Sunday School for all ages starts at 9:45am
PK (age 3) - 2nd graders gather in Kids of the Kingdom Rm 1.
3rd & 4th graders gather in Kids of the Kingdom Rm 3.
Club 56 for 5th & 6th graders meets upstairs in Rm 26.
Snack Drive for Sunday School & Club 56 - We are collecting non-perishable snacks through Sept. 8 to offer during weekly Sunday School & Club 56. Bulk & individual snacks can be dropped off in the church lobby. Items such as goldfish, pretzels and animal crackers are best. No fruit snacks or candy please.
Music, Meals, and More returns Wednesday August 28 @ 5:45pm
All are welcome for dinner starting at 5:45pm with children’s music practice following at 6:30pm. There are several opportunities for children from 4 years old to 6th grade to participate in the music program on Wednesday evenings:
- 4-year-olds - 1st grade Choir until 6:55pm (childcare will be available to families from 6:55-7:15pm for adults attending faith formation groups).
- 2nd -3rd grade choir will start with chimes followed by singing until 7:15pm
- 4th - 6th graders will participate in Joyful Noise, the children's handbell group until 7:15pm
To help us plan for the evening, please sign up here.
Third Grade Footsteps - All 3rd graders and their parents are invited to learn “What’s in the Bible?” on Sunday, Sept. 15 & 22 at 9:45am in the fellowship hall. All kids who attend will receive their very own Spark Bible. Recognition at the 11am worship will immediately follow the Sept. 22 class. Our Footstep Program provides opportunities and tools for families to help deepen their faith and renew their commitment to faith education. Ask questions or RSVP via email.
Fall Acolyte Schedule for 3rd – 6th graders - Sign up here to reserve your child’s spot to acolyte for the fall.