
WEEKLY E-blast news & updates

January 30, 2025

We mourn the passing of Lord of Life member

Carol Bark, who died Jan.4, 2025. A memorial will be held for Carol on Saturday Feb. 8 at 2pm at Lord of Life. A reception will immediately follow in the Fellowship Hall. You can read more about Carol's life here.

We pray for her friends and family as they grieve, especially her son (Steve) and his wife and son (Erin and Jack).

"God of new life, we commend Carol into your everlasting care and trust that you will welcome her as a sheep of your own fold. Grant grace and comfort to all those who grieve. May they know your presence amid their sadness and may we all be drawn ever closer through your love. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen."

We seek and welcome all to connect, celebrate, and serve in God’s love.


Join us for worship this Sunday, Feb. 2 at 8:30 or 11am in-person, on Facebook or online at our website. This Sunday is the 4th the Sunday after Epiphany.

This Sunday is Food Pantry Sunday

Bring groceries to fill local Food Pantries. Biggest needs: peanut butter and canned veggies. No time to shop? Bring your change (or bills!) for Second Collection, especially for food-deficient families in Montgomery County.

A supportive community means a hopeful future. Your continued generosity to the clients served by the Montgomery County Food Bank is remarkable. Every $1 provides up to 4 nutritious meals! See more at MCFoodBank.org

God's Work, Our Hands

Stitch and Sew - Every Saturday at 9:30am in the Library (Rm 21), upstairs. All skill levels are welcome. Learning opportunities available. Help create needlepoint blankets to celebrate life events, like baptisms, and prayer quilts for those who need healing.

Learn a new skill! Join our stitchers Saturday, Feb. 1 or 8 to learn REVERSE APPLIQUE. Bring a friend. Bring a sweatshirt. All other supplies will be provided. No fee to participate.

Souper Bowl of Caring

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for Lord of Life’s 11th Annual Souper Bowl Tailgate Party on Sunday, Feb. 9, 9:30 -11:00am. There will be fun, food, fellowship and perhaps, a little healthy "game day" competition. We will have a “pre-game” prayer and educational opportunity for Sunday School at 9:45am.

You can participate in 2 ways:

1.     Host a table! Pick your favorite football team and provide bite sized tailgate food for around 100 people. People will vote on their favorites, and you could win the coveted Souper-Bowl of Caring Trophy!

2.     Attend, sample food, and donate! You can buy tickets on Realm or the morning of to vote for your favorite food and all proceeds go towards the Montgomery County Food Bank!

Sign up here to secure a space to represent your favorite team and/or to pre-purchase voting tickets to vote for your favorite team or tailgate food.

Fellowship Opportunities

Music, Meals, and More - Every Wednesday at Lord of Life. Need a quick and easy meal option on Wednesday nights? Join us for food and fellowship. This week: fajitas, served 5:45-7pm. All are welcome. 

Lord of Life Concert Series:

An Intimate evening of jazz, featuring the masterful pianist, Rob Landes Sunday, February 2nd at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall. Immerse yourself in the enchanting sounds of jazz under the soft glow of candlelight. BYOB or wine welcome. Light refreshments will be served. Freewill donations gratefully accepted.

Share good food and great fellowship at LOLa's Diner.

Spring Semester sign-ups are open now! For more information and to sign up via email or text, click here

Cards for a Cause - Food and Fellowship with your favorite ladies. Accepting free-will donations of $25 gift cards (HEB, Target, Kroger, or Wal-Mart) to use for food-insecure individuals in our community. Next meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 11 at Shanghai Bistro at 5:30pm. Cash also accepted. RSVP to PSloan@lolonline.org or 281-367-7016.

Sweeten your Valentine’s Day by giving yourself a break with 

Parents Night Out

on Friday, Feb.14 from 5:30-9pm.

More info & register here

Common Table

A social ministry for adults age 55+ in conjunction with Trinity Episcopal next door. Join us Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 4:15pm at Eden Cafe in Magnolia. RSVP needed by Sunday, Feb. 16.

To get more details, RSVP, or to get on the mailing list, email hgeiger100@gmail.com / 281-684-0144 or Arlynn at nickarly975@gmail.com

Lunch & Learn: Labyrinth

Did you know that Lord of Life has a labyrinth on its property?! Join Pastor Cassandra for "Lunch & Learn" to find out what a labyrinth is and how it can become a part of your prayer practice. All ages and stages are welcome on Sunday, Feb.23 at 12:15pm in the Fellowship Hall. Register here for childcare.

Special Presentation: The King’s Embrace

You may be following her journey on our Facebook page, but come hear Pastor Cassandra Nagel’s presentation on her trip to Bungoma, Kenya on Sunday, February 23 at 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall. All are invited to learn more about her visit and the ministry of The King’s Embrace.

Giddy Up for Trivia!

Join us for a Rootin' Tootin' Trivia Night on Sunday, Feb. 23 at 6pm at Lord of Life to raise money for a Youth mission trip this summer.

Tickets are just $25 per person or $175 for a table of 8, and that includes a delicious meal!

Bonus for Table Buyers: Choose your own trivia category.

Gather your friends, neighbors, and fellow trivia enthusiasts for a night of fun and friendly competition. The winning team will walk away with a trophy and bragging rights for months to come. Don't forget! BYOB is welcome.

Childcare is available. Get ready to test your knowledge and have a hootin' good time!


Family Camp @ Lutherhill - Feb. 28- March 2. Come experience a fun, faith-filled getaway with your family. Enjoy nature (in your own fully -equipped cabin) and disconnect for the weekend. All ages welcome! Scholarships available.

Sign up HERE by Feb. 10

Click here to Meet our Newest Members, who were received in to the congregation last Sunday.

Weekly Bible Studies/Discussions

We believe that the church is a place for all people to feel connected and supported.

How can we pray for you today?

Submit a Prayer Request

Book Study - “Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps” by Richard Rohr. Sundays at 9:45am in the library/Rm. 21 upstairs.

Women of the Word - Sundays at 9:45am, Pastor David’s Office.

"Finding Joy in Christ". Please join us.

Young-Ish Adult Bible Study - Sundays at 9:45am, upstairs, Rm. 25. The book of Exodus for normal people. A great way to get to know other people in their 20's-40's. 

The Breakfast Club - Men's Study/Discussion Sundays at 9:45am in the Conference Room.


TAKE YOUR FAITH BEYOND SUNDAY. Weekly conversations with Pastor David Bauser, Faith Formation director Patrick Nazaroff, and other special guests. This week on the podcast: "Let's Do Life Together: Building Community in the Church." LISTEN NOW.

Chocolate with Jesus - Bring your Bible. Eat chocolate. Led by Rev. Tammy Fincher - Mondays, 12:30pm in the Conference Room.

Pastor's Bible Study - every Tuesday at 11:30am in the conference room. In person or Zoom. Study the sermon texts with the Pastor.

Ladies Bible Study -Every Wednesday at 9:45 in the library (Rm 21) upstairs. Leader: Heda Christ, "The Seasons of God". To get on the email list, contact Mary Ross.

Grief Group at Lord of Life

Experience support and connection at GriefShare. Mondays at 1pm in-person at Lord of life. Tuesdays online at 6:30pm. Questions? Call Beth Hall at 832-746-4293 or email irenehall1952@yahoo.com.

For the Kids
Children's Ministries at Lord of Life

9:45am on Sundays

Join us for Club 56 & Sunday School

Pre-kindergarten-2nd grades gather in Kids of the Kingdom Rm 1

3rd & 4th grades gather in Kids of the Kingdom Rm 3

Club 56 for all 5th & 6th graders, upstairs in room 26

Music, Meals and More every Wednesday @ 5:45pm: All are welcome for dinner starting at 5:45pm with children’s music practice following at 6:30pm. There are opportunities for children from 4 years old to high school to participate in the music program (choir, chimes & handbells). Click Here to find out more information.

Summer Camps

Save the date – registration info available Feb. 26:

VBS: June 9-13, 9am-Noon Daily - Children age 3 by Jan 1, 2024 & fully potty trained, through students completing 4th grade are invited to participate. All upcoming 6th graders through adults can volunteer (Free childcare is provided to volunteers with children too young to participate).

MADD (Music, Arts, Dance, Drama) Camp @ Trinity Episcopal: June 16-20, 9:30am-2:30pm daily - Students who have completed kindergarten through students who have completed 5th grade are invited to participate.

Lutherhill Day Camp: June 23-26, 9am-3:30pm daily with new activities! Students who have completed kindergarten through students who have completed 5th grade are invited to participate. Volunteer opportunities for upcoming 7th graders through adults. 

KIDS CALENDAR AND BEYOND: visit our webpage

Fair Trade Ministry



Stock up on our delicious, easy to make soup mixes from the Women's Bean Project. We carry Spicy Split Pea, Lentil, Old Fashioned Chili, and our bestseller, Ten-Bean soup. 🍲🥄🥣

Hands of Faith Fair Trade Ministry at Lord of Life

Change the world, one purchase at a time.


Monday-Thursday 10-2:30

Closed Fridays 

Saturday 10-2:30

Read more here

BE THE FIRST TO SEE ALL OUR NEW ITEMS: Click here to Volunteer with Hands of Faith.

Let's be the church...together. Have you checked your Realm profile to make sure all your information is up-to-date? Visit the directory now at onrealm.org or the Realm app. We have helpful videos on our website at LOLonline.org/realm. Questions? Email Peggy Sloan


Mark your calendar to Connect, Celebrate and Serve!

February 9 – Souper Bowl of Caring

February 14 – Parents Night Out

February 23 – Lunch and Learn - Labyrinth

February 23 - Special Presentation: The King’s Embrace

February 23 – Trivia Night

February 24 – Isaiah 117 Fundraiser at The Black Walnut

February 28/March 2 – Lutherhill Family Camp

March 2 – Lutheran World Relief Sunday

March 5 – Ash Wednesday

April 20 – Easter 

Request Hospital Visit

Altar Flowers - Honor a loved one or a special occasion by purchasing a worship arrangement. Sign up for altar flowers in 2025 here.

Do you want to feature your ministry or event in our weekly Happenings? We’d love to hear from you! Send your announcement to the office by Wednesday at 2pm.
