April 2024

Monthly News & Updates

ENCORE CLEVELAND connects people who are in or nearing retirement from their primary careers with volunteer and employment opportunities through local nonprofit organizations. Discover more here.

Leadership Geuaga -- Leadership Geauga is excited to share that the fifth cohort of the Heritage Program for Retirees is set to begin on April 10. Geauga County retirees, whether they reside or have worked in the area, can look forward to engaging in strategic activities doing training, gaining insights from local leaders, and embarking on business tours. We are deeply grateful to the Cleveland Foundation for their invaluable support of this program. To learn more and apply, please visit leadershipgeauga.org/programs/heritage-program/.

Cleveland Leadership Center -- Cleveland Champions is an opportunity to build a relationship with a highly connected Cleveland Leader. During September 2023 through March 2024, some of CLC’s Legacy Leader’s shared their unique stories, listened and learned about the Emerging Leaders.

“The Cleveland Leadership Center's Cleveland Champions program introduced me to other Emerging Leaders in the city. I was matched with a Champion who encouraged me to think outside the box and offered me career and life advice, which was truly appreciated." Emerging Leader, 2024

Visit www.cleveleads.org for more information.

A Message from Afi Scruggs, Creative Aging Department Head at The Music Settlement

All my life, I heard, “You can't teach an old dog new tricks.” But my grandmother was in her 70s when she began guitar and piano lessons. 

I now realize she was a life-long learner, before we coined the phrase. 

Turns out, she was ahead of her time simply because she chose to pick up instruments. Scientists now believe practicing and rehearsing can improve memory and decrease cognitive changes. Best of all, you don’t have to be a professional musician to see benefits. My grandmother wasn’t. She was a retired teacher who played for her own enjoyment. But she was teaching by example. She showed me it’s important to acknowledge the urge to learn by following through. 

The Music Settlement’s Creative Aging Department believes it is never too late to learn or return to music. That’s why we offer music and movement opportunities for life-long learners who are 55 and older. You can learn more about them here. If you’d like more information, send a message to me at ascruggs@themusicsettlement.org. The subject should be “Asking about Creative Aging.”

Visit www.themusicsettlement.org for more information on these and other programs.

Encore Employment Enterprise, Inc. (E3) -- Our monthly Art Therapy session with a focus on job search preparation has been well-received by the candidates.

Recently, Encore Employment Enterprises, Inc. organized an Interviewing Skills Workshop which was facilitated by Briannia Love of Art Therapy Studio. The workshop was designed to help candidates understand how to present themselves during a job interview.

During the exercise, the candidates were asked to work with masks and were provided with the necessary materials. The workshop was both fun and revealing as they were asked to present on one side of their masks how they are viewed by others, and on the inside of the mask, they were asked to describe how their private selves would look. This exercise allowed them to openly discuss their strengths and weaknesses and helped them to understand how they should present themselves during a job interview.

Please join us for our next workshop: On April 2, 2024 – Communication Partner Drawing.

Also, remember to please save the date for our upcoming fundraiser:

What: Cleveland Market 

When: Saturday, August 3, 2024 | 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Where: Tyler Village | 3615 Superior Ave Cleveland

Who: Cleveland Vibes, Tyler Village, Encore Employment Enterprise, Fount  

Why: Fundraiser with E3 and Cleveland Market


Head for the Cure--Support Cleveland brain cancer survivors and caregivers, plus vital research and programs, by volunteering at the Head for the Cure 5K at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo on Saturday, May 11th from 6-10:30 a.m. Help is requested for set up/break down, registration and finish line volunteers.

Small Business Mentor--Have you started a business and consider yourself a guru? Use those skills to mentor others to do the same. Creating local businesses helps boost the economy and support our community. Mentors help clients start their own businesses, solve problems, make businesses more efficient, and assist with developing long-term business plans. They work one on one, or sometimes as part of a mentoring team. Volunteers schedule Is flexible depending on the client’s needs and location.


Cleveland Asian Festival--Help the celebration of Cleveland’s diversity and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month at the Cleveland Asian Festival on Friday, May 17th-Sunday, May 19th from 7:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. in Asiatown. Volunteers can assist with set up, as a festival ambassador, in the dining tent or with parking.


Sound the Alarm--Just one day of your life can change someone else’s forever. Help Sound the Alarm and save a life by installing free smoke alarms, creating escape plans and sharing fire safety information in the North Collinwood Neighborhood on Saturday, May 4th from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.


Discovery Ambassador--Are you a natural history buff? The role of the Ambassador is to enhance and improve a visitor’s experience by engaging and educating visitors, introducing fun and new activities available and so much more. The role of the Ambassador Is vital to the success of the new exhibit experience. Volunteers needed on weekdays, evenings, and weekends in University Circle.

Ready to volunteer? Or learn more about these or additional volunteer opportunities in Cuyahoga County? Contact Nakeva at nwilliams@greaterclevelandvolunteers.org or 216-391-9500 x 2116 to learn more or register.


Read information News & Advice for Older Job Seekers


These nonprofit organizations have vested energy in Encore Cleveland to provide either volunteer, employment or business opportunities. 

Click on the agency link to discover more!

Business Volunteers Unlimited

The Center for Community Solutions

Cleveland Leadership Center

Economic Community Development Institute

East End Neighborhood House

Encore Employment Enterprise

Fairhill Partners

Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Centers Association

Greater Cleveland Volunteers


Leadership Geauga County

Manufacturing Works

The Music Settlement

Encore Cleveland | 216-391-9032

