Weekly News and Announcements
2801 North University Drive, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024      
Tel: 954-432-8686     www.holysacrament.org 
In This Issue
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    Sunday Schedule  
8:00 a.m.  
Holy Eucharist
9:15 a.m.  
Adult Christian Education 
10:15 a.m.    
Holy Eucharist
10:15 a.m. 
Sunday School

10:15 a.m.
Confirmation Class 

5:30 p.m.   AA Meeting

The Biblical Readings
The Day of Pentecost: Whitsunday
June 4, 2017
can be found
Daughters of the King
Verse of the Week 
"The Lord is good,
a stronghold in the day
of trouble;
and He knows those who trust in Him."
Visit our blog
Click icon above to visit our Rector's Blog
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Prayer Chain Ministry
prayer chain
If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please contact the Church Office at 954-432-8686;
Veronica Francis:
954-471-3823 (Cell)
[email protected];
Marilyn Bailey:

 [email protected] 

New-to-You Thrift Shoppe
Monday thru Saturday
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Spring cleaning/downsizing?

The NTYS can assist you! We will gladly accept
donations of linen, clothing, pots, dishes, small
appliances, etc.  All items must be clean and in good working condition.
Exercise Classes
have resumed!
Mondays & Wednesdays
6:30 p.m.
MacDonald Building
Bulletin Announcements Deadline 
Please note that the deadline for
Sunday Bulletin Announcements is Wednesday at
12:00 noon. 

Home Care Visitation Services Home Care

If you know of any persons or you, yourself, are in need of home or hospital visits, please contact:


Lillieth Rankine [email protected]

Maisie Pearson
[email protected] 954-895-5813

Princess Blair
[email protected] or

Please click here for those for whom we pray.

Vision Statement

"Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church will faithfully serve each other, respect and delight in our diverse gifts and faithfully carry the light and love of Jesus Christ to all people at home and abroad wherever our Lord shall lead."


Mission Statement

Our mission is about

"Transforming lives through Christ using our diverse gifts."

Church Calendar 2017
  Please click here to view the special services, events, and organization meeting days and times.
June 4-10, 2017    

Pentecost - Is it important in our lives?

The Day of Pentecost is one of the principal feast days in the Christian calendar that goes unnoticed by people, including Christians. This is probably the case because there is no Pentecost or Holy Spirit mascot like the Easter bunny, or the Christmas tree. The third most important day in the Church's year, after Easter and Christmas, Pentecost heralds the coming of God's Holy Spirit to the world. Before our Lord ascended into heaven, he spoke of sending the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Comforter, the Counselor, to be with His disciples then and in the future to carry on His work, mission, and ministry. Some people refer to the Day of Pentecost as the Anniversary of the Birth of the Church. It was on this day that there was "a sound like the rush of a violent wind," that "divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them," and the apostles were "filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability" (Acts 2:2-4). The experience was so riveting and people welcomed Peter's message that about three thousand persons were baptized that day and added to the Church. The new converts "devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers" (Acts 2:42).

Like the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit existed from the very beginning. As a result, He was present in the Old Testament as the One who was the "giver of life" and spoke through only those, like the prophets, whom God had chosen, to carry out certain tasks. While in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit exist in everyone, "leading us into all truth and enabling us to grow in the likeness of Christ" (The Catechism, BCP). He is fully lived out in us when we decide to give our lives to Christ. But it does not end there. We need to always be asking Him to lead, guide, and help us in our lives and to do the things God requires of us to do. This becomes a reality when we confess Jesus as Lord of our lives and are made aware of our sins; when we are "brought into love and harmony with God, with ourselves, with our neighbors, and with all creation" (The Catechism, BCP). It results in what Paul calls the "fruit of the Spirit," our action, our attitudes, our character being demonstrated in "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23).

It is important that as we mature in our faith journey, we should allow the Holy Spirit to control our lives and help us to live holy lives. For it is impossible for us to follow God unless we are led by the Spirit, and to do so, Paul reminds us that we need to "be filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18). It is ironic and interesting that Paul contrasts being filled with the Spirit with being drunk with wine. I remember growing up in Barbados and we referred to alcoholic beverages as "the spirits." Whenever I read this passage I often think of Paul contrasting "the Spirit" with "the spirits." Nevertheless, what Paul is saying is that people who are "drunk with alcohol" are controlled by alcohol; however, individuals who are "drunk with the Spirit" are controlled by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is an important, vital, aspect of our lives. Sometimes I wonder if our absence from the celebration of Pentecost is an indication of how much the Holy Spirit play in our daily lives. When we celebrate our birthday, we oftentimes make a big deal of it. As members of the Church, as Christians, do we make a big deal of the Holy Spirit? Do we celebrate His coming as if He is a vital part of our lives? It is true that the Holy Spirit does not do everything for us; we also have a responsibility to do our part through daily prayer, daily bible reading, weekly worship, developing spiritual friendships, service to others, and giving of time, talent, and resources. But we need to ask the Spirit to show us the truth and teach us how to live the life that God has called us to live.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen.

Father Tony

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click here to make a one-time donation or to set up recurring donations.

To schedule an appointment with our Clergy....
Click on one of the links below

With Father Tony 
With Father Jeremy 

You may also schedule through the receptionist. 

60th Anniversary  
Commemorative Book
Book distribution is coordinated by:  
Barry Nugent  (954)646-4791 and  
Tish Burgher  (954)805-6434.
Books are still available for sale.
Do get one of these treasured keepsakes.

Recycle with us for a clean Earth,
for a brighter future.

You'll be helping us earn cash and supplies while keeping our Earth clean and
Holy Sacrament is collecting used printer and toner cartridges to help fund Youth Ministries. We want to encourage you to collect cartridges from your businesses especially. There is a collection in the narthex/foyer and in the Church Office. For questions, please contact Father Jeremy at [email protected] or at 954-4342-8686.

 Birthdays & Anniversaries
June Birthdays
6: Mark Dyball, Mikhail Morrell
7: Margaret Hiner, Barbara Ng-A-Fook, Vivian Schmidt, Jonathan Sheriff
8: Sheila Brown, Cameron Thomas
9: Yvonne Walker

June Anniversaries
4: Derek and Diana Mills
5: Yvonne and Alton Walker
6: Sydney and Paula Francis, Cecil and Joan Jonas
8: Jason and Bernice Fung-On

Ordination to the Priesthood Anniversary
4:  Father Jeremy Froyen

The Reverend Dr. Anthony B. Holder, Rector
  The Reverend Jeremy C. Froyen, Associate to the Rector
           The Reverend Bernard M. Griffith, Assisting Priest             The Reverend Jacquelyn G. Rowe, Assisting Priest