December 5, 2023

Following Jesus together,

Nourishing one another in the Living Water of the Spirit,

Blossoming boldly with God's abundant love, healing, and justice, and 

Transforming lives. 

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To submit an article for Tidings, email Anne here by Mondays at 12:00 noon.


(click on image above for printable version)

Three Ways to Reflect/Meditate/Pray in Advent

  1. Advent Resource Guide Invitation: Looking for inspiration this Advent? Sign up to receive a brief message pointing toward the bright star we seek: scripture, quotes, poems, and bits of wisdom, combined with art to nourish your walk-in-wonder at the miracle of the Incarnation. To bring these into your Advent prayers and preparation, email Brigid Waszczak, click here.
  2. In the church entrance, pick up a copy: Henri Nouwen’s Wait for the Lord. If all the copies are gone, email Jay in the office for a digital copy, click here.
  3. Center for Action and Contemplation daily devotional: click here.   


But be alert; I have already told you everything. "But in those days,

after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,

and the stars will be falling from heaven,

and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

Then they will see "the Son of Man coming in clouds' with great power and glory.

Then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds,

from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven. "

From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and

puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. 

So also, when you see these things taking place,

you know that he is near, at the very gates. 

Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these

things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away,

but my words will not pass away. "But about that day or hour no one knows,

neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 

Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.

It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and

puts his slaves in charge, each with his work,

and commands the doorkeeper to be on the watch. 

Therefore, keep awake—for you do not know when the master

of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow,

or at dawn, or else he may find you asleep when he comes suddenly.

And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake." – Jesus in Mark 13 

A friend of mine brought in a contractor to look at doing some remodeling of their recently purchased “fixer-upper” home. The man moved about the house, took notes, made knowing sounds, and then met my friend back in the living room. He looked up and down at all of his notes and said, “I am sorry to put it this bluntly, but this place is a death trap. Wiring was done by an amateur. Plumbing is hobbled together. Things are sealed up that you need to have access to. We will need to do some major reconstruction to make this the home you need and want it to be.”


My friends knew that there would be expense and inconvenience when they bought the place -- they just had not realized how much. But they wanted a home that was life-giving, and so they consented to the work being done.


First there was demolition, walls torn out, wires pulled out, plumbing systems disassembled, and more. Dust and noise and chaos were the daily experience. But eventually there was new wiring, well-networked pipes, new walls, fresh paint, debris cleared away, and in place of the “death-trap” a new home had emerged.


The words of Jesus in Mark are in some ways like the words of the contractor to my friends. We want this world to be good and life-giving. It was made to be so. But we have built systems of injustice, structures of oppression, relationships of addiction, and institutions of stagnation without attention to our Creator who authors justice, love, and the fullness of life. As we attend to God in the Way of Jesus, we have to undergo “reconstruction” within our own sense of ourselves and our relationships and structures. This can feel like the world “being shaken,” as Jesus puts it. We may be tempted in the reconstructing work of the Reign of God to pack it in or run away. Instead, Jesus calls us to “keep awake,” so that we can be in on building a new way for a better world.


Advent is not about preparing for a nice benign holiday. Advent is about the preparation to reconstruct, to birth a new world in the Way of Jesus. This is hard work, but it is the best kind of news -- for all the people!



Pastor Michael Bush

Listen to or Download the Messages OnlineVideo Link. 

Zoom Christmas Pageant Dec 10th

We are having a “pick-up” zoom Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 10th, 11:00 am!

No rehearsals, No age limits, No location limits!

Our Funday school young people have written a Pastorela, which is a traditional Mexican folk play performed during the

Advent season.

This kind of play recounts the journey of a group of shepherds and shepherdesses to visit the newborn Jesus in Bethlehem.

Along the way, they will encounter temptations at the hands of some “little devils”… and some good advice from angels too. 

Can they stay on track?

I hope you will be there.

Funday School link:

Funday Link or Meeting ID 781 414 384; Password 883239

No RSVP needed!

Invite friends and family. Contact Pastor John for more information: his email. 

Taizé Inspired Service of

Healing and Hope


We will have our traditional Taizé service on December 14th at 6:30 pm but this year we will incorporate elements of a quiet Christmas service. 

If you would like to spend time in community and stillness or if you have experienced loss this year, you are invited to this service of Healing and Hope. 

It will be a time of music, prayer, scripture, and silent reflection in the tradition of a Taizé service, Blue Christmas and a Service of the Longest Night. 

Contact Pastor John for more information: his email


Toys for Kids at Keeling Elementary

The Annual Keeling Christmas

Toy Drive last chance, this week!


Please bring unwrapped gifts to Sunday worship services by December 10th: Toys, stuffed animals, Barbies (and other dolls), Lego sets, sports equipment (soccer and basketball are popular), fidgets, diaries/journals, science and craft kits, Pokémon items, Transformers, trucks, and board games are always good choices, but go for anything you think will bring a smile to a child's face.


Thank all of you who donated monetarily, Santa's elves from our Ministry of Justice Advocacy and Mission (MJAM) will be happy to select gifts on your behalf.

After we deliver all the toys to Keeling on Monday, December 11th, families will "shop" for their kids.


All toys are welcome! 

Advent Workshop Series

Sundays at 11:00 am, December 10th, 17th and January 7th

Discover Advent anew through visual art and poetry. Designed for everyone (no art experience necessary -- just curiosity!), this interactive presentation invites you to explore a different artwork each week for four weeks by imagining the Advent character’s perspectives, moods, and feelings through close-looking, deep questioning, and reflection. We will ponder the extraordinary in the ordinary and consider how Advent speaks to us individually and in community. Sign-up for the series, click here, and attend in-person or online (or both!).


The facilitators are Brigid Waszczak and Bess Woodworth.

Sunday Coffee and Community

Sundays at 10:30 am

In the Hall and by the Library

You are welcome to come to Coffee Time in the Hall...

(Tables and chairs provided for those who need to sit.)

This Sunday, however, as part of the Mason Memorial Library Grand Re-Opening and if the weather is not too cold,

they will be serving cake just outside of the Library.

Your hosts:

The Library Team and Ray Mendonca

Hike and Contemplation with Pastor Michael

The next Hike and Contemplation is coming up on Thursday, December 14th. We will begin at 7:30 am.


At some point in the hiking journey, we will pause for a guided prayer / meditation / contemplation. This is an opportunity for movement in the beauty of nature, building relationships, and connecting with the Spirit. 


If you are interested in these hikes, please click here. Once signed up, you will be emailed about this December hike and future ones.  

Holiday Recitals Here

The Music Committee is sponsoring two recitals in December; join us for one or both of the concerts.  


Saturday, December 16th at 3:00 pm

in the sanctuary: Our own Kyle and Jessica DeGraff will perform Christmas music for all to enjoy. David Craig will be at the piano.


Saturday, December 23rd at 2:00 pm in the sanctuary: Emma Petersen will be returning for a recital she has titled "Sonoran Psalms" which is a mixture of winter and Christmas pieces. Emma's mother will be at the piano for this concert.


A freewill offering will be taken at each concert in support of the performers. A reception will be held following each performance.


Questions? Please contact Jean-Marie Huisjen. Thank you!

Listening Prayer and

Meditation Retreat

3 Spots Left!

Retreat Dates:

Friday pm, February 23rd to Saturday Dinner, February 24th

Redemptorist Renewal Center,

Picture Rocks, Tucson

Many people are weary of the “thoughts and prayers” refrain that rings hollow following various tragedies. Whether it is the slow and inadequate response to devastating natural disasters or politicians who say they pray for victims of mass shootings without lifting a finger to address the complex problems of gun violence, it can feel like prayer does not do anything. I believe the problem is not prayer, the problem is that too many people who keep saying “thoughts and prayers” do not really pray or maybe do not know how to pray. Prayer does change things, by first changing us. But we may need help in learning how to listen for the Spirit and connect with the power that sends us forth to bring something better in the world.


In that hopeful spirit, we encourage you to join us for a retreat of listening, asking, questioning, laughing, eating, sharing, and more as a way to more fully participate in God’s love and work in the world.


Our time begins with check-in between 3:00 and 5:30 pm Friday at the beautiful Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson. We will have an introductory time, then dinner, then a session laying the foundation for listening prayer. Then throughout Saturday we will talk about and engage some listening prayer/meditation practices, share in small groups, pray and meditate, and receive tools/resources for spiritual growth that we can carry into this coming year. There will also be some free time on Saturday afternoon to rest, walk a labyrinth, take a stroll, or share in some creative activity. We will conclude our retreat time with dinner together and communion beginning at 6:00 pm Saturday.


The retreat program will be led by Pastor Michael Bush. The cost is $150 per person, which includes all meals and lodging. We encourage folks to stay overnight to more fully be present to the time and community. However, we recognize that some may need to sleep at home for various reasons -- if that is the case, please indicate so when registering. 

Please register on Sundays or through the church office (click here) by December 17th. A $35 deposit will hold your spot, but you are welcome to pay the whole amount at time of registration. Please make checks payable to CAUCC with “Retreat” in the memo line.

If you have questions, please speak with Pastor Michael Bush or retreat team members: Jean-Marie Huisjen, Cynthia VerDuin, Duane Udstuen, or Susan Sommerfeld.


Come and see! 

Spiritual Formation Groups

with Pastor Michael

Thursdays, 6:30 pm weekly (except second Thursdays when we have Taizé worship), journey through the Acts of the Apostles on Zoom only. Prayer, sharing, learning, and growing together.

Tuesdays, 11:00 am weekly, journey through the Gospel of John in person and online. Prayer, sharing, learning, and growing together.

If would like to join us, please email (click here), indicate which group you would like to participate in, and we will add you to the email list so you can receive Zoom links and instructions.

Purposeful Ponderings 

with Pastor John

Wednesdays, 10:00 am gather weekly online with Pastor John for continuing opportunities to connect history, current events, spirituality, theology and more, on Zoom. (Link on Calendar below).

Pondering Classes:

  • December 6: Jolly Old St. Nicholas – St Nicholas or Santa Claus, Does it Matter? Secular v Religious
  • Dec 13: The Women of Christmas from Mary of Nazareth to St Lucia of Scandinavia. A look at women’s stories and legends of Christmas.

Centering Prayer—Two Options Now Available

 Centering Prayer is a method of Christian meditation which

has a strong emphasis on interior silence. People who practice centering prayer feel it helps them be more present to God and adds a sense of balance to their lives.

 Centering Prayer

with Pastor John

Wednesdays, 12:00 noon, on Zoom.

Link on Calendar below.

 Centering Prayer

with Pastor John

Tuesdays, 12:00 noon,

in person, Room 1.

Blood Pressure Checks

Don’t forget to check your Blood Pressure…this coming Sunday after service, December 10th. Ida Heath, our Parish Nurse, or Marj Wippermann, or Rosalie Shelton will be there to check it for you…Room 1, next to the Library.  

Grief Support Group

All those who are grieving are welcome to get together with this group on December 12th, 1:00 in Room 4. 


For more information, contact Rosalie Shelton on her email.

Second Tuesday of every month. 

Health Care Items Available

Don’t forget that we have some heath care items available to you! Available when you need something like a cane, wheelchair, walker or other medical device (except personal items that cannot be cleaned like BP cuffs or splints). to check an item out for as long as necessary, call or email the office or contact Ida, Parish Nurse (email or call her before 9:00 pm at 520.682.0291).

Christmas Fund Special Offering

The Veterans of the Cross Christmas Fund has been caring for active and retired clergy and lay employees of the United Church of Christ for over 100 years. It provides emergency grants, supplementation of small annuities and health premiums, and Christmas “Thank You” gift checks each December to our denomination’s lower-income retirees. 


This year’s Christmas Fund theme is Grace Upon Grace from John 1:16, “From Christ’s fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” Please join with others in the United Church of Christ to help return “Grace upon grace” to those who have given so much to each of us and our churches. 


Donations to the Christmas Fund will be collected from now through Sunday, December 24th. They may also be submitted to the church office no later than December 21st. Donations by check should show on the memo line “Christmas Fund” or online (click here) and use the same memo. Thank you!  

Pledge Information

If you have not already done so, please return your 2024 Pledge Cards as soon as possible in order for us to continue with our work on the 2024 Budget. Or reply online: click.

Donations for 2023

In order for donations to be credited to your 2023 statement, have them to the church by Sunday, December 24th.

Donate Stock as a Gift or to Pay your Annual Pledge to CAUCC

Donating stock (appreciated securities) can be an effective tax-planning move that allows you to pay your pledge or to provide a gift to CAUCC. 

A gift of stock makes sense when:

  • You hold significant assets in investments instead of cash
  • You have held the security for at least 12 months
  • The stock has increased in value (meaning the sale would trigger capital gains taxes)
  • Your taxable income is over $40,000 (single) or $80,000 (married filing jointly)
  • You itemize your deductions.

When you donate stock to a charity, you do not pay capital gains taxes and can claim the stock’s full market value. This allows more of the gift to go to the charity than if the donor sold the stock, paid taxes, and then donated the remaining funds.

If interested in using stock to pay your pledge or to make a gift to CAUCC, we encourage you to consult your own financial advisor to explore your specific circumstances.

To make a gift or to pay your pledge using appreciated securities (stocks) to CAUCC, please contact Anne Bailey in the church office at 520.297.1181.


Submitted by Jean-Marie Huisjen for the Stewardship Ministry/Cultivating Generous Congregations/Legacy Fund 

Click here for the report.

CAUCC Calendar

Happening this Week

Wednesday, December 6

  • 10:00 am Purposeful Ponderings with Pastor John on Zoom Meeting ID: 622 421 179 and Passcode: 118704 or Study Link
  • 10:00 Membership Team Room 7/8 and Zoom
  • 12:00 Noon Centering Prayer, without Pastor John on Zoom Meeting ID: 890 1364 9732 Passcode: 769422 Centering Link
  • 6:00 pm Bell Choir Bell Room
  • 7:00 Choir Practice Sanctuary

 Thursday, December 7

  • 8:30 am Men's Breakfast Beyond Bread
  • 9:00 am Stitch Witches Rooms 5/6
  • 6:30 pm Spiritual Life Zoom (contact office to sign up)

Friday, December 8

  • 10:00 am AA Meeting Rooms 5/6


Saturday, December 9

  • 9:00 am AA Meeting Rooms 5/6

Sunday, December 10 

  • 8:30 Contemplation and Communion Service Chapel
  • 9:30 am Worship Service in Sanctuary
  • 9:30 am Online Worship Service Livestreamed: Just before 9:30 am click on Worship Service Link: click on the “Live-Streaming” box on that page. (If you try the link early, it will redirect you to the wrong page).
  • 10:30 am Coffee and Community Time Rooms 9/10
  • 10:30 am T-Time McMigs in the Courtyard, then classrooms
  • 10:30 am Music Team Choir Room
  • 10:30 am Blood Pressure Checks Room 1
  • 11:00 am Sunday Funday Family on Zoom: Funday Link or Meeting ID 781 414 384; Password 883239
  • 11:00 am Class: Advent Workshop Series Room 3

Monday, December 11

  • 9:00 am Keeling Toys Delivered
  • 2:30 pm Ministry of Justice Advocacy and Missions (MJAM)
  • 3:30 pm Cleaning Entire Campus

Tuesday, December 12

  • 11:00 am Spiritual Life Room 3 or on Zoom (contact office to sign up)
  • 12:00 Noon Centering Prayer In-person, Room 1
  • 2:30 pm Grief Support Meeting Room 4
  • 4:00 pm Council Meeting Zoom

Wednesday, December 13

  • 10:00 am Purposeful Ponderings with Pastor John on Zoom Meeting ID: 622 421 179 and Passcode: 118704 or Study Link
  • 12:00 Noon Centering Prayer, without Pastor John on Zoom Meeting ID: 890 1364 9732 Passcode: 769422 Centering Link
  • 1:30 pm Alzheimer's Support Group Room 4
  • 6:00 pm Bell Choir Bell Room
  • 7:00 Choir Practice Sanctuary

Note: Other room rentals may be on campus, but not on this calendar.

Church Staff

The easiest way to contact anyone on staff is to email them directly.

For intentional conversations, appointments work best.

Jenn's last day in the office will be December 28th...

be sure to stop by before she leaves.

Jenn: Mondays 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, Tuesdays and Thursday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm, Wednesdays off

Michael: [email protected]

John: [email protected]

Anne: [email protected]

Jay: [email protected]

Darryl: [email protected]

Ida: [email protected]

Member-at-Large, Amy Lincoln: [email protected]

Office/Maintenance Hours

Anne and Jay: Mon, Tue, Thurs: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and 

Wed: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.

Barry: Building Maintenance Manager: till 3:00 pm, Tue, Wed, Thur.

Staff meetings: every fourth Tuesday of the month,

office closed from 1:30 to 2:00 pm.

Council Meetings and Minutes

Council meetings are open to any member of the CAUCC community. Next meeting, Tuesday, December 12th at 4:00 pm on Zoom. October Meeting Minutes are available-click here. Email Anne Bailey for the meeting Zoom link.  

To support the ministry and mission of CAUCC, please donate online here:

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