from the Bishop's office of the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane
March 2020
Vol 4 | Issue 3

Mud Season

For years I have said that March is mud season. Anyone who grows up on gravel roads on the Palouse knows this to be true. As the snow melts and the road thaws, mud coats everything. The fields turn from white to brown, and farmers watch and wait for them to be dry enough to get in and plant. March is mud season. Mud season is not bad, it is simply the way the season turns from one of hibernation to one of growth. It heralds the spring and the new life it brings. March is also the season of Lent. No matter how late, or how early, Easter is any given year, we always have a time of Lent in March. Lent is also a season that can bring us new growth, new life, but unlike the natural turning of the year, we need to make that choice and engage in the practices of Lent in order for this new life to come into being. 

I have recently returned from Taipei where I traveled for the Province VIII House of Bishops meeting and the ordination of Bishop Lennon Y.R. Chang as the new Bishop of Taiwan. I had the pleasure of meeting the Archbishop of Japan and the Archbishop of Korea, and heard stories about the faith in those countries, the hardships and the joys. The Anglican Church in Korea is known for a program they have for taking youth who would otherwise be in jail and helping them turn their life around. The Archbishop walks with them for three solid days as they walk from the courtroom to the house where they will be living. I asked him what they talk about as they walk and he said that at first, there is no conversation, instead he simply listened to them as they walked and cursed about what was happening to them. The youth start off angry, the Archbishop said. As they walk, they also start to hurt, their feet develop blisters and they start to limp.
He said that at the end of that first day, he helps them, washing and bandaging their feet. He said for many this is when they break down and start to cry, and he simply lets them be. After three solid days of walking they are talking to him about their lives, the thaw has started, and they have moved into mud season. With the help of the church those youth find transformation and enter new life.

My time in Taipei showed me a part of the world I had never encountered in person, I heard stories of great ministry happening in parts of the world very different from the Diocese of Spokane. I walked the streets one day and saw temples where faithful Buddhists offered prayers and food, and I wondered about their faith, and what happened to all the food. People were friendly and helpful even though we did not share a language.

As we move deeper into 2020, and the political rhetoric heats up, I wonder if we might allow this mud season to bring us new life in our relationships with those who are different than we are. Can we see the good in others, the potential in others, as the Archbishop of Korea does with the youth he helps? Can we reach beyond the familiar and experience something new, learning that the different is not that scary after all? Can we reach across the aisle and engage in real conversation, honestly wanting to hear the story of the other? As followers of Jesus we are called to know that there is no "us vs them," there is only "us." That which would separate us is not from God. May each one of us this Lent choose the practices which bring us closer together, and may we all have a good and holy Lent.


Our Campaign Feasibility  Survey is Live

Our Woven As One Campaign survey went out by mail and email on the 21st of February. No doubt you may have already heard someone in your congregation speaking about the survey during your announcements and before coffee hour.

It is important that we receive as much response on this survey as possible, as it will be crucial in determining major goals and pieces of our campaign.

If you  did not receive the survey by mail, please check your  email inboxspam/junk folder and  trash for an email from  [email protected]. The email survey is tied to individual email only, so it is important that we be able to email you specifically.

If you still did not find it, connect with one of our Campaign Cheerleaders in your congregation and give them your email to submit. Erin at ECF will then send you a survey by email.

Please respond to the survey by household, no later than March 23, 2020. If you know someone who is connected to Camp Cross and hasn't received the survey, please give their email and name to your cheerleader as well. You can direct everyone to the website for more information.

Congregation Cheerleaders are those folks who have been standing up encouraging response to the survey in your church. They are very helpful and can answer many questions you might have about the case statement. You can find your cheerleader here.


From the Bishop's office:

Regional Gathering Day - March 21 - Open at 9:30am; runs 9:50am-3:30pm.
Spring Regional Gathering Day is coming soon! Please urge your members, especially those in leadership positions, to come together as a learning community, and for fellowship, inspiration and conversation about the work of the church.

NW Region - at Grace, Ellensburg, NE Region - at St. Luke's Coeur D'Alene, SW Region - at St. Timothy's, Yakima, SE Region - at Church of the Nativity, Lewiston
Women's Retreat: Together in Love We Tell a Rich Story - March 27-29REGISTER (Deadline to register, March 23)
Check-in as early as 3:00pm Friday, runs until Sunday after lunch
Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, 6910 S Ben Burr Rd, Spokane, WA 99223

A true retreat; time, space for contemplation, prayer, and fellowship. We will be discussing stories, our own, and how they tie into scripture. Culminating in a blessing send off to take our rich stories out into the world, for sharing and transforming.

This retreat will feature regular aspects of retreat and free time. It will also include Yoga and a guided movement practice centered on gratitude.

Time will be given for participants to break and attend the Rev. Christine Soule's memorial at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist on Saturday, March 28 at 11:00am. For questions, contact Cn. Andrea Farley,  [email protected].

The cost for those wishing to stay overnight will be $180 and for those who wish to commute, $110. All meals are included. For those who may need sponsorship, we will be reaching out to congregations for sponsorship in aiding those with the need to be covered partially or fully. Partial scholarships are also available through the Bishop's office,  [email protected].

Administrative & Financial Workshop: ALL NEW MATERIAL - April 4 (Deadline to register, March 30)
(Previously Warden's and Treasurer's Day)
St. Stephen's Episcopal, 5720 S Perry St, Spokane, WA 99223
from 10:00am to 4:00pm - Free and includes lunch

Wardens, treasures, rectors, vicars, bookkeepers, and admin! Set your calendar if you have not already done so for a day of conversation and learning around issues of administration and finance in the church on Saturday, April 4, from 10am-4pm, at St Stephen's in Spokane. Who should attend? Everyone who serves as a warden or treasurer, anyone serving as the rector of vicar of a parish. Did you come last year and wonder if you still need to come?  Yes, the material will be new and updated.

Every congregation will be given the Congregational Financial Guide as well as their check for the "Together in the Way of Love grant." Bishop Rehberg and Laurie Boss will be leading this important day of learning, see you there.

Canons Corner

Why Are We Even Here, by Cn. Andrea Farley
"Why are we even here?" If you have spent time around young children, you know this question comes up now and again. Despite its typical tinge of impatience, it's a good question. Why are we here? It's so helpful to step back sometimes and ask that question.

In church life, of course, this is a very important question to ask. What is our church about? Why are we here, and what way are we living into our identity in the context of our city and region? These questions are all about mission. In the secular world, you'll hear this spoken of as "purpose." Both words are useful and helpful, but "mission" underscores that our direction is one set and energized by the call of God, both in terms of individual calls as disciples and also as communal calls as we seek to be communities of transformation.
Stepping into these conversations around mission can be challenging. They take commitment, discernment, and leadership. But when the members of a congregation are all clear on why they exist, it is incredibly energizing. When a congregation knows their mission, they can work together to live into that mission in practical ways. Questions of how each congregant is growing in the way of Jesus, as well as how your church at large is living into its mission to the broader community become clearer to talk about and determine direction when everyone is working in the same direction.

A Guided Conversation About Developing Mission - June 6, 2020
Is this a conversation that your congregation needs to have? Would you be interested in being guided through some conversation about developing mission with a group from your church? We're developing a Zoom-based training opportunity (online), 
Discerning Congregational Mission on June 6th for this precise purpose! Watch for more details in the Diocesan Digest (March 15) of how to sign-up a group from your church for this training day, or reach out to Andrea at [email protected].

A Canon's Reflection, by Rev. Cn. Dr. John Palarine
I want to give thanks for and to our Bishop, for the Clergy Retreat that many of us experienced together in February. The focus was on our practices of prayer and spirituality. Much was learned, but the greatest part for me were the conversations with my sister and brother clergy, and the great community that has been created here with our clergy. I so appreciate the many gifts and loving hearts of our clergy wherever God has planted them. This diocese is blessed in so many ways.

Join us for Youth Leadership Day and be part of the Youth Interface Project (YIP-e) 
Sign up your team now from your congregation for the April 18th, Youth Leadership Day at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Moses Lake. Bishop Gretchen will be with us for the day. This will be a way to see new possibilities of young people in your ministry, congregation and life. Sign up soon and you will receive more details as well as some information to help prepare and get started even before the conference. Find out more & register...

Memorial Service

A memorial service for the Rev. Christine Soule will be held at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Spokane, WA on March 28 at 11:00am. Gifts may be given in Memory of the Rev. Christine Soule to the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane, to be allocated to Camp Cross Camperships and Campus Ministries.

2020 Church Growth & Development Grants
Notify your Regional Developer of your intention to apply by March 15!

The Church Growth and Development Committee is pleased to announce the availability of funds for 2020 for grants to congregations and faith communities in the Episcopal Diocese of Spokane. Grants are available to fund projects to develop more faithful, healthy, and effective communities of faith. Successful grants will be consistent with the definition of Congregational Development (provided on the first page of the accompanying documents). The Committee will have up to $20,000 available to award. It is unlikely that any one community would qualify for more than $3000.

The documents accompanying this announcement are:

Feel free to contact the Rev. Mary Beth Rivetti (509.432.1807 [email protected]) with questions you have about the application process.

Find the diocesan calendar online here.

Itinerary Item
Bishop to lecture at Whitworth University: " Gender and the Episcopal Church: From Fixed to Fluid" ( see more)
Spokane, WA
3/6-7 Bishop attends Diocesan Workshop: Fierce Conversations at Immaculate Heart Retreat Center Spokane, WA
3/8 Bishop's visit to St. James'
Pullman, WA
3/9 Diocesan Office, Paulsen House, Closed Spokane, WA
3/9-14 Bishop gone to House of Bishops
3/15 Diocesan Council Zoom Meeting (4pm)
3/21 Regional Gathering Day (see more)
3/22 Bishop's visit to St. Mark's Moscow, ID
3/28 Memorial service for the Rev. Christine Soule at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Spokane, WA
3/29 Bishop's visit to St. Paul's Cheney, WA
Administrative & Finance Day (For wardens, treasurers, clergy, admin and bookkeepers) St. Stephen's, Spokane
4/5 Bishop's visit to Grace Church Ellensburg, WA
4/5 Palm Sunday
4/10-13 Paulsen House Offices Closed
4/10 Good Friday
4/12 Easter Sunday
4/19 Bishop's visit Holy Trinity Sunnyside, WA
245 E 13th Ave
Spokane, WA 99202
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