May is Jewish American Heritage Month. Let us honor the timeless values, contributions, and culture of Jewish Americans, who carry our Nation forward each and every day.
We take this opportunity to thank you for your continuous love and support and share news and highlights from Neve Hanna Children's Home.
Professional Librarian, Judith Preger-Reshef supervises and educates the children.
The Neve Hanna Library is blossoming and with that the reading skills of our children. They love to come in once a week to bring back books they finished reading and pick new ones. Thanks to many donations there is a huge variety of books. In addition, we opened our section of books in Arabic, so our Bedouin-Muslim children attending one of our Daycare Centers, called "Path to Peace" can enjoy reading a new book each week.
The library fosters a love of reading books and study, provides a new kind of vocational training, instills interpersonal skills and inspires the pursuit of higher education.
Learn more about the library and how you too can contribute and be a part of it!
Upcoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah
June 1-3, 2023
In June, the children will be called up to the Torah and celebrate their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. They have spent months learning and preparing for their next important step in life. Mazal Tov as they celebrate their Aliyah LaTorah.
Our Co-Presidents, Janet and Irwin Tobin will be in attendance. We look forward to hearing all about the special celebration.
Toda Raba! Thanks and gratitude!
Happy 75 Years, Israel!
April 26, 2023
Neve Hanna celebrated Israel's 75th Birthday with festivities, fun and fanfare.
The staff, children, volunteers, family and friends gathered together in celebration of Israel Independence Day. The day was filled with music, singing and dancing, a barbecue and picnic, games and engaging activities.
But there is no celebration without remembering all those, who paid the highest price for our country. We observed Yom Hazikaron with a remembrance room and educational activities for the children to learn more about the history of the State of Israel, the people involved and much more.
Yom HaShoah Remembrance.
April 18, 2022
In the face of darkness,
be the LIGHT.
For our Yom HaShoah commemoration, a memorial was created by the Israeli and German volunteers and older youth from Neve Hanna. In the program, there were speeches and artistic performances of dance and music, teaching our children the history between 1933 and 1945.
It is an honor that the German volunteers work with our Israeli friends to commemorate this dark chapter in history and that together we say "Never Again".
Left to right: Debbi Kaner Goldich, Janet Tobin, Rabba Liron Rosensaft Levy, Rabbi Ellen Wolintz Fields and Deborah Bruce.
AFNH & WLCJ Leadership
February 2023
The incredible leadership of American Friends of Neve Hanna and Women's League for Conservative Judaism joined together for a wonderful day at Neve Hanna Children's Home.
AFNH board member and WLCJ International President, Debbi Kaner Goldich said, "Much has changed since my visit last year. Monkeys have been included on the new building murals that brighten Neve Hanna, giving joy to all. The library is now full of books and I understand that small tables and chairs will be added."
Neve Hanna will be at
WLCJ Convention
July 16 - July 19, 2023
American Friends of Neve Hanna is excited to be attending Women's League International Convention in Shaumberg, IL!
If you're going to Convention, stop by our table, say hello and pick up information on Neve Hanna. Thank you, WLCJ for giving Neve Hanna a table!
We look forward to being with our WLCJ Sisters! Connecting, learning, celebrating, sharing and more!
Neve Hanna will be at
FJMC Convention
June 29 - July 2, 2023
American Friends of Neve Hanna is excited to be attending the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs Convention in Philly!
If you're going to Convention, stop by our table on Sunday, July 2, say hello and pick up information on Neve Hanna. Thank you, FJMC for giving Neve Hanna a table!
We look forward to being with our FJMC Brothers! Connecting, learning, celebrating, sharing and more!
Mazal Tov
Rabba Liron Rosensaft Levy
Neve Hanna Children's Home
Is your religious school, synagogue, Sisterhood or Men's Club looking for a new meaningful Mitzvah Project?
Connect with Neve Hanna Children’s Home for your next tzedakah project.
This could be as simple as donating a month’s worth of tzedakah funds raised or coordinating a meaningful fundraising project with your religious school students or Bar/Bat Mitzvah students.
All individualized
therapeutic programs and
extracurricular activities feed
every child’s self-worth
and need for creativity and fun!
The Neve Hanna Library fosters a love of reading, provides additional vocational training, instills interpersonal skills and inspires the pursuit of higher education. Funds are needed to stock the shelves with additional books, purchase tablet computers and provide for a librarian.
Therapy Programs, especially the animal-assisted therapy, horseback riding and gardening brings joy and smiles to our children.
Streetlight activities benefit families in need in the Kiryat Gat community. The Neve Hanna teen youth plan, fundraise, purchase and pack parcels of food supplies to help the families. Streetlight continues to grow and expand the message of Giving and Good Deeds.
Ziv Neurim, the Path of the Sea project works with 30 teenage boys and girls in need of intensive support in their development. Professionally guided group activities on the beach and in the sea are offered through topics such as perseverance, mastering challenges and personal willpower. The youngsters discover new worlds by swimming and rowing, surfing and sailing.
Please share the campaign with your family, friends and community.
With your help, American Friends of Neve Hanna can continue to provide our children with all these programs and extracurricular activities. Your support helps Neve Hanna strive to meet all the physical, emotional, mental and educational needs of its children.
Donate today to ensure that we continue to grow in 2023 and the years that follow.
If you prefer sending a check, mail it to: American Friends of Neve Hanna at PO Box 640685, Oakland Gardens, NY 11364-0685.
Questions: Contact us at 347-836-8118 or
Remember to put Neve Hanna on your itinerary the next time you visit Israel!
Thank you again for your continued love and support!
AFNH is a 501C tax exempt organization.
Donations of all sizes are welcome
with gratitude and are tax deductible.
YOU can make a difference in the lives of our children!
Janet & Irwin Tobin, Co-Presidents
Lisa Pollack, Executive Director
Marilyn Noble, Administrator
Follow us on social media!