request the form, or go to
DDRC’s Family Support Services Program is intended to provide a variety of services and supports which are related to the person’s disability and are above and beyond typical child rearing or daily living expenses. Families are eligible for funds if they have a family member with a developmental delay or disability living in the family home and based on their input to the Most-In-Need Assessment.
Influence Advocacy By Sharing Your Input
The experiences and needs of Coloradans with intellectual or developmental disabilities are important to understand. The Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council is asking for help from self-advocates, families, colleagues and everyone in their networks to identify the most important unmet needs affecting their lives. Share your input by taking a short 12-question survey. Your time is appreciated and your opinions and experiences matter.
The Council will use the information you and others share to determine what to advocate for and work toward through 2026. Please take a couple of minutes this December to shape advocacy for the next five years.
The survey is available in English and Spanish. Thank you in advance for helping us spread the word about the opportunity to influence positive change.
COVID-19 Test Site Information- New Sites
Options for getting a COVID-19 test if you have been exposed to COVID or are experiencing symptoms include calling your own health care provider or seeking a community testing site after confirming testing availability on any given day.
In Jefferson County, tests are offered at the Jeffco Fairgrounds, at the Stride Community Health Center at the Jeffco Stadium (303-360-6276) and via the “Curative” Mobile Van that makes stops in Conifer, Evergreen, Bailey, Idaho Springs, Larkspur and Sedalia. More information here.
Testing information s is found on county health department web sites:
Colorado help lines: call CO-Help at 303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911 or email, for answers in English and Spanish.
Creating opportunities for people of all ages with intellectual and
developmental disabilities to participate fully in the community.
Set Your Email Preferences for Emails from DDRC
DDRC sends important information via this “Constant Contact" email platform, including information about your services and supports, announcements of emergencies (e.g. operations during Cornavirus), events, donor opportunities and more.
Please do not unsubscribe from Constant Contact emails since our communications will be restricted to U.S. mail and will take longer to get to you. If you prefer not to receive e-newslettters, invitations or donor opportunities please use our “Online Form” to indicate that you do not want to receive such emails. However, please continue to select that you are open to receiving official notifications (i.e. notices of your services and supports ) via Constant Contact. Thank You!