Nashville Presbytery Missions/Mercy Committee Update

Dear Nashville Presbytery Churches,

If you are receiving this email, you are designated as the key missions contact for our committee. If someone else in your church should instead be the key contact for us, and you should be removed from this list, please send us your correct key contact name and contact info.

Food For Thought

Is your church's approach to missionary centered or mission-driven? It's the difference between saying "We support the Browns in Thailand" vs. "We're planting a church in Thailand, and the Browns are our point people on the ground."

Missionary-Centeredness focuses on responding to support requests, praying for missionaries and sending finances. This can work as long as many of your people know your missionaries well. However, as new people come to your church and don't know the Browns, it becomes difficult to grow connection to and interest in them. People can also be tempted to think that once others have gone and checks have been sent, their missions involvement is finished.

Mission-Driven churches realize that they can't have an impact everywhere. They discern where God is calling the church to have focused impact. Then they find the people, projects and partners to accomplish a more narrow, concentrated range of missions objectives.

Want to talk more about this idea? Email us

Opportunities for involvement

Pray for Ukraine

Mission to the World invites us to join in prayer for Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2024, the two-year anniversary of the Russian invasion. There are two options for involvement,

  1. Sign up for a 15-minute personal slot here. Those who register online will receive a prayer guide.
  2. Join MTW leaders in Ukraine, and Ukrainian church leaders, at Noon ET for a live time of prayer on Zoom at this link.

Mobilizing your church for combatting trafficking, slavery and poverty

Coming soon: a free webinar with Michele Rickett of She Is Safe. Michele helps local churches, particularly their women's ministries, practically and strategically assist third world women out of abuse, into faith in Christ, and in some cases start microbusinesses. We'll email as soon as a date is set.

I'm interested. Email me as soon as a date is set.

What MTW missionaries does your church support or send?

Please help us accurately track what MTW missionaries your church partners with so that we can better coordinate care for them as a presbytery.

Let us know your connections with MTW missionaries. Please specify if you are their sending or supporting church.


Have a Missions or Mercy event you'd like to event other presbytery churches to? Let us know and we'll put it here.




West End Community Church, Nashville




Day of Prayer for Ukraine: Sat. Feb. 24

Virtual/online event sponsored by MTW

Register for a personal time slot and receive a prayer guide:

Join the MTW Ukraine team and Ukrainian pastors on Zoom at Noon ET:



MTW Global Mission Conference

Atlanta, GA

More info at

Contact us

Nashville Presbytery

Mission to the World