Diocese of Lexington News & Events December 20,
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The joyful sound of Christmas carols excites young and old alike. And so, it is rather surprising to learn that the tradition of carol singers going door to door is actually a result of them being banned in churches during medieval times. Many groups took the word carol literally (to sing and dance in a circle), which meant that the Christmas Mass was disrupted and so the Church decided to send the carol singers outside into the snow.
Well, no matter the location, beautiful music and Christmas celebrations seem well matched. And the great heritage of Christmas songs and carols continues to stimulate modern composers who want to set these wonderful words to music. Some of you may know the 15th century carol 'A Spotless Rose' which begins: "And in the dark midnight, Amid the winter cold, A spotless Rose unfolds", which picks up the ancient tradition of describing Mary as a flower blossoming in the wintry harshness of human history.
But the crucial words come in the second verse: "For, through our God's great love and might, and in the dark midnight, amid the winter cold, the blesse'd Babe she bare." Because, despite the harsh conditions of our human existence, God's love is poured out in the making of this flower - Jesus - in the womb of Mary. Of whom, St Paul wrote, "in him all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily."
The story of Christmas is nothing less than God coming down from heaven to become one of us. This action stimulates both our wonder and worship. But what is even more astounding is that God does not overwhelm us with majesty and might, but comes to live life just as we live ours, as one of us. One who experiences our pain and suffering, our joy and delight. The Christmas message brings hope because we see God with us, choosing to empty himself of power and prestige and take on our limitations and temptations as an act of selfless love.
And we are called to do the same. Otherwise, we remain in prisons of our own making: It may be our wealth and security; it may be our ambition; or it may be that we do not see ourselves as worthy of love. All of these ideas push God and others away and we live in a place of "always winter but never Christmas." Instead, we need to shed our load of misguided notions and let God's "great love and might" enter the cold areas of our lives and give birth to faith, hope and love this Christmastide.
Once we make room for God to enter our lives, we find that there is also room enough for all of us - forgiven and welcomed - to belong as members of one family, singing one song: O come, O come Emmanuel.
May this Christmas birth in you, and all those you love, the flower of God's redeeming grace.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
1] A spotless rose unfolds; 15
th century German, translation C. Winkworth
2] Colossians 2:9
3] Lewis, C.S. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Rev. Will Berry was ordained as a priest at Christ Church Cathedral on December 8. He serves as the Associate Rector for Young Adults and Families.
More photos from the ordination can be found here:
Join us for an evening of sacred song and sacred script. Our evening will be led by the Choirs of Good Shepherd with members of the Lexington community reading selected scripture.
Please stay afterwards for a festive reception. Childcare is provided.
December 22, 2019
5:00 P.M.
533 E. Main Street, Lexington
On Saturday, January 11, we will have a workday at Mission House to prepare papers and files that go to our archives, as well as cull things that do not need to be saved. If you would like to assist in this effort, please contact Elise Johnstone at elise@diolex.org
--If you are bothered by dust, this may not be the best environment for you.
--We will have 2 shifts: 9am -12pm and 1pm-5pm.
--Lunch will be provided.
If you have questions, please contact Elise at the email listed above. Thank you!
Mission House
203 East Fourth St at MLK
Lexington KY 40508
Each year, Saint Mary's partners with Bell-Whitley Community Action Agency and Clinch-Powell Educational Cooperative in our Annual Christmas Box Project. These two agencies provide names of children and seniors to the Saint Mary's team along with their wish list for Christmas. This year, the team shopped for 168 individuals. Not only does St. Mary's shops for gifts, but we also give food boxes to the seniors and families of the children on the lists. Funding for this ministry happens through the parish lasagna dinner fundraiser, a generous contribution from Trinity Episcopal Church in Covington, and Hannah Gable (a young teenager in Alabama) who saves her change throughout the year to give to the Christmas Box Project. A huge "thank you" goes out to the students of J. Frank White Academy who purchase additional toys and gifts to be added to the gift boxes. Also, two shout outs go to Smithfield Foods that donated hams for the food boxes, and to Food City in putting the food boxes together at a discounted rate. St. Mary's is grateful for the outpouring of support and generosity of spirit from all who make Christmas brighter and more hopeful through our Annual Christmas Box Project. If you and your faith community would like to partner with Saint Mary's in this ministry, please contact The Rev. Aelred B. Dean, BSG at 606-248-6450, or by email at
131 Edgewood Road, Middleboro
St. Philip's Episcopal Church is currently accepting applications for a full time Sunday School Teacher. For more information, contact Jamie Wince at jwince1@cinci.rr.com. An online application is available
118 W. Poplar Street, Harrodsburg, KY 40330
Friday, December 27-Monday, December 30
The term "A New Year in the Spirit" refers to an attitude - a challenge - an effort to increase our awareness of God's will and the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The intent is that we will come away from the experience with a renewed sense of purpose as young Christians. 80 reservations available - first come, first served!
CLICK HERE for more information and registration forms
Sunday, December 1, 2019 (Advent 1)
The Church of the Advent, Cynthiana
The Rev. Paul Wanter, Priest-in-Charge
Sunday, December 8, 2019 (Advent 2)
St. Paul's Church, Newport
The Rev. S. Matthew Young, Rector
The Rev. Dcn. Tom Runge
The Rev. Anisa Willis, Assistant Rector
Sunday, December 15, 2019 (Advent 3)
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Winchester
The Rev. Jim Trimble, Priest-in-Charge
Sunday, December 22, 2019 (Advent 4)
The Church of the Nativity, Maysville
The Rev. Roxanne Ruggles, Rector
Sunday, December 29, 2019 (Christmas 1)
St. Andrew, Fort Thomas
The Rev. Jeffrey Queen, Rector