Saint Stephen's Church
in Providence
News and events for the
week of June 19
The Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Corpus Christi Procession, oil on canvas, Carl Emil Doeppler (1824-1905)
Music of the Mass
Mass Setting:
Missa Pange lingua
Josquin des Prez (c. 1450/1455–1521)

Hymne “Pange lingua”, Nicolas de Grigny (1672 – 1703)
1. En taille à 4
3. Récit de l’hymne precedent Corpus Christi

Motet: Corpus Christi
Peter Warlock (1894 – 1930)

Hymn d’action de graces “Te Deum”
Jean Langlais (1907 – 1991)
From the Rector
Dear Friends,

This Sunday we approach the "end" of our 2021-2022 choral season. The observance of Corpus Christi on the Sunday after Trinity Sunday (transferred from Thursday) has traditionally marked the end of our own "academic year" and the beginning of summer.

Some of us go away for the entire summer, some for a few weeks, and some of us will largely stick around. It is a time to reset, recharge, and look ahead to September and what offerings and opportunities await us as a parish in the next program year.

This Sunday also marks the end of James Busby's 29 year tenure at S. Stephen's, which will make it a bittersweet day for all of us. While I'm sure the warmth of our May celebration still lingers, please don't hesitate to express your gratitude and affection for James when you see him Sunday.

The work of the committee who will help to appoint the next Organist & Choirmaster continues, and I look forward to making an announcement sometime later this summer as we discern who is called to take up this important post.

If I may shift modes quickly to the Feast before us on Sunday: compared to the continental traditions of Catholic Europe, Corpus Christi is a rather tame affair in America. Within our own Episcopal Church, no official liturgical rite exists for its celebration. (More about that another time!) On Sunday, there will be no outdoor procession, but we will have a small procession around the church at the end of mass followed by a brief Benediction. That procession and Benediction essentially take the place of the usual Blessing given at the end of Mass. As we celebrate and give thanks for Christ's ongoing presence within the Church sacramentally, we believe that his love and blessing likewise radiate out toward us from that Sacrament. That love and blessing are present whether in hosts placed in our hands, reserved in the tabernacle, or displayed gloriously within a monstrance. My colleague Fr. Nathan Humphrey wisely observed that Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament is a kind of time outside of time -- a prolonging of that moment in the liturgy when the Celebrant turns from the altar just before communion and says "Behold the Lamb of God," and we gaze up in adoration, knowing we are about to partake of the supper of the Lamb.

On Sunday we'll have a chance to linger in that prolonged extension of adoration and blessing -- and having received Christ's own blessing in Benediction, we will in turn respond by blessing God. Love responds with love, blessing with blessing, gratitude and grace permeating it all. Such is the Christian life, which binds us together in one Body, one family, one communion and fellowship divine. Deo gratias!

Fr. Benjamin +
Parish Survey is here! Link below
On the feast of Pentecost this past Sunday, we were reminded that there are many varieties of gifts but that it is the same Spirit who inspires and unites them all. What a perfect time to share the survey that the Stewardship Committee has created as we re-think the ways in which we approach stewardship.

Stewardship is of course not just how we allocate our financial gifts, but our gifts of time and talent as well. Please take a moment to fill out this short survey as we work together to discern how best to both use your gifts and engage your interests. Please click the link below to take the survey. Your answers will be very helpful as we chart the course of the next year together in parish life and ministry.
Summer Weekday Mass Schedule
Please be reminded that we have gone to a “Summer Schedule” once again this year between Memorial Day and Labor Day. There will be no masses on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. As a result, that means the daily masses offered are: Tuesday (noon), Thursday (noon), and Saturday (9:30 morning prayer, 10:00 mass). Sunday Mass schedule stays the same. If you have any questions or concerns about this summer pattern, please reach out to the Rector.
Summer Celebrants while the Rector is away
While the Rector is away on various Sundays this summer, we are blessed to have among as Celebrants at the 8:00 and 10:00 AM masses: Fr. Gary Sturni (June 26), Mtr. Veronica Tierney (July 17 and July 24), Fr. Bill Locke (August 7), and Fr. Michael Pearson (August 21).
Coming This Fall:
Introduction to Christian Meditation
Be still and know that I am God. (Ps. 46.10)
This six-week course will provide an opportunity for those interested in finding out about Christian Meditation to experience the practice in a small group, to learn about its origins, and to discover its relevance as a form of prayer for the contemporary world. The course will begin the latter part of September. (Details TBD) All are welcome – parishioner, student, seeker. For more information contact Zulie Catir at [email protected] or (401) 439-4597.
“Make Up”
Confirmations & Receptions
On Saturday, June 25th, Bishop Knisely will be at S. Stephen’s for confirmations and receptions for those who were unable to attend Mass on January 9th due to COVID. There will be no Morning Prayer that morning preceding the 10:00 Low Mass. All are welcome!
A Collect for the Good Use
of Leisure
O God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of refreshment and peace; and grant that we may so use our leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
This Coming Week at S. Stephen's

This Sunday 19 June
Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Morning Prayer & Low Mass 8 am
Solemn Mass & Benediction 10 am
Coffee Hour 11:30 am

Tuesday 21 June
Noonday Prayer & Low Mass 12:00
Thursday 23 June
Noonday Prayer & Low Mass 12:00
Saturday 25 June
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (transferred)
*no morning prayer at 9:30*
Low Mass & Confirmations/Receptions with Bishop Knisely 10 am
Epiphany Soup Kitchen 2:30 – 4:00 pm
(meals handed out at door only)
Next Sunday 26 June
The Third Sunday after Pentecost
Morning Prayer & Low Mass 8 am
Sung Mass 10 am
Coffee & Lemonade 11:15 (outside)

For your Prayers
Prayers have been requested for: James Broccoli, Charles and Sandra Calverley, Fr. Norman Catir, Ed Connell, Trudy Egan, Davidson Garrett, Fr. Harrington Gordon, Jane Malone, Andrew Oliver, Bryan Ripley, Rhoda Steinhart, Fr. Allan Warren, and Christopher Whittingham.
Birthdays this week: Andrew Campbell (6/19); Modu Johnson (6/20); Betsy Dake (6/23); Julia Steiny (6/24).
Anniversary of Ordination to Sacred Order of Deacons:
Fr. Harrington M. Gordon (6/24).
The faithful departed: Year’s Mind: Terry Wilkes (6/22); Anna Leocadia Baronie (6/22).
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we are asked to pray for the Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (6/19); The Diocese of Makamba The Anglican Church of Burundi (6/20); The Diocese of Makueni The Anglican Church of Kenya (6/21); The Diocese of Makurdi The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)(6/22); The Diocese of Malabar The (united) Church of South India (6/23); The Diocese of Malaita The Anglican Church of Melanesia (6/24); The Diocese of Malakal The Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (6/25). In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we are asked to pray for the campers, counselors, and staff of the Episcopal Conference Center.
Giving to St. Stephen's
You can mail your pledge card or weekly/monthly offering to the church office, or pledge online here. Thank you for all the many ways in which you are already supporting S. Stephen’s.