October 22, 2024

Following Jesus together,

Nourishing one another in the Living Water of the Spirit,

Blossoming boldly with God's abundant love, healing, and justice, and 

Transforming lives. 

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To submit an article for Tidings, email Anne here by Mondays at 12:00 noon.



 Whoever wishes to become great among you

must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you

must be slave of all. 

For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve,

and to give his life a ransom for many." – Jesus in Mark 10:43-45


On Sunday we talked about a different way to understand Jesus’ life as a “ransom” for others. In the Gospel story, as God has been fully present to Jesus, Jesus has been fully present with his disciples and been teaching them how to access God who is fully and always present to them, too. They first see God’s Spirit in Jesus, and they see Jesus entrusting himself to God and how this trust in and experience of God births new life again and again. They then learn how to let God be at work in and through them. They are consequently “ransomed” - set free from the life of “me first,” self-protection, and fighting and fleeing. Jesus has given his life as a path to set other people free.


Richard Rohr, founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation, and author of numerous books on theology and spirituality, writes about this process of being in the presence of God or those embodying God and how this can set us free. He reflects on the prayer practice of contemplation and meditation as a way of experiencing God and the attendant freedom God desires for us. I share here the quote I read on Sunday:


It seems to me that contemplation makes it almost inevitable that your politics is going to change, the way you spend your time is going to be called into question, and any smug or inferior social and economic perspective will be slowly taken away from you. When anyone meditates consistently, the things that we think of as our necessary ego boundaries—giving us a sense of our independence, autonomy, and private self-importance—fall away, little by little, as unnecessary and even unhelpful. This imperial “I,” the self that most people think of as the only self, is not substantial or lasting at all. It is largely a creation of our own minds. Through contemplation, protecting this relative identity, this persona (“mask”), eventually becomes of less and less concern. “Why would I bother with that?” the True Self asks.


If your prayer goes deep, invading your unconscious, your whole view of the world will change from fear to connection, because you don’t live inside your fragile and encapsulated self anymore. In meditation, you are moving from ego consciousness to soul awareness, from being driven to being drawn. Of course, you only can do this if Someone Else is holding on to you in the gradual dying of the False Self, taking away your fear, doing the knowing, satisfying your desire as a great Lover. If you can allow that Someone Else to have their way with you in contemplation, you will go back to your life of action with new vitality, but it will now be smooth, a much more natural Flow. It will be “no longer you” who acts or contemplates, but the Life of One who lives in you as Paul writes in Galatians 2:20. (Dancing Standing Still: Healing the World from a Place of Prayer, pp. 4-5, 13-14, 18).


As we open ourselves to God as this “trustworthy other,” we can let go of false self and be freed up to listen for, receive from, and be empowered by God. Jesus was an example of this trustworthy other and taught people how to experience in the Spirit this trustworthy other. As we do so we are set free -- Jesus ransoms many -- which then empowers us to be a source of freedom for others. 



Pastor Michael Bush

Watch other recorded messages onlineVideo Link.  

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This Saturday

Intergenerational Collage Making Workshop


Come make a collage and share memories of loved ones this Saturday, Oct. 26th from 1:30 to 3:00 pm as we set up our memory tables for all saints day. We will have some Mexican drinks and treats, and talk about our loved ones as we craft and set up. We will also learn about the cultural and religious traditions surrounding Dia de los Muertos ofrendas and what makes memory tables different. Please bring photos or copies of photos for your collage or for the table display.

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Sunday Series:

Angels Among Us –

That’s You and Me!

11:00 am to 12:00 Noon

Sundays through November 17th

There has often been a fascination with angels. They appear in books, films, artwork, pendants and necklaces. We, of course, know them in our faith tradition in various Biblical stories, best-known at the birth (in Luke) and resurrection (all four Gospels) of Jesus.


The word “angel” in the Biblical languages simply means “messenger.” Someone who brought a message from the king was an angelos (Greek word), for example. In this upcoming five week series, we will be looking at what angels are in the Biblical literature, what are the roles of messengers in the stories, how is it that people hear from God (receive messages), and pondering how we act as messenger (angels) in our own words and actions.


The hope is that a review of some of the Biblical stories and theological reflection help us connect the idea of angel not just with an ancient winged-being, but with the ways Jesus calls us to both receive and be “angels” in the world. This series also ties in with our Stewardship Ministry’s upcoming fall theme, so watch for banners, invitations, and more in October and November.


Pastor Michael will facilitate this discussion. It is helpful to come to as many of the sessions as you can, but you are also welcome no matter how many you can (or cannot) attend. We will offer the sessions also on Zoom. Please sign up and indicate if you will join us in person or online here

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Inquirer’s Class

On Monday, October 28th from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, Pastor Michael will be offering an Inquirer’s class for people interested in learning more about CAUCC and belonging to this community of faith. This will be an in-person class held in Room 3. There is no obligation to join the church if you attend the class, but we would be happy to welcome you into this faith community. Please email the office by Tuesday, October 23rd letting us know if you will be able to attend or not. As you are looking at dates, we plan to welcome new members on Sunday, November 17th during the worship service. 

Join us for Coffee Time this Sunday, October 27th, after service in McNear Hall and hosted by our LGBTQ+ Group! This is an opportunity to learn about a CAUCC Concert coming here in November.

See later in the newsletter: Bobby Jo

Communion and Contemplation Sunday in the Chapel

8:30 am October 27th

Pastors Michael and John are offering a different kind of worship experience: a 30 minute service providing immersion in some reflective music, prayer, silence, and a spiritual practice contemplating the Sunday Scriptures and themes (that will also be part of the 9:30 am sanctuary worship), and then closing with communion by coming forward to receive elements. This worship opportunity may serve as a quiet preparation time for the 9:30 am worship in the sanctuary or may serve 

Rummage Sale Coming Up!

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Donation Drop Off Dates

Monday, October 28th,

Tuesday, October 29th and

Wednesday, October 30th

9:00 am to 2:00 pm,

at the door by the Columbarium facing Oracle Road.


Donation Pickup Dates

Monday, October 28th through Wednesday, October 30th

9 to 11:30 am or 12:30 to 2:00 pm

Call Amy Lincoln at 520-481-0865

to schedule a pickup.


High Priority Items to Donate

Men’s and women’s clothing for all ages, jewelry, toys/games/puzzles, infant supplies and equipment, luggage, electronics, home goods, gifts/collectibles, kitchenware and small appliances, artwork, small/light furniture, rugs, and books/CDs.


Set-Up Days

Monday, October 28th through Thursday, October 31st

 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

You set your own working hours.

Volunteers can sign up online at CAUCC website.

In person sign-ups will be in the courtyard after church on

Sunday, October 20th.

Bobby Jo Valentine

Concert Here!

Pastor Michael met Bobby Joe when he performed for the Wild Goose Festival in North Carolina. In addition to being an award-winning singer/songwriter, Bobby Jo has a compelling story about his own spiritual journey and the importance of affirmation and inclusion in our faith communities. He is currently on a national tour, singing primarily in open and affirming churches. He is coming to CAUCC next month! Please come and enjoy the music and the Spirit!

Click here to get your ticket on our website.

Join Us for One of Our Weekly Spiritual Formation Groups!

These groups covenant to connect regularly in community, Scripture reflection, and prayer. You are welcome to try one out at any time!

Spiritual Formation Group

with Pastor Michael

Tuesdays at 11:00 am, Room 3 (in person or online)

Journey through the Gospel of John.

Prayer, sharing, learning, and growing together.

Centering Prayer

 Centering Prayer with Pastor John - In person!

Tuesdays at 12:00 noon in Room 1.

Centering Prayer is a method of Christian meditation which has a strong emphasis on interior silence. People who practice centering prayer feel it helps them be more present to God and adds a sense of balance to their lives.

Pondering Class

With Pastor John

Wednesdays at 10:00 am on Zoom

Topic for October: Christian Nationalism

We begin an overview of some of the roots of Christian Nationalism and look at the origins and myths of God-sanctioned government.

October 23rd: Roots of Christian Nationalism Part 2; Judaic Judges, Kings and Priests: God and Government

Check the calendar at the end of this e-newsletter for Zoom links.

Centering Prayer

 Centering Prayer with Pastor John - Zoom only!

Wednesdays, 12:00 noon

Spiritual Formation Group

with Pastor Michael

Thursdays, 6:30 pm, on Zoom

Journey through the Acts of the Apostles.

Prayer, sharing, learning, and growing together.

For these and other Events, click here!

Habitat Build Day

Casas Adobes UCC members and friends are encouraged to sign up for this this second special Habitat for Humanity build day. 

Veterans Build (Irvington Rd. near the rodeo grounds) on Saturday, November 16th.

Volunteers can sign up soon. Watch here for more information.

Sundays in church...

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Please Save Empty Prescription Pill Bottles

The Primavera Foundation continues to be in need of empty prescription pill bottles (with labels and glue removed) so they can be filled with personal care essentials for the participants at the Primavera Homeless Intervention and Prevention Drop-In Center. Please deliver your prescription pill bottles to the small basket on the table in the narthex. Thank you for removing the labels and glue and recycling your empty pill bottles. Glue may be removed by rubbing olive oil on the glue and rinsing with soapy water or by using the commercial product Goo Gone.

Jul-Sept 2024: 443 bottles collected. (Year to date: 1,180!)

For questions please email Duane Udstuen, click here

Members and friends:

Don’t forget, you have a member of Council who will listen to or read about your gratitude or concerns and take them to Council for you:

Amy Lincoln, your Member at Large is available through email:

click here. Or chat with her on a Sunday. 

Click Here for the Anniversary and Birthday


Celebrate Staff Hires in November, too:

Diane Greene 11.1.2018

Anne Bailey 11.12.2007

Welcome Back Snowbirds!

Please let the office know when you have returned to Tucson so the office can update your mailing address. Email Jay at jay@caucc.org. Thank you! 

PCI Joins with League of Women Voters to

Provide Non-Partisan Election Information

This election season, Pima County Interfaith (PCI) has joined with the League of Women Voters to provide timely, useful voting information to as many Pima County voters as we can. Our mission is to provide voters with the tools and information they need to decide for themselves, not to endorse any political candidate, party, or side of any issue. This link provides you with links to voter information to prepare for the election and the website also provides links to candidate forums and ballot propositions. (CAUCC is a member of PCI) 

Wednesday, October 23

  • 10:00 am Ponderings with Pastor John, Zoom Ponderings Link or Meeting ID: 622 421 179 and Passcode: 118704 
  • 12:00 Noon Centering Prayer Zoom Click on Centering Link or use Meeting ID: 890 1364 9732 and Passcode: 769422
  • 6:00 pm Bell Choir Practice Bell Room
  • 7:00 pm Choir Practice Sanctuary

Thursday, October 24

  • 8:30 Men's Breakfast (Beyond Bread on Ina)
  • 9:00 am Stitch Witches Rooms 5/6
  • 1:00 Primavera Meal Prep Kitchen
  • 6:30 pm Spiritual Life Group with Pastor Michael Zoom (click here to sign up)

Friday, October 25

  • 10:00 am AA Meeting Rooms 7/8

Saturday, October 26

  • 9:00 am AA Meeting Rooms 5/6
  • 1:30 pm Intergenerational Collage Making Workshop and Memory Table Set-up

Sunday, October 27 Stewardship Packets Distributed

  • 8:30 am Communion and Contemplation Service Chapel
  • 9:30 am Worship Sanctuary Online Worship; click on the Livestream and Recorded Services box on that page. (If you try the link early, it will redirect you to the wrong page).
  • 9:30 am Turbo Time Rooms 5/6
  • 11:00 am Family Funday Zoom: Funday Link or Meeting ID 781 414 384; Password 883239
  • 11:00 am Angels Among Us – That’s You and Me!, with Pastor Michael, Room 3 or Zoom: Class link or Meeting ID: 844 9360 3743 and Passcode: 632864

Rummage Sale Set-Up Begins

Entire Campus

Monday, October 28

  • 3:00 pm Inquirer's Class Room 3
  • 3:30 pm Campus Cleaning Entire Campus

Tuesday, October 29

Wednesday, October 30

  • 10:00 am Ponderings with Pastor John, Zoom Ponderings Link or Meeting ID: 622 421 179 and Passcode: 118704 
  • 12:00 Noon Centering Prayer Zoom Click on Centering Link or use Meeting ID: 890 1364 9732 and Passcode: 769422
  • 6:00 pm Bell Choir Practice Bell Room
  • 7:00 pm Choir Practice Sanctuary

Other room rentals may be on campus, but not on this calendar.

The easiest way to contact anyone on staff is to email them directly.

For intentional conversations, appointments work best.

Barry, Building Maintenance Manager's hours:

till 3:00 pm, Tue, Wed, Thur.

Scam Alert: always check the email address of messages received--if the email is not from the ministers and office staff addresses below, SCAM!

Michael: michael@caucc.org

John: john@caucc.org

Anne: anne@caucc.org

Jay: jay@caucc.org

Darryl: dalking@email.arizona.edu

Ida: imhgnp@msn.com

Member-at-Large, Amy Lincoln: mal.caucc@gmail.com

Staff Meetings are once a month on the fourth Tuesday of the month and the office is closed during that time.

Council Meetings and Minutes

Council meetings are open to any member of the CAUCC community. Next meeting, November 19th, 4:00 pm on Zoom. Approved September meeting minutes are available, click here. Email Anne Bailey for the upcoming meeting Zoom link.  

2023 Annual Report

Click here to see our accomplishments last year.

To support the ministry and mission of CAUCC, please donate online here:

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