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News and Notes
A Publication of the
Advisory Board for MWRA Communities
August 2016
Another Successful Field Trip!
Viewing Active Construction Sites
Over 90 Advisory Board members and guests attended the annual Advisory Board Field Trip on the 18th. 

As usual, MWRA staff did a stellar job providing detailed tours and presentations of the Chelsea Headworks, Nut Island Pump Station, and the Fore River Railroad.

In addition, after lunch we dedicated a bench in memory of Mary Ann McClellan at the Nut Island Park.

Once again, we thank Mr. Laskey and his staff for a job well done. It was a beautiful day, with plenty of pictures from the MWRA and the Advisory Board
Would You Like to Join  the
Executive Committee?
September 7th Deadline Approaching
You still have time if you would like to be considered for the FY17 Advisory Board's Executive Committee.

The Nominating Committee will meet on September 9th, and their nominations will be voted on at the full meeting on the 15th in Lexington.

Members have until September 7th to request to join the Executive Committee. If you are interested, please email Joe Favaloro at joseph.favaloro@mwraadvisoryboard.com.
Challenges Ahead
What to Expect in FY17
As is typical for the the September Advisory Board meeting, both the MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey and the AB Executive Director Joe Favaloro will outline the challenges facing the Authority, communities, and the Advisory Board in FY17.

This meeting also serves as a joint meeting with the Water Supply Citizens Advisory Committee (WSCAC) and the Wastewater Advisory Committee (WAC).

The meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15th at 11:30 am at the Samuel Hadley Public Service Building at 201 Bedford Street in Lexington. 

Final MS4 Permits Challenged
Review Filed in First Circuit Court of Appeals
The Massachusetts Coalition for Water Resources Stewardship (MCWRS) has jointly filed a petition for review of the final Massachusetts Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) General Permit in the First Circuit of the United States Court of Appeals.

Upcoming Events
September 5 
Happy Labor Day!

September 9
Charlestown  - 8:30 am
September 14
Charlestown - 10:00 am
September 15
AB Meeting
Lexington - 11:30 am
September 29
Water Supply Protection Trust
TBD  - 10:00 am

MWRA Advisory Board | 617-788-2050 |   mwra.ab@mwraadvisoryboard.com