Our Mission:

To be a people living, loving and

serving as Jesus that all may know Him

This Weekend Worship Services

Saturday Service:


Sunday Services:

9:00am Service

10:00am Sunday School & Coffee Hour

11:00am Contemporary Service

Visit for the link to view our virtual service.

Here is the link to the June/July Newsletter

Sunday School Summer Break!

We would like to thank our Sunday School volunteers for their time and commitment this past year in helping with the program. We support them taking a well-deserved break as we welcome the summer months.

Starting this Sunday, June 4th, there will be a special "Kids Corner" during coffee hour located in the North Hall. This area will have activities for the children, but we ask you to help monitor your children in this area.

During the services, ask the ushers for a Children's bulletin and/or take advantage of the Prayground.

Sunday School will resume in the Fall and will be announced in advance.

Military Chaplaincy Project

Military Chaplains bring the hope and healing of Christ to our troops experiencing suicide, brain injury, PTSD, moral injury and depression. The Veterans Task Force in connection with the ELCA hopes to raise at least $1,000 by June 15th in support of this program. There is currently a great need for chaplain support in the Armed Forces. If you would like to help simply mark your gift "Chaplains. Thank you.

16th District Migrant Support

Hundreds of people are being brought to Chicago and lack access to basic needs. They are being placed in the local police stations while they are waiting for room to open up at the shelters. The 16th District Police Station has been hosting migrants since April 2023.  

Click on this link for more background information. 

EPLC Shoe Drive

We will be collecting shoes for 16th District for the next three weeks.

Donations can be brought to the church and placed in the designated box in the Welcome Center, thank you.


This SHOE LIST is broken up per family.

Jose Varga – Size 8

Joanna – Size 6 Women

Diana – Size 6 Women

Isabella young girl – Junior Size 2

Michelle – Junior Size 11

Adiel – 9-year-old – Junior 3

Sophia – 4-year-old – Size 8 toddler


Jackson - Size 8.5 Men

Gleydimar - Size 6.5 Women

Johnny – Size 8


Julian – Size 9.5 Men

Kieshner – 10 year-old – Size 6.5


Antonio Ruiz – Size 10 Men

Yeglis – Size 7 Women

Anthony – Size 9 Men


Elene –Size 6 Women

Angel – Size 7 Men


Jose – Size 9.5 Men

Kathrina – Size 7.5 Women

Wesneydys – Size 6 Women

EPLC is going places.....

Please join us on Thursday, June 22nd for the Rising Stars Theatre Co. production of the musical comedy whodunit "CURTAINS" from the creators of "Cabaret" & "Chicago".

A block of tickets has been purchased ONLY $15 per person which includes transportation to and from the event. We will meet in the church parking lot @6:15 and take the Church van. The show begins @7:30.


Contact Leslie @ 773-631-9131 before tickets are gone!

Calling All High School Graduates

Please let us know if your child will be graduating! To have your child featured in the announcements, please send a headshot, your child’s name, the school they’re graduating from, the school they’ll be attending or their future plans, and their major (if known) to Leslie

Graduation Sunday will be on June 11th

EPLC Medical Lending closet

Items available for loan: walkers, wheelchairs, bath chairs, wheelchairs, toilet seats and crutches.

Please call the church office 773-631-9131 or email Leslie ahead so we can make sure we have the item you need.

We need Worship volunteers …….

Are you looking for a way to share your gifts at EPLC but don’t have a lot of time spare? Look no further! Be a Worship Participant! There are many ways to serve as an usher, a lector, altar care team member communion servers, or musicians.

Serve at one service per month- it’s simple! 

Sign-up sheets are available at the welcome desk or you could contact Leslie if you are interested.

Volunteering during Worship service is a beautiful way to share your faith.

San Lucas, Argentina Partnership

Resumes Fall 2023

Exciting news to share! Our relationship with San Lucas Church and School in Grand Bourg, Argentina will be starting up again after several years lapse due to the pandemic. In October 2018, a group of seven Edison Park Lutheran members had visited San Lucas, Buenos Aires and then also added in tours of San Carlos di Bariloche, Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile and Easter Island. Their hospitality to us was amazing. The last time a school group visited was Spring of 2019. Plans were being made for students to come again in the fall of 2020 since that time was better for the high school. But, of course this did not happen! There have been several group exchanges since 2013 that have resulted in dear friendships and priceless experiences for both the visitors and our church family.


Mark your calendars!

Plan to help greet and celebrate these young people and their teachers


October 21 - November 1, 2023


Who: Two English Language Teachers and five (5) high school age students will be visiting Edison Park Lutheran and Walther Christian Academy to experience worship, learning and faith with our congregational family. At this writing, there will be four (4) girls and one (1) boy, all high school-age students. More details will follow as they work the visa procurement process for the trip.


What: This unique partnership focuses on sharing our Christian faith, language, culture and fellowship.


Logistics: Edison Park Lutheran handles a portion of the housing; some meals on the two weekends before and after the high school experience, plus any fun activities that members can plan. The second weekend will have more time flexibility. All suggestions and ideas are welcomed!


San Lucas students and teachers arrive on Saturday, October 21st.Typically, students spend a quiet Saturday night after a long day of travel with an EPLC host family and then attend Sunday services for formal introduction. Students leave Sunday afternoon with Walther host families to attend school during the week. They stay with host families from the high school during their shadow week. They return to EPLC Friday afternoon after classes and will have four (4) evenings with EPLC host families, leaving on Tuesday, November 1st to return to Argentina.


What can YOU do? Plan to be a part of the Argentina Visit Team (AVT) to help organize church hospitality events at our end to make sure things go smoothly. Several church family members are needed for offering housing and some transportation for the teachers or a pair of students for a few nights. Or maybe offering to facilitate sightseeing; going to a movie, shopping (a favorite activity!) or bowling. Our guests will be here through Halloween and that will provide some unique opportunities for some ‘trick or treat’ fun.


There will be an all-church dinner for our guests with a Fall Festival or Halloween theme. Many volunteers will be needed to set-up, serve and clean up. This is such a unique opportunity for our congregation, and YOU are invited to participate. It’s not to early to start planning! October will be here soon.


Questions? Ideas? Housing offers? Cindy Davies 773-520-4372 or 773-631-4372


We need your assistance by sponsoring one. The coffee is provided by the church but the serving, goodies and clean-up are the responsibility of the coffee hour host or hosts. Join with your family or friends and sign-up to be a host. The sign-up sheet can be found on welcome desk. Sign-up now to get your preferred Sunday!

Sign up here

Prayer List


Chuck Koenig

John Grosse

Sue Mark

Ginger Deitemeyer

Paul Davies

Greg Killmer

Constance Finder

Graham Bulawa


Angela Walsh

Christian Stevenson 


Ralph Kudsk

Diana Schillinger


Will Engel

Kelly Gaertner

Delaney Bartz 

Ashley Heck

Wendel Gaertner

Kathy Borre

John Cherry


Danielle Natale 


Greg Weickart

John Rose

Jim Suty

John Wulff

Synoma Hays

Can't Attend Service and Looking for a Way to Give? 

There are several options to support EPLC's mission and ministry. It's through your generous giving that we can share God's mission in the world, and to share his love in Christ with others.  CLICK HERE to view the giving options.

Church Staff Contact Information

Rev. Joe Schultz, Senior Pastor

773-631-9131 ext 226 (office)

Carole Edwards, Deacon and Business Administrator

773-631-9131 ext 227 (office)

Leslie Martinez, Parish Coordinator

Kaitlyn Piskorowski, Tech Director

Kevin Zehme, Director of Worship and Music

Church Council

Edison Park Lutheran Church
6626 N. Oliphant Ave
Chicago, IL 60631

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